Wednesday 30 July 2014

chanel blue boy (les jeans)

prošlo je više od godinu dana od kad sam pisala o laku coco blue iz chanel-ove les jeans kolekcije za fashion night out 2011, i konačno je došao red na blue boy.
it's been more than a year since i showed coco blue from chanel's les jeans collection for fashion night out 2011, and now is the time for blue boy.

kao veliki ljubitelj plavaca, nemam očiglednog favorita u ovoj kolekciji, sva tri su potpuno po mom ukusu.

blue boy je možda najnosiviji u ovom triu, i trebalo bi de predstavlja nijansu izbledelih farmerki, a i nije daleko od toga. on je srednje plava krema, sa daškom sive i petrolej. formula je za nijansu ređa nego što bi trebalo za savršenu pokrivenost u dva sloja, pa preporučujem malo deblji drugi, da bi se izbeglo nanošenje još jednog. mislim da je ovo jedan od onih lakova koji svima dobro stoje.

prirodna svetlost:

as a huge fan of blues, i really don't have a clear favourite in this collection, i love all three of them.

blue boy is maybe the most wearable of the trio, it is supposed to represent the colour of faded jeans and it's not too far off. it is a medium blue creme, with a hint of grey and teal. it is just a little bit on the sheer side, so i recommend a generous second coat, if you don't want to deal with the third. i think it's one of those polishes that looks good on everyone.

prirodna svetlost:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (seche vite.
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (seche vite).


  1. This looks really nice on you!

    I got these when they first came out and only had one on so far!!! I really should start wearing them at some point! :-)

  2. Mnogo mi se dopada što je tako prašnjav, zasivljen.

  3. Super izgleda, mene je samo formula malo odbijala, ali sada pošto sam nabavila CB, moraću da kompletiram kolekciju. :)))

  4. Blue Boy looks great on you.
    It's the one of this collection that looks the least flattering on me ;)

  5. krasna boja, dovoljno smokey za svačiji ukus :D
    ali imaš ti pravo, čitava je kolekcija savršena, treba imati sva tri lakića <3

  6. Nice color! It suits you well!
