Monday 31 March 2014

chanel rouge moire (rouge allure moiré)

rouge moire je deo chanel-ove mini jesenje kolekcije, rouge allure moiré. preskočila sam njegovog parnjaka, rose moire, jer nije moja boja.
rouge moire is a part of chanel's mini autumn collection, rouge allure moiré. i only got this one, because rose moire is not my cup of tea.

ako ćemo iskreno, ovaj lak je lep, ali bih preživela i bez njega. ne žalim što sam ga uzela, samo, zbog ovakvih nijansi mi srce nikad nije posočilo.

nijansu je najbolje opisati kao biserno crvenom. u pitanju je hladna, malinasta crvena sa rozikastim šimerom koji izbija na površinu kao neki tanki, dodatni sloj. ima blago metalni finiš. formula i pokrivenost su ok, potezi četkicom mogu biti vidljivi, ali ne preterano. imajte u vidu da sam zaboravila da stavim nadlak, tako da su mogli biti i neprimetniji.

prirodna svetlost:

to be completely honest, this polish is pretty, but i would survive without it. i don't regret buying it, it's just that these shades don't really make my heart beat faster.

the shade is best described as pearly red. it is a cool, berry red with a pinkish shimmer that goes over it like a thin coat, and really pops out in the sun. it has a slight metallic feel to it. the formula and opacity are ok, there is a little bit of visible brushstrokes, but nothing too crazy. bear in mind, i forgot to put the top coat, so they could've been evened out by it.

natural light:

Friday 28 March 2014

dior mystic magnetic (mystic metallics)

dior-ov mystic magnetic je njihov prvi magnetni lak iz jesenje mystic metallic kolekcije, uz galaxie i destin.
dior's mystic magnetic is their first magnetic polish, from the autumn mystic metallic collection, together with galaxie and destin.

moram da priznam, da kad sam uzela ovaj lak, namera mi je bila da ga nosim takvog kakav jeste, bez mučenja s magnetom. boja me je očarala, kombinacija sive i dimno plave. to što je magnetni ga čini dosta pigmentovanim, pravi je jednoslojac ali uz dobru formulu. slike bez magneta su na dnu stranice.

kasnije sam postala radoznala po pitanju magnetnog efekta. prvi put sam pratila uputstva: jedan sloj laka, pa još jedan sloj nokat po nokat, uz držanje magneta vrlo blizu površine 20ak sekundi. ispalo je ok, ali sam bila ubeđena da je i jedan sloj dovoljan, tako da su slike iz tog testa, tj. sa samo jednim slojem.

čak i za smotanu mene, magnet je bio jednostavan za upotrebu i efekat mi je odličan. trudila sam se da uhvatim sićušne holo čestice, ali su blago vidljive samo na par slika pod direktnim suncem.

i have to admit, when i got this polish, my only intention was to wear it as it is, without bothering with the magnet. i was mesmerized by the colour, a combination of grey and smoking blue. the fact that it's magnetic means it's very pigmented, so a true one coater, but the application was really easy. these pictures are at the bottom of the page.

then, i got curious about the magnetic effect. the first time i did it according to the instructions: one layer of polish, than after putting another coat on each nail, i held the magnet close to the nail for 20ish seconds. it turned out ok, but i got pretty convinced one coat was enough, so the pictures i'm showing are with one coat.

even for me (i am really clumsy) this was easy to use and i like the effect. i tried so hard to capture tiny holo particles, but they are just barely visible on the direct sunlight photos.


Tuesday 25 March 2014

picture polish altered state (limited edition)

i know i may be overdoing it with showing picture polish limited edition shades, but i just can't help myself! now it's time for altered state!

like in the cases of aurora and illusionist, i am wearing one coat over oa black polish (dance legend melange 276). this one would maybe do better over dark blues, because the colour shift goes from deep, dark blue over violet-purple, even to coppery red at extreme angles, that i simply couldn't capture. add some holographic glitter to this, and you get the magic!

this one, out of three i already showed, has the weakest multichrome effect, but don't let that make you think that the effect is small! again, prepare for the picture overload!

natural light:

Saturday 22 March 2014

rimmel apple berry smoothie (coctail colour)

kada sam bila u poseti dragoj prijateljici u holadniji pre skoro godinu dana, ugledala sam rimmel coctail colour kolekciju koja nije bila dostupna u mom tadašnjem prebivalištu, tako da sam izabrala apple berry smoothie i cutie colada.
when i was visiting my dear friend in the netherlands last year around this time, i saw rimmel's coctail colour collection that wasn't available where i was living, so i picked up apple berry smoothie and cutie colada.

