Friday 30 September 2016

dior new world purple (nail bar)

new world purple, takođe poznat kao aztec chocolate, je dior lak iz njihove kolekcije za jesen 2010, nail bar.
new world purple, otherwise known as aztec chocolate, is dior polish from their autumn 2010 collection nail bar.

promo slika prikazuje new world purple mnogo više ljubičastim nego što on to jeste. ovo je kompleksna nijansa, hladna braon sa ljubičastim podtonom i puno šimera. i to ne standardni skriveni dior šimer!

odavno je povučen i drago mi je da imam svoj primerak. formula je nešto tanja, ali je toliko lep da mi nije teško da to oprostim.

prirodna svetlost:
the promo picture shows new purple more, well, purple than it actually is. it's a complex shade, a cool brown with purple undertones and a lot of shimmer. not that dior hiddens shimer, but the real deal.

it's discontinued, and i am happy i have it in my collection. the formula is a bit thin, but it's so pretty that i can forgive it pretty much everything.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).