Monday 28 July 2014

catrice mermaid my day (44)

na poslednjem putovanju, slučajno sam naletela na catrice štand, i to me je baš usrećilo. naravno da je mermaid my day uspeo da mi se ušunja u korpu.
on my last travel, i unexpectedly came across catrice stand, which made me really happy. of course that mermaid my day found its way into my shopping bag.

pošto se moja catrice gomilica prilično smanjuje (trenutno u fioci imam šest bočica koje čekaju poslednje mazanje), iskoristila sam priliku da osvežim kolekciju.

kada lak ima reč "sirena" u imenu, ne moram ni da ga pogledam, odmah znam da ga želim, pa ni ovaj lak nije izuzetak. u pitanju je metalik petrolej lak sa gustim srebrnim šimerom. naravno, kao i svaki metalik, tragovi četkice su vidljivi, ali mi to ne smeta jer je lak baš po mom ukusu.

zaboravila sam da slikam četkicu, koja izgleda potpuno čudno ali je, bar meni, bolja od prethodne. pošto imam još dva noviteta, prikazaću je sledeći put.

prirodna svetlost:
with my catrice stash getting smaller and smaller (i actually have six bottles in the drawer waiting for their last hurrah), it felt really good to refresh my collection.

when a polish has "mermaid" in its name, i know without looking at it that i want it. this one wasn't an exception. it's a teal, metallic polish with dense silver shimmer. like most of metallics, it is brushstrokey, but i really don't mind it. it really is my type of polish.

i forgot to take a photo of the brush, which looks really strange, but is actually better than the previous version. since i have two more catrices, i will photograph it for the next post.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. Ovo je baš ozbiljan metalik sjaj. Potpuno mi boja ide uz tebe.

  2. Oh wow I love the metallic teal! It is really something special :-) Looks amazing on you :-)

  3. totalno tvoj, odlično ti pristaje :D

  4. Wow, that really is a mermaid color - too teal for me, but beautiful on you :)

    1. i don't believe in "too teal" concept :D

  5. I like it a lot and I think I have it among my untrieds... I need to check !

  6. Znaš da si mi ti asocijacija za sirenaste lakove. <3

  7. Pravi morski lak :)
