Sunday 29 March 2015

china glaze stone cold (capitol colors)

prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam imala china glaze na blogu, pa probijam led sa stone cold z capitol colors kolekcije za proleće 2012.
it's been a while since i had a china glaze on the blog, and stone cold from the capitol colors collection for the spring 2012 is a good icebreaker.

možda je čudno, ali meni je ovaj lak vrlo elegantan. čak sam ga nosila na nekoliko venčanja. možda je zbog mat završnice, možda jer doživljavam svaku nijansu sive kao elegantnu, čak i ako podseća na asfalt.

može biti jednoslojac, i bolje je ako vam uspe pošto se suši vrlo brzo pa nanošenje drugog sloja može da bude nezgodno. ali, ako su vam slojevi dovoljno tanki, nema problema.

prirodna svetlost:
it may be weird, but i see this polish as super elegant. i wore it to a couple of weddings, actually. maybe it's because of the matte finish, maybe because i see all shades of grey as elegant, even when they are asphalt-like.

it can be a one coater, and it is better if you try to pull it off, because it dries really quickly so the second coat can be a bit tricky. if you keep your coats thin, it's actually not a problem.

natural light:

Monday 23 March 2015

a england lady of the lake (the mythicals)

vreme je za još jednog a england lepotana, ovaj put je to lady of the lake iz fantastične the mythicals kolekcije. iz nje sam već prikazala excalibur revamped i tristam.
it is time for another a england beauty, lady of the lake from the amazing the mythicals collection. i already showed excalibur revamped and tristam from it.

lady of the lake je još jedan pun pogodak is a england arsenala. opisan je kao tamno ljubičasti sa duginim odsjajem.

nijansa ljubičaste je vrlo duboka a holo čestice izrazito sitne, tako da je završnica glatka ali bez linearnog holo efekta. u zatvorenom prostoru holo efekat nije toliko očigledan, ali je boja i dalje prelea. formula je, kao i obično, besprekorna.

prirodna svetlost:
lady of the lake is another jackpot from a england arsenal. it is described as "dusky purple with rainbow glimmer and glow".

the shade of purple is really deep and holo particles really fine, so the finish is smooth but not with the linear holo effect. indoors, the holo effect is not that obvious,  but the shade is beautiful anyway. formula is, once again, flawless.

natural light:

Wednesday 18 March 2015

essence gold old buffy (vampire love)

danas predstavljam jedan praistorijski lak. u pitanju je gold old buffy iz essence vampire love kolekcije iz davne 2011.

this is definitely a blast from the past, because i am showing gold old buffy from essence's limited edition vampire love way back in 2011.

zaista mi nije jasno kako je moguće da nosim jedan lak više puta i na kraju ga predstavim nekoliko godina kasnije. ipak, bolje ikad nego nikad.

volim ovakve lakove: tamna, ali ne potpuno crna baza vrlo gusto ispunjena zlatnim ljuspicama.

gold old buffy je stvarno sladak lak, ali kako sada imam više sličnih, ovaj ima najlošiju formulu od svih. generalno nije loša, samo je malo tečniji i samim tim lošije pokrivenosti.

prirodna svetlost:
i seriously don't know how is it possible for me to wear a polish quite a few times and present it so many years later. well, better late than never.

i like polishes like this: dark but not completely black base densely packed with gold glass flecks.

gold old buffy is a really cute polish, and since i now own more than one that is similar, it is the one with the worst formula. it is not bad, though, just a bit to runny and not with the best coverage.

natural light:

Thursday 12 March 2015

dance legend sirin (anna gorelova winter collection)

anna gorelova zimska kolekcija za dance legend je potpuno magična. preuzela sam prvi fotografiju sa njenog bloga, i možete da vidite da se uz lak dobija i prsten. po mom mišljenju, sirin, na dnu desno, se jasno izdvaja!
anna gorelova winter collection for dance legend is a complete dream. i took the first picture from her blog, and you see that you also get a cute ring with the polish. if you ask me, sirin, the bottom right, is a standout!

