Wednesday 25 May 2016

a england crown of thistles (elisabeth & mary)

vreme je za još jednog a england lepotana, i ovaj put biram crown of thistles iz elisabeth & mary kolekcije.
it's time for another a england beauty, and this time i chose crown of thistles from elisabeth & mary collection.

ne mogu da prestanem da se oduševljavam a england lakovima jer su zaista po mom ukusu. crown of thistles je pelep, svetlo ljubičasti lak sa suptilnim ali vrlo vidljivim holo efektom.

kao i uvek, formula je čisto savršenstvo, i definitivno preporuka s moje strane.

prirodna svetlost:
i just can't stop gushing over a england polishes, because they are always so perfect. crown of thistles is such a pretty bright purple, with a quite subtle but still very vivid holo effect.

as usual, the formula is flawless and definitely a recommendation from me.

natural light:

Sunday 22 May 2016

zoya storm (ornate)

storm je jedan od lakova iz zoyine fantastične kolekcije ornate za zimu 2012.
storm is one of the polishes from zoya's awesome collection ornate for winter 2012.

storm je vrlo jednostavan lak u suštimi, ali to ne umanjuje njegovu izuzetnost. ovo je jedan od lakova koje svako treba da ima u kolekciji: crna baza ispunjena gustim holo česticama.

lak je zaista prelep sa odličnom formulom, kao duboko zvezdano nebo.

prirodna svetlost:
storm is a really straightforward polish, but nevertheless, a stunner. one of those that are a must have in every collection: a black base filled with dense holo particles.

it is beautiful and with a great formula, just like a deep starry night.

natural light:

Thursday 19 May 2016

ysl corail divin (core)

corail divin je prelepi koralni lak iz osnovne ysl kolekcije.
corail divin is a gorgeous coral polish from ysl core collection.

do skora me apsolutno nisu zanimale ovakve "ženske" nijanse. kada sam postala opsednuta ysl lakovima, posebno četkicom koja je kao pravljena za mene, rešila sam da dam šansu takvim lakovima. moram da priznam da se nisam pokajala-

corail divin je živa, narandžasto-koralna boja savršene formule. baš lepa, čista i vesela nijansa.

prirodna svetlost:
for a long time, i really wasn't interested in those "girly" type of colours. maybe because i became obsessed with ysl polishes, especially their brush that is the brush of my dreams, i decided to give these shades a chance. i have to admit, i didn't regret it.

corail divin is a vivid, orange-y coral with an impeccable formula. it really is a nice, clean and joyful shade.

natural light:

Friday 13 May 2016

essence copper'ize me (special effect topper)

danas pokazujem nekoliko kombinacija koje sam napravila tokom godina preko  essence special effect topper copper'ize me.
today, i am showing a few combinations that i made over the years with essence special effect topper copper'ize me.

tokom godina, ovaj topper mi je postao jedan od omiljenih. ide odlično sa skoro svim.

u providnoj bazi, imamo guste bakarne mikrošljokice, zajedno sa malo većim, raznobojnim šljokicama (plavim, zelenim, srebrnim, roze..). prvi put sam ga pokazala preko china glaze heart of africa.
over the years, this topper became one of my favourites. it goes so well with everything.
in a clear base, we have a lot of copper microglitter, together with slightly larger multicolored (blue, green, silver, pink..) glitter. i showed him for the first time over china glaze heart of africa.

china glaze white on white

Tuesday 10 May 2016

dior gris montaigne (gris city)

gris montaigne je prelepa siva iz dior-ove kolekcije gris city iz 2011.

gris montaigne is a really gorgeous grey from dior's old 2011 collection, gris city.

gris montaigne je savršen lak! nema veze koliko ga puta slikam, uvek ispadne tamniji nego uživo. takođe, ovo je jedna od najsivljih sivih koje posedujem, bez skoro nimalo plavog podtona ali sam odustala (za sad) od pokušavanja da ga uhvatim tačno.

boja je vrlo duboka i zasićena, a iako je stari lak, formula je savršena.

prirodna svetlost:
gris montaigne is so so gorgeous. whenever i took pictures of it, it turned out to look darker than it really is. also, it is one of the truest grey shades i have, with almost no blue undertone, but i gave up on trying to get it right.

the colour is very saturated, and even though it's old, formula is dreamy.

natural light:

Saturday 7 May 2016

dance legend frog princess (anna gorelova)

imam gomilu neobjavljenih dance legend postova, tako da počinjem sa frog princess iz njihove prve kolekcije sa anom gorelovom.
i have an overload of unpublished dance legend swatches, so i'm starting with frog princess (Царевна Лягушка) from the first anna gorelova collection.

jasno mi je zašto je ovaj lak povezan sa princezom žaba (žabljom princezom?). u pitanju je močvarno zelena jelly baza s raznovrsnim holo šljokicama i sitnim zlatnim.

odlučila sam se za dva deblja sloja za potpunu pokrivenost.  suši se sa teksturom ali sam odlučila da ne stavljam nadlak jer imam osećaj da bi ga ionako pojeo a opet ne bi imao visoki sjaj. a iskreno, meni se ovakvi lakovi više sviđaju bez nadlaka.

prirodna svetlost:
i really see how this polish can be associated with the frog princess: it is a swamp green jelly base filled with variety of holographic glitter and small gold glitter.

i went with two thicker coats for full coverage, and it dries gritty, like textured polishes. i decided not to go for a top coat, because i had a feeling it would still not be really glossy and, honestly, i liked the look without it.

natural light:

Thursday 5 May 2016

picture polish chillax (urban shades)

danas prikazujem lak koji ću sigurno dosta nositi ovog leta: chillax iz picture polish kolekcije urban shades.
today i am showing a polish that i am sure i will wear a lot this summer: chillax from picture polish urban shades collection.

ova nijansa je prosto fantastična. prava živahna i bistra mint plava sa malčice više zelene nego što moje slike pokazuju, izgleda da je ovo jedna od onih nijansi koje izgledaju drugačije na različitoj vrsti tena, ali na meni je baš mint plav.

formula je odlična, mlečna krema koja se savršeno maže, prosto vrišti proleće i sunce!

prirodna svetlost:

this shade is pure awesomeness! it is a bright, vivid minty blue with a tad more green tone than in my photos. it seems to be one of those shades that look differently on different skin tones, but this is how it looks on mine.

it is a perfect, milky creme with perfect application. it simply screams spring and sun!

natural light:

Monday 2 May 2016

fun lacquer glitzy glam (summer 2015)

završavam moju pauzu od 10ak dana (putovanja, posao, odmor) pravim draguljem: glitzy glam iz f. u. n. lacquer kolekcije za leto 2015.
i am breaking my 10 day hiatus (travels, work, holidays) with a true gem: glitzy glam from f. u. n. lacquer collection for summer 2015.

glitzy glam je neverovatno prelep. duboka, bogata petrolej nijansa za zlatkastim holo šljokicama različitih veličina za koje sada mogu slobodno da kažem da su zaštitni znak f. u. n. lacquer.

gotovo preko noći sam se zaljubila u njihove lakove i nadam se da će se tako nastaviti.

prirodna svetlost:
glitzy glam is simply stunning. a rich teal shade, filled with goldish holographic glitter of various sizes, which i can safely say at this point that it's a signature thing of f. u. n. lacquer.

i fell in love with their polishes and i hope this love will continue.

natural light: