Monday 23 March 2015

a england lady of the lake (the mythicals)

vreme je za još jednog a england lepotana, ovaj put je to lady of the lake iz fantastične the mythicals kolekcije. iz nje sam već prikazala excalibur revamped i tristam.
it is time for another a england beauty, lady of the lake from the amazing the mythicals collection. i already showed excalibur revamped and tristam from it.

lady of the lake je još jedan pun pogodak is a england arsenala. opisan je kao tamno ljubičasti sa duginim odsjajem.

nijansa ljubičaste je vrlo duboka a holo čestice izrazito sitne, tako da je završnica glatka ali bez linearnog holo efekta. u zatvorenom prostoru holo efekat nije toliko očigledan, ali je boja i dalje prelea. formula je, kao i obično, besprekorna.

prirodna svetlost:
lady of the lake is another jackpot from a england arsenal. it is described as "dusky purple with rainbow glimmer and glow".

the shade of purple is really deep and holo particles really fine, so the finish is smooth but not with the linear holo effect. indoors, the holo effect is not that obvious,  but the shade is beautiful anyway. formula is, once again, flawless.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (trind keratin nail protector) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (trind keratin nail protector) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).