lak je prelep, zaista prelep! divan duohrom, uglavnom tirkizni koji se preliva u druge nijanse plave. uz to, tu su i male holo čestice, u potpuno odgovarajućoj količini, da ne preuzmu primat nad primarnim efektom laka.

formula je isto odlična, tako da je ovaj lak po meni pun pogodak! uz to, i prsten je baš po mom ukusu i često ga nosim.

prirodna svetlost:
this polish is gorgeous, just gorgeous! amazing duochrome, mostly turquoise but leaning to other shades of blue. there is also some tiny holographic glitter, in just the right amount, not to overwhelm the polish.

formula is also nice, and, overall, a beautiful, magical shade that i'm in love with. and i wear the ring really often!

natural light:

Sunday 8 March 2015

picture polish nebula (collaboration shade with the nail polish project) over china glaze bizarre blurple

jedan od novijih picture polish kolaboracija je nebula, nastala u saradnji sa the nail polish project.

one of the newer picture polish collaboration shades is nebula, created with the nail polish project.

pošto je zamišljen da se nosi ili samostalno u 3 sloja, ili kao gornji sloj, možda sam pogrešila što sam ga ipak mazala na drugi način. definitivno ću morati da probam ovog lepog želatinka samog.

pošto sam ga namazala u jednom sloju preko dva sloja china glaze bizarre blurple, glavni ton je postala tamno blurple nijansa. samostalno bi svakako bio laganiji, i po boji i po teksturi. fuksija i tirkiz šljokice su takođe postale nešto tamnije.

morala sam da ga matiram, ali je moj miss sporty matte top coat izgubio snagu pa mi nokti izgledaju selektivno matirani, kao šo se može videti na slikama u sredini. morala sam da dodam još par slojeva, i konačni rezultat se vidi na poslednje dve sliek u senci. oduševljena sam matiranom verzijum.

prirodna svetlost:
being intended to be worn either solo, with 3 coats, or as a layering polish, i maybe made a mistake of wearing it in the second fashion. i will definitely have to try this pretty jelly on it's own.

since i wore one coat over two coats of china glaze bizarre blurple, the main tone became darker blurple shade. on it's own, it would definitely look a bit lighter in both color and coverage sense. fuchsia and turquoise glitter also became somewhat darker.

i had to mattify it, but my miss sporty matte top coat lost it's power, so some nails in the images in the middle seem to be selectively mattified. i had to add a few more coats of it, and the end result is seen in the last two pictures in shade. i loved it in matte version.

natural light:

Monday 2 March 2015

ysl rouge pop art

imam osećaj da sam u poslednje vreme kačila uglavnom tamne lakove, i imala sam potrebu da pokažem nešto živahnije. ysl rouge pop art je bio idealan izbor.
it seems that lately i'm publishing only dark polishes, and i felt like i need something more lively. what better choice than ysl rouge pop art.

nisam neki kolekcionar crvenih lakova, ali povremeno osetim potrebu da nosim crveno na noktima. rouge pop art uvek uspeva da me oraspoloži. po meni je to crvena sa idealnim balansom plavih i narandžastih podtonova.

formula je skoro pa crelly (i krema i jelly). iako je dobra pokrivenost, ako imate duže i pogmentovane vrhove noktiju, oni će biti vidljivi. meni to ipak ne smeta, čak mi nekako izgleda još simpatičnije i svežije. formula je uobičajeno dobra.

prirodna svetlost:
i am not a red nail polish hoarder, but from time to time i get the urge to wear red on my nails. and rouge pop art always manages to cheer me up. i believe that it is a red with a perfect balance of orange and blue undertones.

it is a borderline crelly. although the coverage is good, if you have longer and more pigmented nails, the tips will be visible. i don't mind it  though, for some reason it feels even more cute and fresh. it s well formulated, as usual.

natural light: