Thursday 2 February 2017

new in: september, october, november, december 2016

moji new in postovi za 2016 su bili baš depresivni. tu gde sam živela, skoro ni jedna online prodavnica nije dostavljala a high end i dragstor brendovi su bili mnogo skuplji nego bilo gde drugde. sad kad sam nazad u evropi, sve to će se promeniti.

takođe, ovaj post s novitetima je nov samo meni jer su me ovi lakovi čekali u beogradu mesecima. u suštini, drugarice su mi lovile nove ysl lakove, tako da sam kolekciji  dodala peace green, fur green i vintage plum.
my new ins for 2016 we quite depressing. where i lived, almost no online shops delivered, and all the high end and drugstore brands were much more expensive than in the rest of the world. now that i am back to europe, all of that will change.

also, this new in is not really new since these polishes were waiting for me in serbia for months. basically, i was keeping myself updated with ysl polishes, and added peace green, fur green and vintage plum to the collection.