Tuesday 25 June 2013

opi - at your quebec and call (canada collection)

opi's at your quebec and call je uvek bio na vrhu moje liste starih opi lakova koje je nemoguće naći. deo je stare kanadske kolekcije iz 2004te, tako da ima staru formulu i užu četkicu (takozvani black label opi).
opi's at your quebec and call was always at the top of my list of their impossible to find oldies. it was a part of canadian collection back in the 2004, so it has the old formula and narrow brush (so-called black label opi).

nisam zaista mislila da ću ga se dokopati, ali ga je jedna devojka kod mene prodavala i znala sam da se ova šansa ne propušta.

svi black label opiji imaju ređu formulu, tako da sam bila pripremljena na to da će mi trebati 3 sloja za pristojnu pokrivenost, ali je bilo vredno toga! na kraju, sve zavisi od toga da li volite ovakve nijanse, a ja sam oduvek bila luda za maslinastom tako da ni ova nije bila izuzetak.

može se naći dosta opisa ovog laka, počevši od zacrnjene zlatne, ali za mene je ovo zlatno-maslinasta šimerasta savršenost!
i never actually thought i'll get a chance to own it, but one girl was selling it and i knew i couldn't miss the chance!

all of these black label opis have thinner formula, so i was prepared that it would take 3 coats to reach decent opacity. but it was worth it! i guess it all depends whether you like those type of shades, and i've always been crazy about olive greens so this one is no exception.

you can find a lot of different descriptions of this color, starting from blackened gold, but for me this is a golden olive shimmery wonder!

Sunday 23 June 2013

chanel intermezzo (fall 2009)

chanel intermezzo je izašao u jesenjoj kolekciji 2009te uz gondolu!
chanel intermezzo was released in their fall collection for 2009 together with gondola.

kada sam zaista počela da shvatam koliko je ovaj lak fantastičan, već ga je bilo skoro nemoguće naći. probala sam da se bar dokopam njemu sličnih, poput opijevog fit for queensland, ali ni njega nije bilo, i jednog flormara, koji takođe nikad nije bio na policama kada sam ga tražila. i onda, potpuno neočekivano, uhvatih intermezzo!

tako je elegantan i lep, sa njegovom mlečno belom bojom, ali ono što ga čini toliko posebnim je iridescentni rozikasti šimer, koji čini da nokti izgledaju osvetljeni iznutra i nisam mogla da prestanem da ih gledam pod različitim uglovima. formula je pomalo retka i ostaju tragovi četkice, tako da su potrebna tri sloja, ali mi se lak sviđa toliko da mu opraštam mane.

namazala sam ga istog trena kad sam ga uzela, kada je još bilo oblačno, tako da se, nažalost, ne vidi sva njegova lepota.
once i really started to realize that this polish is beautiful and amazing, it was already almost impossible to find it! i tried to put my hands on its supposed dupes, such as opi's fit for queensland, but not much luck there, and a flormar one, but it was never in stock. and then, out of a sudden, i found intermezzo!

it is so elegant and classy, with its milky white base, but what makes it special is the iridescent pinkish shimmer, that makes your nails glow. i really couldn't stop looking at my nails, moving them in different angles. the formula is a bit shear and streaky, it needed three coats but i liked it too much to hold this against it.

i wore it immediately when i bought it, when it was still cloudy, so its beauty isn't so obvious.

Friday 21 June 2013

catrice - birdy reloaded 700

volim da nosim žute lakove leti, a catrice birdy reloaded je prvi žutać kog sam ikad kupila!.
i love wearing yellow polishes in the summer, and catrice birdy reloaded is the first yellow polish i ever bought!

za birdie reloaded se priča da je dupe za chanel mimosa, ali nikad nisam videla poređenje, a nemam mimosu da to i potvrdim.

ovo je svetlija nijansa žute, ne poput žumanceta, sa suptilnim žutim šimerom koji čini formulu podnošljivom za mazanje, za razliku od većine žutaća. na granici je da bude pastelni, i na mojim slikama je više takav nego što je uživo. šimer je toliko suptilan da iz daleka, i u senci, izgleda kao krema.

pretpostavljam da sam konačno shvatila da je došlo leto, tako da ću verovatno nositi žute lakove ćešće.
birdy reloaded is rumoured to be u dupe for chanel mimosa, but i never saw the comparisons and i don't have mimosa to confirm it.

it is a lighter shade of yellow, not really yolk-y, with subtle yellow shimmer that makes the formula rather ok to handle, unlike many other yellows. it is on the edge of being pastel, and my photos make it look more so than it is in real life.  the shimmer is so subtle that from a far, and in shade, it looks like a creme.

i guess this means that i finally acknowledged the summer, and will probably wear more yellow on my nails.

Tuesday 18 June 2013

china glaze - skyscraper (metro)

čini mi se da sam zapostavila moje china glaze šljokičave lakove, pa sam odlučila da namažem skyscraper iz metro kolekcije za jesen 2011.
i feel like i've been neglecting my china glaze glitters, so i decided to wear skysraper from the metro collection for autumn 2011.

skyscraper je sastavljen iz teksas plave jelly baze sa dosta gustih srebrnih šljokica. pošto je baza ipak jelly, za kraće nokte bi dva sloja bila dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost, ali sam dodala i treći da bih prikrila liniju nokta.

sve u svemu, sviđa mi se ovaj lak, kao i mnogi drugi cg šljokičavi lakovi. nije deo stalne kolekcije, ali ga nije teško naći.
skysraper consists of a denim blue jelly base packed with dense silver glitter. since the base is jelly, for shorter nails two coats would be enough for perfect opacity, but i had to add a third one because of the vnl.

overall, i love this polish, as many other cg glitters! it's not in the permanent range, but it's not that difficult to find.

Sunday 16 June 2013

ruffian: silver & black holo

prošlo je dosta od kad sam poslednji put imala ruffian, i već dugo imam ovakvu srebrno-crnu kombinaciju u glavi. kada sam videla sličnu kombinaciju na fashion polish blogu, rešila sam da je rekreiram uz zoya trixie i deborah shine tech 18.
it's been a while since i've done a ruffian mani, and i had this silver&black combo in mind for some time, but when i saw something similar on fashion polish blog, i decided to do it in her way, with zoya trixie  and deborah shine tech 18.

Friday 14 June 2013

56. theme friday: ombre

tema prethodne nedele je bila ombre, i bilo je dosta više nego odličnih kombinacija! ja sam učestovala u zelenom tonu.

od danas do sledećeg četvrtka, tema je golden rose!
last week's theme was ombre, and we had a lot great color combinations. i decided to go green!

from today till next thursday, theme is golden rose!

Thursday 13 June 2013

essence prom-berry (colour & go 148)

prom-berry (color&go 148)  je jedan od novijih lakova u osnovnoj essence kolekciji.

malo je čudno da tek sad predstavljam ovaj lak, jer sam ga kupila još u februaru a ovo će biti poslednji put da ga imam na noktima jer sam već iskapila bočicu!
prom-berry (color&go 148) is one of the newer additions to the essence's core collection.

it is a bit strange that i'm showing the pics just now, since i bought it in back in february, and this is the last time i'll get to wear it, since the bottle is finished!

verovatno je malo čudno da sam nosila ovaj lak toliko puta u poslednjih par meseci, ali ovo je bio moj standardni lak, zajedno sa još nekoliko essence, koje sam nosila sa sobom na putovanja, a i često mi je bio i na  nogama.

generalno volim ovakve tamno ljubičaste lakove sa šimerom. kod prom-berry, šimer je sitan plavi i crveni koji baš oživi na direktnom suncu, dok u senci i nije toliko izražen. zato mi je i bilo teško da ga uslikam tako da se vidi sva njegova lepota, otud ga i tako kasno predstavljam.

formula je bila ok, ništa problematično, i nemam neke zamerke. ipak, neću ga kupiti ponovo jer imam već nešto slično, nyx purple ink.

prirodna svetlost:
it's maybe weird that i wore this polish so many times in a couple of months, but it was, together with a few more essences, my go to polish on work trips, and i also wore it on my toes quite often.

i am a big fan of those dark purple polishes with shimmer. this one has blue and red microshimmer that really comes to life in direct sun, but it's not that visible in shade. because of that, i had hard time photographing it so that all of its beauty is shown, hence the delay in swatching.

formula was ok, nothing problematic and i don't have any complaints. i will not re-buy it since i have something similar, nyx purple ink.

natural light:

Tuesday 11 June 2013

opi - jinx (bond girls collection)

u opi-ju su odličili da cela letnja kolekcija bude posvećena liquid sand lakovima. uzela sam tri, i danas predstavljam jinx.
opi decided to do a summer collection that consists only of liquid sand polishes. i got three, and today i'm showing jinx.

their description: " this mesmerizing matte coral has lucky sparkle. "

kada sam gledala promo slike i svočeve blogerki, jinx je postao moj neočekivani favorit. znam da se ponavljam, ali koralne, breskvaste i slične nijanse mi nikad nisu legle, ali me je jinx nekako omađijao.

