Saturday 25 June 2016

china glaze liquid crystal (prismatic)

prismatic kolekcija od china glaze iz davne 2012 je veoma interesantan skup duohrom šljokičavih lakova, i liquid crystal je bio moj izbor.

prismatic collection by china glaze back in 2012 was a very interesting collection of duochrome glitters, and liquid crystal was my pick.

liquid crystal je zaista interesantan lak i "plavac" ove kolekcije. glavna nijansa je svetlija plava, ispunjena svim mogućim šljokicama, od srebrne, zelene, ljubičaste, narandžaste, ma sve što vam padne na pamet! suši se gotovo kao teksturac ali ne previše grbavo.

duohrom efekat nije pretarano izražen, ali opet vidljiv. odlučila sam da ne nosim nadlak.

prirodna svetlost:
liquid crystal is a really interesting polish and the "blue" one of the collection.  the main shade is a soft blue, filled with multicolored glitter. really, you can find everything here: silver, green, purple, orange, you name it. it dries almost textured but not too gritty!

the colour shift is not that strong but it's still visible. i decided to pass on the top coat here.

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka  
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish