Wednesday 4 February 2015

ysl bronze aztec (28)

novi dan, novi ysl, i to jedan od mojih favorita, bronze aztec.
another day, another ysl, and this is one of my personal favorites, bronze aztec.

većina ysl lakova su kreme, ali s vremena na vreme, izbace i neki predivni šimer. bronze aztec je jako pogmentovana tamno braon nijansa, puna zlatnog/brinzanog šimera koji je mnogo intenzivniji u bočici nego na noktu, ali je daleko od skrivenog.

kao i obično, formula je besprekorna. ovo je retka prilika da mogu da komentarišem postojanost jer sam bila bolesna i nosila ga cela tri dana, bez oštećenja,

prirodna svetlost:
majority of ysl polishes are cremes, but from time to time, they make a gorgeous shimmer. this one is a highly pigmented dark brown, full of golden/bronze shimmer. the shimmer is more noticeable in the bottle than on nails, but far from being hidden.

needless to say, the formula is flawless. it is a rare occasion that i can comment on durability, since i was sick and therefore wore it for three days, with no chipping.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (trind keratin nail protector) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (trind keratin nail protector) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. On je toliko zanimljiv i divan da ga čak i ja želim.

  2. That's a very interesting and beautiful polish!

  3. Nijansa je divna, a u kombinaciji sa dizajnom bocice - cista perfekcija!

  4. Predivan je! :) Nije ni cudo sto ti je jedan od favorita.

  5. Prelep je, jako ti lepo stoji :)

  6. I love the shimmer! :)

  7. krasotan :D
    ovako na prvu me podsjetio na china glaze midtown magic ;)

  8. OMG I own no YSL as they are way out of my budget but this one is just gorgeous!!
