Saturday 25 June 2016

china glaze liquid crystal (prismatic)

prismatic kolekcija od china glaze iz davne 2012 je veoma interesantan skup duohrom šljokičavih lakova, i liquid crystal je bio moj izbor.

prismatic collection by china glaze back in 2012 was a very interesting collection of duochrome glitters, and liquid crystal was my pick.

liquid crystal je zaista interesantan lak i "plavac" ove kolekcije. glavna nijansa je svetlija plava, ispunjena svim mogućim šljokicama, od srebrne, zelene, ljubičaste, narandžaste, ma sve što vam padne na pamet! suši se gotovo kao teksturac ali ne previše grbavo.

duohrom efekat nije pretarano izražen, ali opet vidljiv. odlučila sam da ne nosim nadlak.

prirodna svetlost:
liquid crystal is a really interesting polish and the "blue" one of the collection.  the main shade is a soft blue, filled with multicolored glitter. really, you can find everything here: silver, green, purple, orange, you name it. it dries almost textured but not too gritty!

the colour shift is not that strong but it's still visible. i decided to pass on the top coat here.

natural light:

Sunday 19 June 2016

chanel misterious (superstition)

superstition je bila chanel jesenja kolekcija još 2013 i ne znam kako se desilo da sam ovoliko čekala da pokažem misterious .
superstition was chanel's autumn collection back in 2013, and i have no idea why i waited to show misterious until now.

misterious je opisan kao "duboka maslinasta" ali bih to duboko nazvala vrlo, vrlo dubokim.

nijansa je više zacrnjena maslinasta sa sivim i braon podtonovima.  pitanju je lepo klizeća krema, veoma elegantna i lepa.

prirodna svetlost:
misterious was described as a "deep khaki", but i would call that deep very, very deep.

it is more like a quite blackened olive green with some grey and brown undertones. a nicely flowing creme, very elegant and pretty.

natural light:

Wednesday 15 June 2016

dior bleuette (glowing gardens)

dior-ova ovogodišnja prolećna kolekcija, glowing gardens, ima par lepotana, a jedan od njih je bleuette.

this year's spring collection from dior, glowing gardens, had a couple of interesting polishes. one of them is bleuette.
bleuette je savršenstvo. prelepa plava krema, na granici da bude pastel. nijansa je baby plava sa trunkom zelene, sasvim dovoljnom da ga napravi (potpuno) različitim od prošlogodišnjeg porceelaine. ne znam da li mi je lepši na suncu ili u hladu.

ovaj lak ima fantastičnu formulu, potpunii netipičnu za ovakve nijanse. dior lakovi su me potpuno impresionirali od kad su reformulisani.

prirodna svetlost:
bleuette is a stunner. a gorgeous blue creme, bordering on being is a baby blue with a hint of green in it, just enough to make it (completely) different from last year's porcelaine. i don't know if i like it more in the sun or in the shade.

it has a magnificent formula, totally untypical for these sort of shades. i am really impressed by dior polishes since they got reformulated.

natural light:

Saturday 11 June 2016

dance legend inhale (wow prism)

wow prism je jedna od mojih omiljenih kolekcija ikad  (i to ne samo od dance legend), a inhale jedan od miljenika među miljenicima.
wow prism is one of my most favourite collection ever (not just from dance legend), and inhale is definitely one of the favourites among the favourites.

inhale je tako savršen lak, ali mi je jasno da nije baš za svakoga, jer većina nelakoholičarki nije baš otvorena da nosi svetlo zeleni holo. ipak, ako ste spremni za takav skok, definitivno je vredan!

inhale je potpuno osvežavajući lak, sa fenomenalnim (wow?) holo efektom.

prirodna svetlost:
inhale is such an awesome polish, but i agree that it can be a bit of an acquired taste. not everyone is willing to wear a bright green holo, but if you are willing to take the plunge, it is definitely worth it.

inhale is such a breath of fresh air, such a pretty green with an awesome (wow?) holographic finish.

natural light:

Monday 6 June 2016

opi i just can't cope-acabana (brazil)

leto se približava, pa je vreme da se okrenem živahnim lakovima, poput opi  i just can't cope-acabana iz kolekcije za leto 2014, brazil.
summer is approaching, so it's time for bright polishes, such as opi i just can't cope-acabana from summer collection brazil 2014.

uvek sam otvorena ka novim žutim lakovima, i ovaj je sada negde u vrhu te liste.

 i just can't cope-acabana je savršena svetla i nekako pastelna žuta. tako živahna nijansa, sa prlično dobrom formulom, pogotovo kad se uzme u obzir kako naporne žute umeju da budu. obožavam ga!

prirodna svetlost:
i am always open to new yellow shades, and this one is now among my favourites.

i just can't cope-acabana is a perfect, bright and somehow pastel yellow. it is such a vivid shade, with a pretty good formula, especially when you keep in mind that yellows can be a nightmare. i love it!

natural light: