Saturday 30 May 2015

picture polish dragonfly (collaboration with lucy's stash)

danas prikazujem dragonfly. lak koji je nastao u saradnji bloga lucy's stash sa australijskim brendom picture polish.
today i am showing dragonfly, that was made in the picture polish collaboration with lucy's stash.

nije mi trebalo više od jednog pogleda na tek namazane nokte da počnem da smatram ovaj lak jednim od omiljenih. u pitanju je prelepa petrolej zelena sa sitnim ali gustim holo česticama. potpuno je magičan. bez obzira na to da li ste na suncu ili ne.

formula je odlična i suši se bez neravnina. ozbiljno, naručite svoj primerak!

prirodna svetlost:
it didn't take more than one look at my nails to start calling this polish one of my favourites. it is a beautiful tealish green, with amazing tiny but dense holo particles. it is truly magical, no matter if you are indoors or outdoors.

formula is great, and it dries smoothly. seriously, get one!

natural light:

Tuesday 26 May 2015

ysl jaune babouche (summer 2015)

jedan od mojih najnovijih lakova je jaune babouche iz ovogodišnje ysl letnje kolekcije.
one of my newest polishes is jaune babouche from ysl latest summer collection.

obožavam žute lakove, pogotovo kad imaju i mango podton poput ovog. lak je pravo osveženje za mene, boja kakvu sam dugo išćekivala i od svih žutaća koje imam, formula mu je definitivno najsuperiornija.

nemam niti jednu zamerku na ovaj lak, tako da vas ostavljam sa slikama, uz komentar da ja ysl još jednom napravio pun pogodak!

prirodna svetlost:
i love yellows, especially when they have a mango underone, like this one. this polish is a breath of fresh air for me, the shade is absolutely breathtaking and out of all the yellows i have, the formula on it is far superior to any other.

there is nothing bad that i could say about this polish, so i'm leaving you with the pictures and the comment that ysl did it again!

natural light:

Tuesday 19 May 2015

opi your royal shine-ness (serena glam slam england)

vreme je za još jednog starojka, your royal shine-ness  iz dalekog leta 2011 kada je opi izbacio serena glam slam england kolekciju.
it's again time for an oldie, your royal shine-ness from way back in the summer of 2011, when opi's serena glam slam england collection was released.

nakupila sam pozamašan broj srebrnih folija. tačnije tri, i to je verovatno previše, ali jedan od njih je zoya trixie, moj prvenac i lepotan, a drugi je novitet chanel intemporel. opi je definitiovno najnepotrebniji, ali zbog imena ne mogu da ga se otarasim tek tako.

u pitanju je srednje do tamno srebrna folija za vrlo dobrom formulom i bez tragova četkice. definitivno ne najjedinstveniji lak, ali ako nemate ništa slično, on je odličan izbor.

prirodna svetlost:
i acquired a fair share of silver foils. ok, i have three currently, and it might be too much, but one of them is zoya trixie, that was my first and it's a pretty little thing, the other is my newest addition, chanel intemporel. so, opi is definitely the unnecessary one, but i can't get rid of it because of the name.

it is a medium to dark silver foil with really good formula and zero brushstrokes. definitely not the most unique polish, but if you don't have anything similar, this one is an excellent choice.

natural light:

Saturday 16 May 2015

chanel vendetta (bohemian fantasy)

vreme je za klasiku, chanel vendetta is bohemian fantasy kolekcije za proleće 2009.
time for a classic, chanel vendetta from bohemian fantasy collection back in the summer 2009.

ovaj lak je toliko poznat, da mi je neobično da ga uopšte opisujem. u pitanju je tamna, zacrnjena ljubičasta sa ne toliko gustim šimerom. treba mu baš puno svetla da oživi.

do pojave taboo, nekako je postojalo mišljenje da bi bilo bolje da je malo svetliji i da ima više šimere, ali pošto imamo oba, možemo da uživamo u vendetti. usput, od svih sličnih boja koje sam imala, ovaj ima najbolju formulu.

prirodna svetlost:
this polish is so well known, that i find redundant to even write about it. it is a dark, blackened purple with the not that abundant shimmer. it really needs to be hit with light to really shine.

it used to be a popular opinion that it would benefit from being lighter or with more shimmer, but after we got taboo, it was admired from what it is. out of all the similar shades i owned over the years, this one has the best formula.

natural light:

Wednesday 13 May 2015

catrice same seine but different (ultimate nudes 70)

krajnje je vreme da pokažem same seine but different iz stare catrice ultimate nudes kolekcije.
long overdue, the time has come for same seine but different from catrice's old ultimate nudes collection.

u poslednje vreme imam opsesiju nude lakovima. to objašnjava zašto je same seine but different, koji je bio nošen jednom ili dva puta u oko dve godine, bio na mojim noktima bar četiri puta u poslednjih par meseci.

nije jednostavno naći nude lak koji odgovara koži, ali volim da verujem da mi ovaj dobro leži. u pitanju je bež nude nijansa, sa mrvicom šimera koji je gotovo nevidljiv i po meni ima ulogu da učini nanošenje lakšim. svakako radi posao, jer ne mam na šta da se požalim, a bonus je i šo ima staru dobru catrice četkicu.

prirodna svetlost:
i have a nude obsession lately. i guess that this explains how same seine but different came from being worn maybe once, max twice in two years, to being on my nails at least four times in the last two months or so.

it is not an easy task to find a nude that fits the skintone nicely but  i like to believe that i can pull this one off. it is a beige leaning nude, with a practically invisible shimmer that is here probably to make the apllication nicer. it definitely does that job, since i have nothing to complain. it also has the good old catrice brush!

natural light:

Friday 8 May 2015

a england fotheringhay castle (elizabeth and mary)

elizabeth and mary je među najnovijim a england kolekcijama, što je nešto čemu se uvek radujem. fotheringhay castle mi je odmah zapao za oko, tako da je bilo jasno da ću prvo njega da isprobam.
elizabeth and mary is one of the newest a england collections, which is something i always look forward to. fotheringhay castle was the one that stole my heart from the beginning, so it just had to be the first one i tried.

sve vezano za ovaj lak je savršeno. nijansa je bogata, svetla maslinasta sa tim unutrašnjim sjajem koje a england magično izvodi. holo čestice su rasejane i efekat je zaista prelep.

skoro je i nepotrebno reći, ali formula je savršena i ovaj lak mi je definitivno na listi najomiljenijih.

prirodna svetlost:
everything about this polish is perfect. the hue is a rich, light olive green with this inner light that a english does magically. holo particles are scattered and the effect is just beautiful.

needless to say, the formula is perfection. this polish is definitely on my favourites list!

natural light:

Monday 4 May 2015

ysl taupe graine (fall 2014)

konačno je vreme da pokažem drugog lepotana iz ysl jesenje kolekcije, taupe graine.

it's finally the time for me to show the second beauty from ysl fall collection, taupe graine.

već sam pokazala bleu galuchat (i oduševila se), ali mislim da mi se taupe graine još više sviđa, verovatno jer ima nekako kožni izgled.

u pitanju je tamnija nijansa braon, ali takva da nikad ne izgleda crno. teksturni efekat je prelep (naravno, ako ste fan istog, a ja definitivno jesam). suši se veoma brzo i izgleda pomalo luckasto ali ne ekstravagantno.

prirodna svetlost:
i already showed bleu galuchat (and loved it!), but i think i love taupe graine even more, probably because it really has this leathery look.

this is a darker shade of brown, but it never looks black. textured effect is just beautiful (if you are a fan to begin with, and i certainly am).  it dries really quickly and looks a bit edgy but not extravagant.

natural light: