Thursday 6 September 2012

catrice 870 copper cabana

predstavljam još jedan lak iz nove catrice kolekcije, ovaj put je to 870 copper cabana.
here comes another new catrice polish, this time 870 copper cabana.

i ovaj put, formula je bila malo komplikovana i pregusta. ponovo, ovo nije nikakav problem kog kap ili dva razređivača ne mogu da srede, ali nisam mogla da ih dodajem na pamet, dok ga ne probam u originalnoj verziji. i opet boja vadi stvar. obožavam ovakve rđave, rustične boje pa sam se zaljubila i ovu tamno narandžastu. finiš najviše vuče na metalik.
prirodno svetlo:
once again, the formula is a bit tricky and thick. again, this is nothing that a drop of two of thinner wouldn't solve, but i had to try the polish in it's original form first. but, the color is a beautiful dark orange. i love these rusty looking shades. i would say that the finish is metallic.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
presuda: obožavam boju, ne volim formulu!
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS.)
verdict: love the color, hate the formula!

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