Saturday 25 February 2017

ysl night escape (savage escape)

krajnje je vreme da postavim night escape iz ysl savage escape kolekcije za leto 2016.
it's about time i posted about night escape from ysl's savage escape collection for summer 2016.

veliki sam ljubitelj teksturnog finiša i potpuno sam oduševljena ovim lakom.

night escape je duboko plava nijansa koja se vrlo brzo suši  u teksturnu završnicu. bogat je neverovano svetlucavim šimerom, zbog kog me podseća na zvezdano nebo. nekako je istovremeno i elegantan i malo agresivniji. srećna sam da ga nisam propustila.

prirodna svetlost:
i am a big fan of the texture finish, and i am completely in love with this polish.

night escape is a deep blue polish that very quickly dries to a textured finish. it is rich with this amazing sparkly glitter, it reminds me of a starry night. it is somehow both elegant and edgy. i am very happy i haven't missed out on it.

natural light:

Sunday 19 February 2017

a england queen of scots (elizabeth and mary)

danas pokazujem još jedan a england lak, ovaj put queen of scots, iz elizabeth and mary kolekcije.
today, i am showing yet another a england polish, this time queen of scots from elizabeth and mary collection..

iako su a england lakovi postali skoro pa sinonim za holo lakove, imaju oni i "regularnije" lakove.

queen of scots je kraljevsko plavi lak, ispunjen sitnim holo česticama. ima taj "sjaj iznutra" izgled i ja ga vidim kao plavog rođaka njihovog crvenog laka, percival.

ovaj lak je pravi pravcati jednoslojac, bez ikakve potrebe za drugim slojem. ako vam ovakav lak fali u kolekciji, moja definitivna preporuka!

prirodna svetlost:
even though a england somehow became a synonym for holo polishes, they also have more "regular! polishes.

queen of scots is a royal blue shade, filled with tiny blue shimmer. it has that inner glow look, and i see it as a blue twin of their red polish, percival.

it is a real deal one coater, definitely no need for the second. if you are missing this type of shade, i definitely recommend it!

natural light:

Wednesday 15 February 2017

catrice keep pool (42)

moj današnji izbor je catrice keep pool.
my choice for today's post is catrice's keep pool.

mislim da je prošlo više od pola godine od kad sam potrošila ovaj lak, ali mi je trebala večnost da izaberem slike. nekad je ispadao previše metalik, nekad nedovoljno. u svakom slučaju, keep pool je prelepa, hladna metalik plava. jedna od onih nijansi kojih mi nikad nije dosta.

više puta sam se žalila na ovu verziju catrice četkice koja se može nazvati katastrofalnom. ne znam da li su promenili nešto u novim kolekcijama, ali nekako ne želim ni da probam. čini mi se nepotrebnim da pričam o formuli (koja je prilično ok) kad je četkica skoro pa neupotrebljiva.

prirodna svetlost:
i think it has been more than half a year since finished this polish, but it took me forever to choose the photos. sometimes it appear to metalic, sometimes not enough. nevertheless, it is a really gorgeous shade of cool, metalic blue. it is one of those shades i can never get enough of.

i complained more than once, but this iteration of catrice brush is a monstrosity. i am not sure if they changed something in newer collection, but i somehow don't even want to try. for me, it is pointless to talk about formula (that was pretty nice) when the brush is barely workable.

natural light:

Thursday 9 February 2017

picture polish sun flower (collaboration with de briz)

vreme je tako oblačno i sumorno da sam morala da objavim jedan veseo lak, a sun flower je svakako takav. nastao je u saradnji picture polish sa ruskom blogerkom de briz.
the weather is so cloudy and gloomy, that i had to pull out a fun one, and sun flower for sure is fun. it was made by picture polish with collaboration with russian blogger de briz.

sun flower je izašao u leto 2016 zajedno da salt water, i zaista su dobar par jer imaju iste holo ljuspice, što je jedan od mojih omiljenih efekata u lakovima za nokte.

nijansa je vrlo zanimljiva žuta, zaista poput suncokreta. formula je više crelly nego krema, i izgleda odlično. znam da ovaj lak neće svakom biti po ukusu, ali po mom svakako jeste!

prirodna svetlost:
sun flower was released in spring together with salt water, and they are really a good couple since they have the same holo flakey particles. these are one of my favourite effects in a nail polish.

the shade itself is a strange shade of yellow, really sunflower-like. the formula is more crelly than creme, and it looks gorgeous. i know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but it sure is mine!

natural light:

Sunday 5 February 2017

opi have you seen my limo (holiday in hollywood)

pre nego što sam zapošela ovaj post, uopšte nisam bila svesna toga da je opi-jev lak have you seen my limo toliko star. izašao je kao deo holiday in hollywood kolekcije za praznike 2007.
before i started this post, i was completely unaware that opi's have you seen my limo is such an old polish! the collection it was in, holiday in hollywood, was released for holidays 2007.

nije mi jasno kako su u opi-ju ovoliko mogli da promaše promo sliku, jer nije ni približno onakva kako ovaj lak izgleda. trebalo bi da bude i blago duohrom, ali no ne vidim i neću ga tako označiti. ipak, obožavam ovaj lak i mislim da je jasno zašto.

limo je prelepa ljubičasto-patlidžanasta nijansa sa neverovatnim suptilnim zelenim i srebrnim šimerom kog mog kamera prosto ne ože da ulovi. veoma mi je žao zbog toga jer taj šimer je baš to što ovom laku da je specijalni momenat.

prirodna svetlost:
i have no idea how opi managed to mess up the promo picture like this, because it's not even similar to what it looks in real life. it is supposed to be slightly duochrome as well, but i definitely can't see it. nevertheless, i adore this polish, and i think it's easy to see why.

limo is a purple-eggplant type of shade with awesome subtle green and subtle shimmer that my camera just can't seem to catch. this is such a pity because it is what gives this polish that extra special touch. it is so rich and pretty!

natural light:

Thursday 2 February 2017

new in: september, october, november, december 2016

moji new in postovi za 2016 su bili baš depresivni. tu gde sam živela, skoro ni jedna online prodavnica nije dostavljala a high end i dragstor brendovi su bili mnogo skuplji nego bilo gde drugde. sad kad sam nazad u evropi, sve to će se promeniti.

takođe, ovaj post s novitetima je nov samo meni jer su me ovi lakovi čekali u beogradu mesecima. u suštini, drugarice su mi lovile nove ysl lakove, tako da sam kolekciji  dodala peace green, fur green i vintage plum.
my new ins for 2016 we quite depressing. where i lived, almost no online shops delivered, and all the high end and drugstore brands were much more expensive than in the rest of the world. now that i am back to europe, all of that will change.

also, this new in is not really new since these polishes were waiting for me in serbia for months. basically, i was keeping myself updated with ysl polishes, and added peace green, fur green and vintage plum to the collection.