Friday 28 March 2014

dior mystic magnetic (mystic metallics)

dior-ov mystic magnetic je njihov prvi magnetni lak iz jesenje mystic metallic kolekcije, uz galaxie i destin.
dior's mystic magnetic is their first magnetic polish, from the autumn mystic metallic collection, together with galaxie and destin.

moram da priznam, da kad sam uzela ovaj lak, namera mi je bila da ga nosim takvog kakav jeste, bez mučenja s magnetom. boja me je očarala, kombinacija sive i dimno plave. to što je magnetni ga čini dosta pigmentovanim, pravi je jednoslojac ali uz dobru formulu. slike bez magneta su na dnu stranice.

kasnije sam postala radoznala po pitanju magnetnog efekta. prvi put sam pratila uputstva: jedan sloj laka, pa još jedan sloj nokat po nokat, uz držanje magneta vrlo blizu površine 20ak sekundi. ispalo je ok, ali sam bila ubeđena da je i jedan sloj dovoljan, tako da su slike iz tog testa, tj. sa samo jednim slojem.

čak i za smotanu mene, magnet je bio jednostavan za upotrebu i efekat mi je odličan. trudila sam se da uhvatim sićušne holo čestice, ali su blago vidljive samo na par slika pod direktnim suncem.

i have to admit, when i got this polish, my only intention was to wear it as it is, without bothering with the magnet. i was mesmerized by the colour, a combination of grey and smoking blue. the fact that it's magnetic means it's very pigmented, so a true one coater, but the application was really easy. these pictures are at the bottom of the page.

then, i got curious about the magnetic effect. the first time i did it according to the instructions: one layer of polish, than after putting another coat on each nail, i held the magnet close to the nail for 20ish seconds. it turned out ok, but i got pretty convinced one coat was enough, so the pictures i'm showing are with one coat.

even for me (i am really clumsy) this was easy to use and i like the effect. i tried so hard to capture tiny holo particles, but they are just barely visible on the direct sunlight photos.


prirodna svetlost/direct sunlight

bez magneta, prirodna svetlost/no magnet, natural light

 bez magneta, veštačka bela svetlost / no magnet, arificial white light

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + jedan sloj laka (sa ili bez magneta) 
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + on layer of polish (with or without the magnet)


  1. I agree, it's definitely more pretty with the magnet used :)

  2. Prelep je i namagnetisan i nenamagnetisan i šara ti se odlično pokazala.

  3. Odlična je boja u obe kombinacije! :)

  4. Divan, jedan od boljih HE ulova prošle godine. :)

  5. Odličan u oba slučaja, ali sam iznenađena da sam ovoliko oduševljena namagnetisanom verzijom :)

  6. Beautiful magnetic!

  7. meni je krasan, i sa magnetom i bez njega *.*
