Sunday 29 March 2015

china glaze stone cold (capitol colors)

prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam imala china glaze na blogu, pa probijam led sa stone cold z capitol colors kolekcije za proleće 2012.
it's been a while since i had a china glaze on the blog, and stone cold from the capitol colors collection for the spring 2012 is a good icebreaker.

možda je čudno, ali meni je ovaj lak vrlo elegantan. čak sam ga nosila na nekoliko venčanja. možda je zbog mat završnice, možda jer doživljavam svaku nijansu sive kao elegantnu, čak i ako podseća na asfalt.

može biti jednoslojac, i bolje je ako vam uspe pošto se suši vrlo brzo pa nanošenje drugog sloja može da bude nezgodno. ali, ako su vam slojevi dovoljno tanki, nema problema.

prirodna svetlost:
it may be weird, but i see this polish as super elegant. i wore it to a couple of weddings, actually. maybe it's because of the matte finish, maybe because i see all shades of grey as elegant, even when they are asphalt-like.

it can be a one coater, and it is better if you try to pull it off, because it dries really quickly so the second coat can be a bit tricky. if you keep your coats thin, it's actually not a problem.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (trind keratin nail protector) + dva sloja laka 
i used base (trind keratin nail protector) + two layers of polish 


  1. Dopada mi se nijansa, bas je super. :)

  2. Slažem se sa tobom oko elegancije sive, a još kada ima šimer + mat završnicu dobija se savršena kombinacija.

    1. dobro je, mislila sam da sam prolupala :D

  3. Normally grey/charcoal isn't a color I love - but I have this one - and I love it!!

  4. o da, baš je elegantan... i preeeekrasan *.*
