Tuesday 25 March 2014

picture polish altered state (limited edition)

i know i may be overdoing it with showing picture polish limited edition shades, but i just can't help myself! now it's time for altered state!

like in the cases of aurora and illusionist, i am wearing one coat over oa black polish (dance legend melange 276). this one would maybe do better over dark blues, because the colour shift goes from deep, dark blue over violet-purple, even to coppery red at extreme angles, that i simply couldn't capture. add some holographic glitter to this, and you get the magic!

this one, out of three i already showed, has the weakest multichrome effect, but don't let that make you think that the effect is small! again, prepare for the picture overload!

natural light:


I used base (china glaze strong adhesion)+ one layer of dance legend melange 276 + one layer of pp aurora + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).


  1. ja se svaki put raspametim kad vidim da si pisala o nekom od picture polish lakova... :D divni su <3

  2. Ne bih se ja zalila ni na malo slabiji efekat. :D Fenomenalan je zaista! :)

  3. Ludilo od laka. :) Odbrojavam dane dok ne stigne.

  4. Nemoguće je preterati sa LE Picture Polish lakovima :D

  5. It looks beautiful on you, but I agree the multichrome effect isn't so strong..

  6. Savrseni su svi iz ove kolekcije!! :D

  7. kao i u slučaju aurore i illusionista, opet ću isplazit jezik, fenomenalni lakovi *.*

  8. Mislila sam da je jedan od prethodnih identican :D Secam se neke galaksije :D
    Ali vidim da se ipak razlikuju :)

    Odlicno ti stoji!

  9. Meni je jos ljepsi na umjetnoj svjetlosti, a obicno mi je obrnuto :)

    1. pod ovim svetlom sve ispada prilično realno, a za ovakve slučajeve je najbolje rešenje!

  10. It looks like galaxy! ^_^
