Saturday 31 May 2014

ysl rouge pablo (spring 2014)

today's star is ysl rouge pablo, part of their spring duo but promoted to the core line.

honestly, i wouldn't even look at this poslish if it was another brand. but, since ysl polishes are my true loves, i keep an open mind for every bottle they release.

i actually felt great wearing this. it's a very vibrant red with a strong pink undertone, but with my skintone, it goes more fuchsia then red. as usual, this is a perfect, buttery creme, amazing formula!

natural light:

Tuesday 27 May 2014

dance legend lebedushka (anna gorelova)

kada sam videla kolekciju anna gorelova (ako niste još otkrile njen blog, obavezan klik) za dance legend, lebedushka mi je bio prvi izbor.
when i saw the collection by anna gorelova (if you haven't checked out her blog, do it!) for dance legend, lebedushka was among my instant favourites.

lak je nazvan po animiranom filmu "swan princess" (za kog nikad  nisam čula :D). stvarno mi je ukrao srce, nekako je istovremeno i moćan i mekan, a svakako jedinstven u mojoj kolekciji. formula i četkica su odlični, i brzo se suši.

teško je opisati nijansu, ali je u pitanju svetla, ledena plava sa šimerom i teksturnom završnicom. u mojim slikama, na suncu ispada isprano, tako da sam dodala nekoliko slika u senci.
the polish is named after an animated movie swan princess (that i never heard of :D). it really stole my heart, it is powerful and fluffy at the same time, definitely an unique polish in my collection. formula and brush are nice, and it dries quickly.

it is hard to describe the color, it is s light, icy blue with sparkle and a texture finish. in my photos, the strong, direct light makes it look washed out, so i added quite a few in shade. 

Saturday 24 May 2014

a england order of the garter (the legend)

nesrećni order of the garter nekako ostaje zanemaren u a england the legend kolekciji, pošto je tu jedini lak bez holo efekta.
poor order of the garter, it is the only polish in the a england's the legend collection that's not holo, so it get's overlooked!

order of the garter sam dodavala i skidala sa liste želja toliko često da sam na kraju rešila da ga uzmem, samo da se ne premišljam više. inspirisan je bojom lente engleskog najvišeg viteškog reda.

ovo je prelepa srednje plava nijansa sa sitnim svetlije plavim staklastim flekicama. prvi sloj je bio proziran, ali se pokrivenost sredila posle drugog. ovaj lak poseduje sve što se očekuje od a england laka: odličnu čestkicu i dobru formulu.

moram da dodam njihov opis, pošto je uvek poetskim ali zato, za moj talenat, neprevodiv: "majestically deep and filled with truth's purity & strength of will, this royal blue inspires honour with every scintillating pulse."

prirodna svetlost:
order of the garter was being on and off my wishlist for so long that i decided to take it, just to get over with it. it is inspired by the english highest order of chivalry and the color of it's sash.

it is a beautiful medium blue, with small  lighter blue glass flecks. the first coat was a bit sheer, but the opacity was built up nicely after the second. it has everything you expect from an a england polish: a great brush and good formula.

i have to add their description, because it is always so poetic: "majestically deep and filled with truth's purity & strength of will, this royal blue inspires honour with every scintillating pulse."

natural light:

Saturday 17 May 2014

deborah milano knock out violet (pret a porter 35)

danas se opraštam od deborah milano laka, knock out violet, iz njihove pret a porter linije.
today, i am saying goodbye to deborah milano knock out violet, from their pret a porter line.

kada su u potanju deborah milano lakovi, ima svakakvih primeraka. dosta nijansi je vrlo zanimljivo, ali često formula može da bude problematična. knock out violet je jedan od njihovih najpopularnijih lakova, ali ja nisam baš imala sreće s mojim primerkom.

ovaj lak ima sve što obično volim. bazna boja je tamno ljubičasta, sa plavim i ljubičastim staklastim šimerom. teško se slika, uvek ispada plavlji nego što jeste i mislim da nigde nisam videla potpuno veran swatch.

ja sam bila loše sreće s formulim. bočica mi je sad ispražnjena, i uvek sam se mučila s mazanjem da često nisam htela ni da slikam nokte, misleći da će sledeći put biti bolje. ovaj put sam to morala da uradim, pošto mi je bila poslednja prilika. izgleda da se niko drugi ne žali na formulu, pa je moguće da sam naletela na loš primerak, jer je dosta voden, ostavlja puno ćelavih mesta, nanosi se nejednako i sve u svemu, mazanje je noćna mora. šteta, jer je boja predivna.

prirodna svetlost:

when it comes to deborah milano, it can be hit and miss. they have a lot of interesting colours, but the formula can be problematic. knock out violet is one of the shades that we're most raved about, but it turns out, i wasn't so lucky with my bottle.

this polish has everything i usually love, it is a dark purple base, with purple and blue glass flecks. it is horror to photograph, it always looks bluer than it is, i'm not sure i ever saw a completely faithfull swatch.

i had bad luck with the formula. this bottle is now empty, and i always had problems with application so i didn't even want to photograph the nails, thinking that it will be better next time. now, since it's was my last chance, i had to do it. it seems that nobody else is complaining about the formula, so i guess i just got a bad bottle, but it is runny, a lot of bald spots, application is uneven ad it's a real horror to work with. too bad, since the shade is gorgeous.