naručila sam lakiće kada sam poslednji put bila kući, ali se nešto zakompliovalo i paket nije stigao kad je trebalo i vratila sam se bez njih, a md je morao da se juri sa kurirom danima. baš sam bila nestrpljiva da ih probam, pa sam bila srećna da ih on ipak nije zaboravio da ponese sa sobom :D u međuvremenu sam prvi put videla jinx flašicu u parfimeriji, i ostala u blagom šoku jer je izgledao preintenzivno, prešljašteće, jednostavno previše.

ipak, kad sam ga konačno imala na noktima, to je bila potpuna ljubav. ovaj svetli koralac sa dosta jakim narandžastim tonom je idealan za leto. izgleda fantastično, suši brzo i skida se kao i svaki drugi lak. uhvatila sam sebe da stalno gledam u nokte.

prirodna svetlost:
when i was watching promo pictures, and then swatches from other bloggers, jinx became my surprising favorite. i'm repeating myself, but corals, peaches and similar shades were never my cup of tea, but jinx somehow mesmerised me!

i ordered my bottle on my last trip home, but something went wrong and my package didn't arrive when it was supposed to and i returned without the polishes, with my poor bf trying to pick it up for me. i was really anxious to try them, and was really happy that he didn't forget to pack them :D in the meantime, i saw the bottle of jinx in person, and left in a bit of a shock. it looked too intense, too flashy, too...much.

but then, i finally had it on my nails and it was complete love. this bright orangy coral with golden shimmer practically screams summer! it looks amazing, dries quickly and you can remove it regularly like any other polish. i caught myself often staring at my nails.

natural light:

Sunday 9 June 2013

dior samba (birds of paradise)

za ovo leto, dior je osmislio dva seta po dva laka u birds of paradise kolekciji. dok me set baia nije preterano zanimao, drugi set po imenu samba sadrži boje za koje sam znala da ću ih voleti a da ih ni ne vidim uživo, tako da sam bila srećna da sam ga uhvatila na poslednjem putovanju.

danas predstavljam sambu 794.
for this summer, dior came up with two sets of polishes in the birds of paradise collection. while i had no interest in getting bahia, the other set called samba consists of colors that i know i'll love even without seeing them in real life, and i'm happy that i got it in my latest trip.

today, it's time for samba 794.

samba 794 je opisana kao "metalik peacock (paun) zelena", ali je, po meni, više petrolej koji naginje ka plavoj. nijansa je stvarno prelepa i uživo je mnogo interesantniji nego na slikama. šimer je divan i daje mu nekakav unutrašnji sjaj a duohrom efekat ume da povuče i na zlatkasto.

bočica je manja nego kod regularnih dior lakova (7 ml). i četkica je drugačija, ima istu širinu kao standardna ali je ravna, što je plus za one koji ne vole regularno sečenu dior četkicu (ja je, inače, obožavam). posle jednog sloja je pomalo proziran, ali sa dva se dobija savršena pokrivenost. postoji i poneki vidljivi potez četkice, ali nisu izraženi.

oduševljena sam ovom nijansom i mislim da je savršena za leto!
samba 794 is described as "metallic peacock green", but it is more of a teal going on blue. it really is gorgeous and pictures don't do it justice. the shimmer is amazing and gives it a bit of a glow, and the duochrome effect can make it look even goldish.

the bottle is smaller than for the regular dior polish (7 ml). the brush is a bit different too, it has the same width, but it is flat, so this is a plus for those of you who don't like the regularly cut dior brush (i actually love the standard one). it is a bit sheer with one coat, but the second one gives complete coverage. there are some visible brush strokes, but they are subtle.

i love this polish and i think it's great for the summer!

Friday 7 June 2013

green ombre

trenutni tematski petak je posvećen ombre manikiru. pošto sam u zelenoj fazi, bilo je prirodno da izaberem lakove iz moje kolekcije zelenih krema.

ovo je moj izbor: essie go overboard, essence trust in fashion, opi jade is the new black, nyx mermaid tears i dior samba duo 402.
so, our theme friday is all about ombre nails. since i'm in a green mood, it was only natural to choose from my range of green cremes.

so, this is what i came up with: essie go overboard, essence trust in fashion, opi jade is the new black, nyx mermaid tears and dior samba duo 402.

morate mi verovati na reč da su ove nijanse u prirodi mnogo bliže jedna drugoj.

sviđa mi se ovaj ombre trend, možda napravim i kombinacije u ljubičastoj ili plavoj.
you have to take my word that these colora are much more blended with each other in real life.

i like this ombre trend, i might do another in purple or blue.

Thursday 6 June 2013

55. theme friday: opi

danas je bio poslednji dan da se učestvuje u tematskom petku koji je imao OPI kao temu.ja sam učestvovala sa ds reflection.

od sutra do sledećeg četvrtka, tema je ombre!
today was the last day to participate in our theme friday, that had OPI as a topic. i participated with ds reflection.

from tomorrow till next thursday, we'll be playing with ombre!

Tuesday 4 June 2013

nail art: stars and opals

počela sam stvarno da uživam u ovim nail art stvarima, zabavno je opuštajuće. tako da, ovo je rezultat mog "pimpovanja" opi reflection.
i started to really enjoy doing nail arty stuff, it's fun and relaxing. so, this here is the outcome of my "pimping out" opi reflection.

uz njega, koristila sam ovu specijalnu traku i essie go overboard, i na to dodala plave zvezdice koje sam dobila od kkcenterhk, zajedno sa ovim zelenim i plavim opalescentnim okruglim šljokicama.

šljokice iz kkkcenterhk sam dodala na sveže namazani essie, tako da mi nije trebao lepak, i koristila sam najtanji deo tačkalice, umočene u trunčicu baze da ih uhvatim i prenesem na nokat. na kraju sam sve premazala slojem nadlaka, što je bilo dovoljno da zadrži sve za jedan dan, kad je bilo vreme za novi lak :D

na kraju, sviđa mi se završni rezultat!

KKCenterHK šalju svoje proizvode i u srbiju. ako želite 10% popusta, koristite kod shineeyeshinynails.

i also used this striping tape topped with essie go overboard, and spiced things up with these blue stars i got from kkkcenterhk, together with blue and green opalescent  circle glitters.

i just added the glitter from kkkcenterhk on the freshly applied essie, so there was no glue needed, and i used the tiniest end of the dotter dippes in just a tiny drop of base coat to hold and transfer it. in the end, i sealed everything with one layer of top coat, and it was sufficient enough to hold everything in place for one day, when it was time for another polish :D

in the end, i like how it turned out!

KKCenterHK send their nail art accessories worldwide. if you want to get a 10% discount, use code shineeyeshinynails.

Sunday 2 June 2013

ysl - bronze pyrite

bila sam baš ljuta na sebe što nisam uzela i bronze pyrite kad i jade imperiale da kompletiram ysl prolećni duo. ipak, kada mi se pružila druga prilika, iskoristila sam je.

i was so angry at myself for not getting bronze pyrite with my jade imperiale to complete ysl's spring collection, but i got another chance to come across it and this time, i took it.

upravo se završava i druga nedelja svakodnevne, neprestane kiše u ljubljani. stvarno sam htela da napravim što bolje slike ovog laka, ali je to bilo nemoguće. verovatno ću ih zameniti boljim kad dođe malo sunca, ali nisam mogla da izdržim da ga ne probam.

volim lakove sa metalik završnicom, pa nije ni čudo da sam toliko želela ovaj lak. boja je kombinacija dosta različitih nijansi, sa kalajnom-limenom kao dominantnom, uz zlatnu i maslinastozelenu. pošto je ovo pravi metalik lak, može da ostavi vidljive tragove četkice, ali ništa preterano. još jednom, ne mogu dovoljno da se nahvalim ysl četkice i formule, odlični su!

prirodna svetlost:
we're now in at the end of the second week of full-on rain in ljubljana, and i really wanted to capture this polish perfectly but it was impossible. i will probably change the pictures once i make them in nicer weather, but i couldn't wait to wear it.

i do love metallic polishes, so it's no wonder i really wanted this one. the color is a combination of many different shades, with the pewter being the most dominant, followed by gold and olive green. since it is a true metallic polish, it can leave some brushstrokes, but nothing too messy. once again, i cannot praise the formula and brush enough, they are so amazing.

natural light:

Saturday 1 June 2013

new in: may 2013

 chanel: provocation, taboo, vendetta; ysl:  mauve naif, violine surrealiste, bronze pyrite

 dior: samba duo, saint tropez, new world purple, purple mix 

 opi: at your quebec & call, lincoln park after dark SUEDE, show it &glow it, DS 030 reflection, show must go on MINI

essie: jamaica me crazy, go overboard; zoya ivanka

53. and 54. theme fridays

pretprošla nedelja je bila posvećena auri. učestvovala sam s lakom punk.
the previous week was dedicated to the serbian brand aura. my choice was punk.

prošle nedelje smo pokazivali svoje omiljene lakove. moj očigledan izbor, i jedan od najdražih lakova, je essence mojito green.
last week was about showing off our favourite spring polishes. my obvious choice, and one of my dearest shades, is essence mojito green.