Thursday 5 May 2016

picture polish chillax (urban shades)

danas prikazujem lak koji ću sigurno dosta nositi ovog leta: chillax iz picture polish kolekcije urban shades.
today i am showing a polish that i am sure i will wear a lot this summer: chillax from picture polish urban shades collection.

ova nijansa je prosto fantastična. prava živahna i bistra mint plava sa malčice više zelene nego što moje slike pokazuju, izgleda da je ovo jedna od onih nijansi koje izgledaju drugačije na različitoj vrsti tena, ali na meni je baš mint plav.

formula je odlična, mlečna krema koja se savršeno maže, prosto vrišti proleće i sunce!

prirodna svetlost:

this shade is pure awesomeness! it is a bright, vivid minty blue with a tad more green tone than in my photos. it seems to be one of those shades that look differently on different skin tones, but this is how it looks on mine.

it is a perfect, milky creme with perfect application. it simply screams spring and sun!

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).