Sunday 23 October 2016

picture polish salt water (collaboration shade)

imam neočekivanu blogersku pauzu jer je moj laptop vrlo kulturno odlučio da umre, dajući mi nadu da može biti spasen i it odsek još pokušava da to i uradi. danas sam rešila da ipak prekinem pauzu, i mislim da je salt water, lak nastao u saradnji picture polish i nailstorming, savršen za tu svrhu.
i am having an unexpected blogging break, since my laptop politely decided to die, with giving me hope that it actually might survive and the it department is still working on it. today i decided to post something nevertheless, and i think that salt water, a collaboration shade of picture polish with nailstorming, is perfect for this.

promo slika ovog laka je deleko od verne. rekla bih da su tirkizne/svetlo plave i mint nijanse nešto što u picture polish svetu prave savršeno i uvek se svakim lakom oduševim, pa ni salt water nije bio izuzetak.

u pitanju je prelepa tirkizna, ispunjena holo šesticama koje su skoro kao ljuspice. to mi je omiljeni dodatak nijansama, i mislim da savršeno idu uz ovakvu tirkiznu nijansu. definitivno preporučujem ovaj lak.

prirodna svetlost:
the promo pictures of this polish don't do it justice. i believe that turquoise/light blue/mint shades are really something that picture polish people know how to make and i am always looking forward to a new one, and salt water is no exception.

it's a lovely shade of turquoise, filled with those holo particles that almost look like flakies. i am obsessed with those, and i think that they are complementing the turquoise shade beautifully. i highly recommend this one!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).