apple berry smoothie se baš čudno slika, što je i razlog da ga prikazujem tako kasno. pretpostavljam da je po samoj bočici jasno zašto mi je privukao pažnju, jer ima dve vrlo bitne osobine: plavo i staklasti finiš.

baš volim ovakve plavce, izgledaju nekako električno i živo. jedina mana mu je prozračnost, ponekad mi se činilo da ni tri sloja nisu dovoljna, ali mi je krajnji izgled ipak odličan.

prirodna svetlost:
apple berry smoothie photographs strangely, which is the reason i'm showing it with such a delay. i guess it is obvious just by looking at the bottle why it caught my eye; it has the keywords blue and glass flecks.

i love this sort of blue, it looks so electric and vibrant. it is sheer, this is the only downside, even three coats sometimes don't look like they're enough, but the overall effect is still great.

natural light:

Monday 17 March 2014

comparison: essence choose me-nyx sea of kortez-zoya ivanka - china glaze running in circles

danas sam slučajno našla folder sa slikama za koje sam mislila da sam ih davno objavila. pošto volim ove lakove, rešila sam da ih ipak prikažem.

u pitanju je poređenje sirena nijansi, essence choose me-nyx sea of kortez-zoya ivanka - china glaze running in circles.

today i accidentaly found a folder with pictures i thought i posted a long time ago. because i like these polishes, i decided to do them justice and show them.

basically, this is the comparison of mermaid colours, essence choose me-nyx sea of kortez-zoya ivanka - china glaze running in circles.

u svim slučajevima imam dva sloja laka i nadlak.
in all the cases, i'm wearing two layers of polish and a top coat.

Thursday 13 March 2014

picture polish illusionist (limited edition)

nisam mogla da odolim a da ne namažem illusionist iz picture polish limited edition kolekcije samo par dana nakon što sam skinula auroru.
i couldn't resist wearing illusionist from picture polish limited edition collection just a couple of days after wearing aurora.

ok, da kažem samo da sam zaljubljena u ovaj lak je preslaba izjava. nosila sam ovu kombinaciju tri dana a to mi se poslednji put desilo... ni ne znam kad! imam samo jedan problem: ovaj lak toliko odvlači pažnju, da sam hvatala sebe na poslu kako samo gledam u nokte!

illusionist je sestrinski lak aurori, uz dodatak čestica koje mu daju rasejani holo efekat, tako da daje pravi utisak galaksija. slike su najvernije pod belom lampom, jer zbog holo efekta, sunce ih čini nekako maglovitim.

dominantne boje su petrolej zelena (a england saint george tipa) i ljubičasta, uz dodatak plave, crvene pa čak i roze pod određenim uglovima. ponovo, nosim jedan sloj preko crnog alessandro laka iz seta crystal punk. sad sam stvarno nestrpljiva da probam i altered state.

veštačka bela svetlost:
ok, to say that i'm in love would be an understatement. i wore this combo for three days, and this last happened.... well, i have no idea when! i have only one problem with it: it is seriously distracting. i would catch myself sitting at work, just looking at my nails!

itis a sisterly polish to aurora, with addition of scattering holo particles, so this is a galaxy type of polish at it's finest. again, the pictures look best taken in artificial white light, because of the particles, sunlight makes them somehow cloudy.

the dominant colors are teal green (of a england saint george type) and purple, but with hints of blue, red and pink in certain angles. again, i'm wearing one coat over alessandro black out of crystal punk set. now i'm really anxious to try altered state!

artificial white light:

Sunday 9 March 2014

miss sporty aurora borealis (metal flip)

danas je još jedan duohrom dan, i ovaj put predstavljam aurora borealis iz miss sporty metal flip kolekcije.
it's another duochrome day, and this time i'm showing aurora borealis from miss sporty metal flip collection.

čini mi se kao da je prošla večnost od kad sam dobila ovaj lak na cajinom blogodarivanju. bočicu sam skoro potrošila, ali sam uvek imala neki problem sa slikama; ili je bilo previše sunčano ili previše oblačno ili bih zaboravila aparat, ali sam sad zadovoljna.

već sam ovo spominjala, ali moram opet: nervira me što miss sporty lakovi nemaju imena na bočici, već morate da ih tražite na sajtu. to me baš frustrira.

ovaj lak je iz malo suptilnije duohrom porodice. nijansa je teška za opisivanje, srebrnkasto-lila sa šimerom, koja može da pređe u zelenkastu. efekat je mnogo očigledniji u bočici. tri sloja su neophodna za pokrivenost, a uvek imam osećaj da bih mogla da dodam još jedan.

nosila sam ga dosta, jer mi je nekako uvek bio izbor za situacije u kojima ne želim da mi nokti privlače pažnju, a opet mi treba neki efekat da ne budem samoj sebi dosadna. prošle nedelje sam otkrila da mi dobro stoji na papcima, tako da ću da ga koristim za pedikir.

