Sunday 1 February 2015

new in: december 2014 & january 2015

ne znam kako, ali već je februar. prethodni mesec ću pamtiti po tome što mi je usb sa svim podacima sa bloga prestao da funkcioniše (a bekap je bio na laptopu čiji je hard disk, čik pogodite, crkao pre par meseci ali sam bila previše lenja da se prebacim na novi). i tako prosto, ostadoh bez bar 20ak foldera sa neobjavljenim svočevima, od toga je bilo nekoliko lakova koje sam u međuvremenu potrošila. postoji blaga nada da ću povratiti podatke, ali nisam optimista.

za početak, decembar 2014 je bio u stilu velike picture polish kupovine, uz odlazak kući i dodavanja par ysl i opija kolekciji.
well well, it's february already! i will remember the previous month as the one where my usb with all the blog data crashed (and it's backup was on my laptop whose hard disc, what do you know, also crashed a few months back but i was to lazy to move to another one). so, there goes at least 20 folders with unpublished swatches, some of those of polishes i managed to finish. there is still some hope i will retrieve the data, but not too optimistic.

first, december 2014, a huge picture polish order and a visit home where i picked up a few ysls and opis.
picture polish: escapades - nebula - dragonfly - cyan -bette -bridget - pandora -honeymoon; dance legend - grey britain
ysl: fuchsia cubiste - dore orfevre - safran sultan
opi: muir muir on the wall - my dogsled is a hybrid - first class desires -do you have this color in stock-holm; china glaze: but of courpse

januar je bio dosta skromniji, s parom ysl.
january was much more modest, with a couple of ysls..
ysl: violet baroque - rouge dada


  1. Oh, loosing folders of photos and data is devastating - I really feel the pain :(
    Lovely polishes all of them - and aehm I think you mean January in this sentence: "february was much more modest, with a couple of ysls.." :D ;)

    1. it is really annoying, but i have noone to blame but myself!
      yup, you are correct, changed it now!

  2. Šitovi se dešavaju, ali biće bolje, sigurna sam.
    Ova velika PP kupovina oduzima dah.

  3. Divni su lakovi, naročito PP. Fenomenalni <3 Šta je tu je zbog gubitka, ali imaš novog materijala i samo napred dok imaš sunca :D

  4. Kakva kupovina! O.O Tvoj new in me uvek posebno odusevi! :)

  5. nadam se da su te barem ovi picture polish lakići utješili, mene definitivno bi ;)
