Saturday 31 December 2016

a england percival (the mythicals)

imala sam potrebu da godinu završim crvenim lakom, i koji i izbor bio bolji od percival-a iz a england fantastične the mythicals kolekcije za 2011.
i had the urge to finish the year off with a red polish, and which better than percival from the awesome a england the mythicals collection back in 2011.

percival je vrlo blizak duplikat butter london knees up. u svakom slučaju, fantastična šimerasta metalik crvena, sa onim specijalnim sjajem iznutra.

okačila sam više slika nego obično jer ovaj lak izgleda još bolje u senci nego na suncu. u kombinaciji sa savršenom formulom i četkicom, pravi je pobednik!

prirodna svetlost:
percival is a real close dupe to butter london knees up. nevertheless, a beyond gorgeous shimmery metallic red, with this glow within type of look.

i have more photos than usual, because this polish looks even better in shade than in the sun. and combined with an awesome formula and brush, it's a winner!

natural light:

Friday 23 December 2016

dance legend melange 278 (melange)

ove nedelje nastavljam sa još jednom zelenom nijansom, 278 iz dance legend melange kolekcije.
this week i continue with another green polish, 278 from dance legend's melange collection.

bila sam u potrazi za savršenom maslinastom kremom, i pošto sam veliki obižavatelj dance legend formule i četkice, izabrala sam 278 iz kolekcije melange.

ovo je bogata, maslinasto/kamuflažna zelena, nijansa kakve mi je pun ormar a volim i da je imam i na noktima. formula je puterasta i definitivno velika preporuka s moje strane.

prirodna svetlost:
i was in a search for a perfect creme olive shade, and since i am a fan of dance legend formula and brush, decided to choose number 278 from their melange collection.

it is a rich, olive/camouflage green, a shade that i have a lot of in my wardrobe and love to have on my nails. the formula is buttery, and it's definitely a huge recommendation from me.

natural light:

Saturday 17 December 2016

china glaze four leaf clover (up and away)

prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam imala china glaze na blogu, pa sam se odlučila za four leaf clover iz stare up and away kolekcije iz 2010.
it's been a while since i had china glaze on the blog, so i am going with four leaf clover from an ancient up and away collection from 2010.

four leaf clover je lak kog bi svaka ljubiteljka zelenih lakova morala da ima. ali je i jedna od najtežih lakova za slikanje, ili je previše travnat (što nije baš tačno) ili više petrojel nego što bi trebalo da bude. u svakom slučaju je živahna srednje zelena.

formula je pristojna i posle ovoliko godina. ipak, ovaj lak je jedini u mojoj kolekciji koji dosta menja nijansu nakon što se doda nadlak. moje slike su sa nadlakom, bez kog je lak više petrolej, ali mi je teško da se nateram da ne namažem nadlak!

prirodna svetlost:
four leaf clover is a definite must have for green lovers. it is one of the hardest shades to capture: it either turns out like  a forest green (which it is not quite accurate) or more teal than it should. nevertheless, it is a vibrant, awesome medium green.

formula is decent even after all these years. there is one strange thing though: it changes the shade a bit after you put the top coat on. the only one i ever experienced this with. this is with the tc, without it, it's more teal. i just can't make myself wear a polish without my tc!

natural light:

Monday 12 December 2016

opi muir muir on the wall (san francisco)

opi-jev muir muir on the wall je jedan od skrivenih dragulja njihove san francisco kolekcije za jesen 2013.
opi's muir muir on the wall is one of their hidden gems from san francisco collection for autumn 2013.

muir muir on the wall je nekako često zanemaren u moru njihovih zatamljenih šimera, i to potpuno nepravedno. ovo je prelepa zacrnjena šljivasta/bordo nijansa, sa zlatkastim šimerom i blagim duohrom efektom.

ovo je zista prelepa, elegantan ali i misteriozan lak. formula je odlična i definitivno lak koji bih preporučila.

prirodna svetlost:
muir muir on the wall is somehow getting neglected in opi's world of gorgeous darkened shimmers, and it's completely unfair. it is such a gorgeous blackened plum/burgundy shade, with goldish shimmer and a slight duochrome effect.

it's a very gorgeous, elegant but mysterious polish. formula is awesome and it is definitely a polish i would recommend.

natural light:

Monday 5 December 2016

sephora keep me posted (makeup academy nails)

danas (konačno) prikazujem sephora lak keep me posted iz makeup academy nails kolekcije za praznike 2013/2014.
today i am (finally) showing sephora's polish keep me posted from their makeup academy nails for holiday season 2013/2014.

ni ne sećam se kad mi je draga jelena poklonila ovaj lak, ali moja new in sekcija na blogu ne laže: bio je to januar 2014! na žalost, ovo je jedan od onih lakova koje nikad ne uhvatite potpuno verno, i uvek sam pokušavala da napravim bolje slike, dok na kraju nisam iskapila bočicu i moram da se zadovoljim slikama koje imam.

keep me posted je jedan od onih plavičastih petrolej lakova koji uvek ispadaju ili previše plavi ili zeleni. rekla bih da moje slike pojačavaju zeleni podton. postavila sam dva seta slika, sa dve različite kamere, i obe su verne u određenim uslovima :) formula je bila solidna, i ovo je bilo moje prvo iskustvo sa sephora četkicom koje je odlično prošlo!

prirodna svetlost:
i don't even remember when darling jelena gave me this polish, but my new in section doesn't lie: january 2014! unfortunately, it's one of those shade that you can never fully capture, so i always aimed for better, more faithful pictures until i actually emptied the bottle and i had to work with what i have!

keep me posted is one of those blueish teals, that either look too blue or too green. i would say that the green undertone is a bit less pronounced as my pictures show. there are two sets of photos, with two different cameras, and both are equally faithful in certain light. formula was nice, and it was my first experience with sephora brush and it went smoothly (pun intended!)

natural light:

Friday 2 December 2016

franken polish: pattern by shine eye

danas sam raspoložena da pokažem još jedan od mojih franken lakova, a ovaj sam nazvala pattern.
i felt like showing off another one of my franken polishes, and this one is named pattern.
pattern je nekako najbolji pokazatelj činjenice da je većina lakova koje sam potrošila zelena i plava. ovo je zelena koja dosta naginje ka petroleju, sa ljuspičastim srebrnim šimerom.

da sam videla ovakav lak u prodaji, sigurno bih ga uzela, definitivno je moj tip boje. nazvala sam ga po jednoj od mojih omiljenih pesama sa poslednjeg albuma the last shadow puppets.

prirodna svetlost:
pattern actually shows that the majority of the polishes i used up are all sorts of greens and blues. it is a teal-leaning green, with some flaky type of silver shimmer.

if i saw this polish in a store, i would definitely get it. it really is my type of shade. i named it after of of my favourite songs from the last shadow puppets' last album.

natural light: