Wednesday 13 May 2015

catrice same seine but different (ultimate nudes 70)

krajnje je vreme da pokažem same seine but different iz stare catrice ultimate nudes kolekcije.
long overdue, the time has come for same seine but different from catrice's old ultimate nudes collection.

u poslednje vreme imam opsesiju nude lakovima. to objašnjava zašto je same seine but different, koji je bio nošen jednom ili dva puta u oko dve godine, bio na mojim noktima bar četiri puta u poslednjih par meseci.

nije jednostavno naći nude lak koji odgovara koži, ali volim da verujem da mi ovaj dobro leži. u pitanju je bež nude nijansa, sa mrvicom šimera koji je gotovo nevidljiv i po meni ima ulogu da učini nanošenje lakšim. svakako radi posao, jer ne mam na šta da se požalim, a bonus je i šo ima staru dobru catrice četkicu.

prirodna svetlost:
i have a nude obsession lately. i guess that this explains how same seine but different came from being worn maybe once, max twice in two years, to being on my nails at least four times in the last two months or so.

it is not an easy task to find a nude that fits the skintone nicely but  i like to believe that i can pull this one off. it is a beige leaning nude, with a practically invisible shimmer that is here probably to make the apllication nicer. it definitely does that job, since i have nothing to complain. it also has the good old catrice brush!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (trind keratin nail protector) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (trind keratin nail protector) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).