Saturday 21 December 2013

chanel black pearl (spring 2011)

this post is long overdue, but i guess that i love this polish so much that i was never really happy with the pictures. i gave up now, so i present you the amazing chanel black pearl, from their 2011 spring collection.

this polish is not your typical grey polish, and not only because of the gorgeous green-teal microshimmer that runs through it. for me, it is elegant and edgy at the same time. since the finish is metallic, it is a bit brushstrokey.

this is, by far, my most used chanel, so i decided to bring it back home because i don't want to be tempted to wear it for a while (it's discontinued).  i also have the best dupe out there, catrice captain sparrow's boat, and i was using this one heavily too. of course it's also discontinued :(

i made sooo many pictures of this one, and honestly, i think it's beauty is not really transferable to photos.

natural light:


i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).


  1. Such a classic, and it looks fantastic on you! Hah, what a perfect name for the Catrice dupe as well. ^_^

    1. tnx! yeah, at catrice, they were quite imaginative :D

  2. Beautiful swatches, and this indeed a very unique polish!

  3. Gorgeous swatches!

  4. Divan je :) Bas mi ide uz tebe :)

    Imam Catrice, jedva sam ga nasla, i stvarno je prelepa boja.. Steta sto ne stizem cesce da ga mazem.

  5. Fantazija od boje. I ja imam neki lak koji važi za djup, ali se takođe ne proizvodi :D

    1. pravi lepotan! hoće li kompanije shvatiti da hoćemo da nam ovakvi lakovi budu dostupni. kog ti imaš, ja znam za neki revlon?

  6. Predivan je!!! Volim ovakve nijanse i cesto ih nosim ;)

  7. Predivan i slike su ti odlične. ;) Nisam znala da je povučen..

  8. Divan divan divan! Mene dosta podsjeca na catrice after eight, iako je catrice tamniji i zeleniji, ali to mi je bila prva asocijacija. :)

    1. na isti su fazon, ali ipak potpuno različiti!

  9. I ja mislim da je nekako klasican i elegantan a opet cudan. Odlicno ti stoji.

  10. volim ovakve lakiće, što bi i ovaj bio izuzetak ;)

  11. Kako povučen kada? Ima ga na sajtu chanela. Ako je tako bolje da požurim da ga kupim jer sam stalno odlagala taj lak.

  12. Jako je lep. Ja i dalje odlazem njegovo slikanje. Nikako da "ubodem" tretnutak kada sam raspolozena za njega istovremeno da bih ga nosila i slikala. Izuzetan je.
