Wednesday 25 December 2013

essence the incredible (superheroes)

essence limited edition kolekcije su mi već neko vreme nezanimljive, ali je superheroes fina promena. na žalost, jedini lak kog sam uspela da se dokopam je the incredible, označen kao teksturni lak.
it's been a while since i was excited about a limited edition from essence, and superheroes is a change from that trend. unfortunately, the only polish i could get my hands on was the incredible, with the sand effect tag.

ovaj lak sam uzela pre oko dva meseca bez provere, kada sam bila u evropi zbog odbrane doktorata. tad je ova kolekcija tek izašla, pa nisam videla svočeve, ali mislim da bih preskočila ovaj lak da jesam.

the inceridble je srednje plavo-petrolej lak sa petrolej šimerom i teksturnom završnicom. ono što mi se ne sviđa je da teksturni efekat nije dovoljno izražen, izgleda nekako gromuljičavo. četkica i formula su prililčno dobri, ali je vreme sušenja nešto duže nego kod ostalih liquid sand lakova koje sam probala, i suši se polumat.

ovde imam bazni lak (china glaze strong adhesion) i dva sloja laka.
i got this polish as a whim almost two months ago when i was back in europe for my phd defence. the le has just got out, so i never saw the swatches, but i think that if i did, i would pass on this one.

the incredible is a medium blue - teal polish with teal shimmer and the sand effect finish. my problem with it is that the texture is not pronounced as it should be, it is on the verge on looking like there are little lumps in the polish. the brush and formula are solid, but the drying time is a bit longer than with other liquid sand polishes i tried. it dries semi matte.

here, i have a base coat (china glaze strong adhesion) and two coats of polish.

drugom prilikom sam ga nosila sa nadlakom (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS). dodala sam jedan sloj odmah, ali se brzo upio u osnovni lak, pa sam dodala još jedan sloj oko sat vremena pre fotografisanja.
on another occasion, i wore it with a top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS). i added one tc layer immediately, but it sank in pretty quickly so i added another about an hour before making the photos:


  1. Sa tc-om mi je lepsi. :)

    Volim teal na tebi :)

  2. Essence se nije proslavio teksturcima. Šteta, jer ovome je boja prelepa. Odlično izgleda sa nadlakom.

    1. ovo mi je prvi njihov teksturac, pa ne mogu da dam opšti sud. a baš je imao potencijal.

  3. Čudan je stvarno, liči malo na CG tekturce čiji nisam fan. :) Moraš nabaviti Power Girl - svemirsku verziju Bel-Argusa. :)

  4. It looks beautiful on you - it's a pity the texture part isn't working properly tho...

  5. Mene nekako nije kupila ova kolekcija. Ovaj ti odlicno stoji!

    1. meni je svakako zanimljivija od raznih nude koje su im bile u poslednje vreme.

  6. Ja ih bas danas gledala, ova kolekcija je sad kod nas u BiH aktuelna, i jedino mi se svidja onaj sto se prelijeva u vise boja, treci s lijeva na desno na prvoj slici.

  7. Great swatches! I agree with you, th colour is amazing but the texture is not equally great. This one was my least favourite of the bunch. But don't worry, I'm sure you can still get one or the other colour on internet. Myself, I'm planning to include 4 colours of this collection in my blog sale. I'll open it in January :)

  8. Looks very nice! I love it more without top coat :)

  9. me like, me like... na žalost, nisam uhvatila ništa od ove kolekcije :(