prirodna svetlost:
it seems like forever since i got this one in cayca's giveaway. the bottle is almost empty, but something was always wrong with my pictures, either it was to sunny or to cloudy or i would forgot the camera, but i am happy with the pictures now.

i mentioned it before, but i have to say it again, i am frustrated that miss sporty people never put the polish name on the bottle, and then you have to search for it. simply annoying.

this polish is from a more subtle duochrome family. the shade is hard to describe, it is a shimmery silvery lillac that can shift towards green. the effect is much stronger in the bottle. it takes three layers for opacity, and i always have a feeling that i could add another one.

i wore it a lot, because it was sort of my go to polish when i didn't want my nails to stand out, but i still needed that extra something not to be bored. i discovered a week ago that it looks really good on my toes, so i'm going to finish the bottle in that style.

natural light:

Wednesday 5 March 2014

picture polish aurora (limited edition)

čim sam videla najavu za pet lakova koji su se pojavili u okviru picture polish limited edition kolekcije, počela sam da balavim, i uspela sam da ulovim tri. počinjemo sa lakom aurora.
i started drooling when i saw the five polishes in picture polish limited edition collection, and managed to snatch three. i decided to start with aurora.

kada mi je ovaj paket stigao juče na posao, bila sam u iskušenju da umočim nokte u flašu acetona u labu i namažem neki, bez baze i nadlaka, ali sam uspela da se iskontrolišem.

reč ispisana na bočici govori sve: wowza! savetuje se da se maže preko crne baze, tako da na slikama imam jedan sloj aurore preko jednog sloja crnog alessandro laka iz seta crystal punk.

ovaj lak bi trebalo da ima najintenzivniji efekat prelivanja boja. uživo je zaista neverovatan, stvarno izgleda kao da nosite galaxy manikir. kolege su me pitale kako sam ovo izvela i koliko lakova sam ukombinovala :) najizraženije boje su tirkizno-zelena i ljubičasta, mada su i plava i roze vrlo uočljive. ovaj lak je šimerast, šljokičav, multihrom, u dve reči: čista magija!

efekat je toliko moćan da nema potrebe da obrćete prste da vidite promenu nijanse. toliko sam poludela za ovim lakom, tako da se izninjavam za količinu slika koje će uslediti.

prirodna svetlost:
when i received this package yesterday at work, i was seriously tempted to put my nails in acetone bottle in the lab and paint my nails, top and base coat-less, but i managed to resist the temptation.

ok, the tagline on the bottle says it all: wowza! it is advised to wear it over black polish, so i layered one coat of aurora over one coat of alessandro black out of crystal punk set.

it is said that this one has the most prominent colour shifting effect. it is extremely stunning, it really looks like galaxy nails. my coworkers asked me how i did it and how many polishes did i use :) the most prominent colours are turquoise type of green and purple, but blue and pink are clearly visible. it is glittery, it is shimmery, it is multichrome, simply put, it's pure magic!

the effect is so stunning, there is no need to tilt your fingers in order to see the colour change. i am so in love and i have to apologize for the massive ammount of pictures to follow.

artificial white light:

Monday 3 March 2014

ysl beige gallery (fall and winter 2013)

mislim da je moja opsesija ysl lakovima jasna, i mogla bih da kupim bilo koju njihovu nijansu bez razmišljanja i da se oduševim. beige gallery nije izuzetak.
i'm sure i made it clear that i could buy any ysl polish without even looking at it, and still be blown away by it. beige gallery is no exception.

nisam mogla da dočekam da se dokopam ysl tria za jesen/zimu 2013. beige gallery možda nije najjedinstvenija nijansa na svetu, ali je zacementirao moju odluku da se oslanjam na ysl kada su u pitanju kreme, sem ako nemaju ništa slično.

nijansa je malo teža za opisivanje, ali su mi slike prilično verne. nije ni potpuno blatnjav, ni potpuno bež ni potpuno braon, već negde između. meni je prelep, i identičan jednom od omiljenih džempera.

formula je izuzetna, a ysl četkica je moj definitivni favorit.

prirodna svetlost:
i was really anxious about getting the ysl fall-winter trio. beige gallery may not be the most unique shade in the world, but it cemented my decision that any creme polish that i buy will be from them (unless they don't have anything similar).

the colour is a bit difficult to describe, but my photos are really faithful. the shade is not completely taupe, not completely beige and not completely brown, but somewhere inbetween. i find it to be gorgeous, and it matches one of my sweaters perfectly.

formula is flawless, and ysl brush is my favourite.

natural light: