Friday 8 May 2015

a england fotheringhay castle (elizabeth and mary)

elizabeth and mary je među najnovijim a england kolekcijama, što je nešto čemu se uvek radujem. fotheringhay castle mi je odmah zapao za oko, tako da je bilo jasno da ću prvo njega da isprobam.
elizabeth and mary is one of the newest a england collections, which is something i always look forward to. fotheringhay castle was the one that stole my heart from the beginning, so it just had to be the first one i tried.

sve vezano za ovaj lak je savršeno. nijansa je bogata, svetla maslinasta sa tim unutrašnjim sjajem koje a england magično izvodi. holo čestice su rasejane i efekat je zaista prelep.

skoro je i nepotrebno reći, ali formula je savršena i ovaj lak mi je definitivno na listi najomiljenijih.

prirodna svetlost:
everything about this polish is perfect. the hue is a rich, light olive green with this inner light that a english does magically. holo particles are scattered and the effect is just beautiful.

needless to say, the formula is perfection. this polish is definitely on my favourites list!

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (trind keratin nail protector) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (trind keratin nail protector) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. What a beauty!

  2. Normally mossy greens aren't for me - but once a while there are some that are, this is one of them :)

  3. Zaista je savrsen! <3 Bas si ga dobro "uhvatila".

  4. Predobro izgleda, mada ja ne bih se usudila da ga nosim iskreno. :D

    1. haha, što, uopšte nije ekstravagantan!

  5. Toliko je neobičan i lep i odlično ti stoji.

  6. na prvu me podsjetio na catriceov i'm a star, ali onaj nije holo i malo je zlatniji... u svakom slučaju dobar ti je ovaj englez :D