natural light:

Monday 12 May 2014

alessandro crystal punk set (turquoise)

pošto sam crni bazni lak baš često nosila, mislim da je krajnje vreme da prikažem alessandro crystal punk set turquoise.
since i've been using the black base colour so often, i guess it is about time to show alessandro crystal punk set in turquoise.

ovaj set sam dobila kao rođendanski poklon od drage drugarice koja, kao i manje-više svi u mom okruženju, pojma nema da imam blog, ali je ipak zapazila moju opsesiju lakovima.

moram da kažem da je crni bazni lak pravi dragulj. ovde je prikazan u jednom sloju (sa china glaze strong adhesion kao bazom) i bez nadlaka, tako da se vidi kako ima visoki sjaj. formula i četkica su takođe odlični.

i got this set as a birthday present from a dear friend of mine who, as pretty much everyone in my life, knows nothing about my blogging, but is nevertheless aware of my nail polish obsession.

i have to say that the black base color is a true gem. here, it is shown as one coat (over china glaze strong adhesion base coat) and no top coat, so you can see how beautifully shiny it is on its own. formula and brush are also amazing.

Thursday 8 May 2014

nyx mermaid green (core)

baš je dugo vremena prošlo od kad sam prikazala svoj prvi nyx lak (sea of cortez) od tri koja sam uzela u holandiji pre godinu dana, tako da je vreme za mermaid green.
it's been ages since i swatched first (sea of cortez) out of three nyx polishes that i got in the netherlands a year ago, so it's finally time for mermaid green.

pošto ne mogu da nađem nikakvu informaciju u kolekciji, verovatno je deo stalne postavke.

dok mi je boja zaista prelepa, i mislim da joj mermaid green ime odlično pristaje jer je skoro podjednako plava koliko i zelena, formula je baš loša. prilično je redak i ostavlja dosta ćelavih mesta, tako da mora da se maže u tri sloja, pa čak i tad ponekad da izgleda vodenasto. ipak sam ga dosta nosila, ali prvenstveno na nogama.

prirodna svetlost:
since i can't get any other info, i have to guess it is in the core collection.

while i really like the colour, and i think the name mermaid green fits it perfectly, since it is almost as much as green as it is blue, i really dislike the formula. it is thin and leaves a lot of bald spots, so it has to go with three coats, and even then can sometimes look watery. i did wear it quite a few times, but mainly on my toes.

natural light:

Monday 5 May 2014

catrice pool party at night (410)

danas prikazujem potpuno zaboravljene slike catrice pool party at night.
today i am showing a set of completely forgotten pictures of catrice's pool party at night.

baš je čudno da do sad nisam pisala o ovom laku, jer je jedan od najlepših plavih krema koje sam posedovala. potrošila sam ga pre nekoliko meseci, i time se završila era mog savršenog dua, run forest run i pool party, kao mojih prvih pravih zelenih i plavih lakova.

pool party ima skoro kraljevsko plavu nijansu, uz malo ljubičastog podtona. pripadao je poslednjoj odličnoj catrice liniji kada su i četkica i formula bile savršene. sad sam stvarno nostalgična za ovim lakom, bio je moja definicija plave!

prirodna svetlost:
it is so strange that i never wrote about this polish, since it is one of the most gorgeous blue cremes i ever owned. i emptied the bottle a couple of months ago, and in that way finished the era of my perfect duo, run forest run and pool party, as my first real green and blue polishes.

the shade of this one is a royal blue with a hint of purple. it belonged to that amazing catrice range when the brush and formula were perfection. oh, i really feel nostalgic about this polish, it was my definition of blue.

natural light:

Saturday 3 May 2014

china glaze grape pop (up & away)

čini mi se da u poslednje vreme nosim samo tamne lakove, i baš mi se nosilo nešto malo življe, jer ipak je već neko vreme 30+°C i krenula je morska sezona. odlučila sam se za china glaze grape pop, iz njihove up & away kolekcije za proleće 2010.
i feel like i've been wearing only dark shades lately, and wanted something more lively to cheer me up, since it's been 30+°C lately, and the beach season started . i decided on china glaze grape pop, from their up & away collection from spring 2010.

kada gledam listu lakova iz ove kolekcije, jasno mi je da je ova bila baš uspešna, pošto je mnogo lakova ušlo u stalnu postavku, zaista su napravili lepu, klasičnu prolećnu liniju.

grape pop je baš lepotan. volim ljubičaste kreme, i ova je jedna od lepših. prisutan je i plavi podton, ali ostaje jasno ljubičasta a ne blurple. dobro je pigmentovan, i moja jedina zamerka je, kao i obično, china glaze četkica, ali to je samo moj ukus.

prirodna svetlost: 
as i look at the polishes from this collection, i see that it was a really successful one, with so many of them making it into the core line, such a classic spring line.

grape pop is a real beauty. i love purple cremes, and this one is among the prettiest there are. it has a slight blue undertone, but never going into the blurple area. it is well pigmented, and my only complaint is, as usual, china glaze's brush, but it's just my taste.

natural light: