Saturday 17 December 2016

china glaze four leaf clover (up and away)

prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam imala china glaze na blogu, pa sam se odlučila za four leaf clover iz stare up and away kolekcije iz 2010.
it's been a while since i had china glaze on the blog, so i am going with four leaf clover from an ancient up and away collection from 2010.

four leaf clover je lak kog bi svaka ljubiteljka zelenih lakova morala da ima. ali je i jedna od najtežih lakova za slikanje, ili je previše travnat (što nije baš tačno) ili više petrojel nego što bi trebalo da bude. u svakom slučaju je živahna srednje zelena.

formula je pristojna i posle ovoliko godina. ipak, ovaj lak je jedini u mojoj kolekciji koji dosta menja nijansu nakon što se doda nadlak. moje slike su sa nadlakom, bez kog je lak više petrolej, ali mi je teško da se nateram da ne namažem nadlak!

prirodna svetlost:
four leaf clover is a definite must have for green lovers. it is one of the hardest shades to capture: it either turns out like  a forest green (which it is not quite accurate) or more teal than it should. nevertheless, it is a vibrant, awesome medium green.

formula is decent even after all these years. there is one strange thing though: it changes the shade a bit after you put the top coat on. the only one i ever experienced this with. this is with the tc, without it, it's more teal. i just can't make myself wear a polish without my tc!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. Sviđa mi se i boja i ime. Zanimljvo da mu nadlak promeni boju. Ne srećemo baš često takve lakove, ali to može predstavljati dobru osnovu za neki nail art samo na nadlakom.
