Saturday 27 June 2015

chanel mediterranee (mediterranee)

chanel nam je dao četiri laka u ovoj letnjoj kolekciji, mediterranee. kružila sam oko lavanda i terrana, ali na kraju uzela samo mediterranee. verovatno ću zažaliti što sam se ograničila samo na jednog.
chanel gave us four polishes in their summer collection, mediterranee. i was circling around lavanda and terrana, but took only mediterranee. i might be regretting taking only one.

ove tilkasto plavičaste nijanse su mi slaba tačka. teško se slikaju i izgledaju drugačije na svakoj slici, tako da su sve ove slike i tačne i netačne.

mediterranee je stvarno lepa mutna plava. nije previše upečatljiva, ali opet prelepa na noktima.

prirodna svetlost:
these tealish-blue shades are my soft spot. they are hard to photograph, and look different in different lighting, so all of these pictures are both accurate and inaccurate.

it is a really pretty muted blue. looks not to flashy, but still amazing on the nails. i really am a fan!

natural light:

Tuesday 23 June 2015

ysl rose abstrait (24)

ove slike su nastale pre više meseci, tako da je vreme da ih konačno predstavim, u pitanju je ysl rose abstrait.
these pictures were made a while ago, so it's time to put them out in the open. this pretty thing is ysl's rose abstrait.

ovo je jednostavan lak koji se ne izdvaja preterano, ali kada ga jednom namažete, lako ga je zavoleti. rose abstrait daje noktima prirodan, mlečno roze, sveži izgled.

u poslednje vreme sam u nude raspoloženju, i ovaj je divan!

oblačno vreme:
it is a simple polish, doesn't stand out much from the crowd, but once you have it on, it's easy to love it. it gives the nails natural, rosy, milky look that just makes them look fresh.

i am into nudish shades lately, and this one is just perfect.


Saturday 20 June 2015

china glaze let's groove (retro diva)

retro diva je starinska china glaze kolekcija (iz 2009te) koja nam je dala dosta miljenika, poput short and sassy, stroll i stella, ali let's groove je jedan od najboljih lakova koje su ikad izbacili.
retro diva is an ancient china glaze collection (well, from 2009) that gave us a lots of favourites, such as short and sassy, stroll and stella, but let's groove is one of the best polishes they ever released.

ovaj lak je potpuno savršenstvo. prelepa topla, bogata, ne previše tamna ljubičasta sa fantastičnim šimerom. vrlo je lako videti zašto je ovo jedan od njihovih najpopularnijih lakova.

formula i aplikacija su ok, i ne postoji ništa što mogu da zamerim ovom laku.

prirodna svetlost:
this polish is pure perfection. amazing warm, rich, not too dark purple with awesome shimmer. it is easy to see why it is one of their most popular polishes.

formula and application are fine, i just can't find anything wrong with this polish.

natural light:

Wednesday 17 June 2015

a england rose bower (burnes jones dream)

danas prikazujem još jedan a england lak rose bower is burnes jones dream kolekcije.
today i am showing yet another a england polish, rose bower from burnes jones dream collection.

na blogu su već bila tri laka iz ove kolekcije, briar rose,  briarwood i fated prince, i svima je zajednička prelepa, puna boja (u slučaju rose bower, brusnica crvena)i rasejani holo efekat uz prepoznatljivi a england stil koji daje osećaj da lak sija iznutra.

formula je kao i uvek fantastična, i lak je toliko lep da sam bila u čudu da mogu da toliko uživam noseći crveni lak!

prirodna svetlost:
i already showed three polishes from this collection, briar rose,  briarwood and fated prince, and they all have a similar pattern: a gorgeous, deep colour (in the case of rose bower, a cranberry red) with the scattered holo effect that gives the "inner glow effect", that a england produces beautifully.

formula is amazing as usual, and the polish itself is so pretty that i was shocked that i can enjoy a red one so much!

natural light:

Saturday 13 June 2015

dior sunwashed (tie dye)

tie dye je najnovija dior limitirana kolekcija za leto, a sunwashed je moj jedini izbor.
tie dye is dior's limited edition for the summer, and sunwashed is my only pick.

žuti lakovi su mi slaba tačka, ali obično biram one sa jačim mango podtonom. zbog toga, ova nijansa, meka, limunkasta žuta je definitivno jedinstvena u mojoj kolekciji.

nisam imala neke specijalne probleme u mazanju. nije da je lak sa najboljom formulom, ali nema vidljivih poteza ćetkicom. tu je i poznati dior-ov mikrošimer. rekla bih da sam već previše pocrnela za ovu nijansu, ali sam se ipak navikla na njega.

prirodna svetlost:
i do have a soft spot for yellow polishes, but i usually opt for those with more mango undertones. therefore, this one, a soft, lemony yellow, is something unique in my collection.

i had no particular problems applying it. granted, it's not the polish with a smoothest formula, but i didn't experience any brushstrokes. there is some of that hidden micro shimmer that dior is known for. i think my skin is already a bit to tanned for this shade, but i grown used to it.

natural light:

Wednesday 10 June 2015

dance legend learning to fly (wow prism)

jedna od meni najzanimljivijih kolekcija je wow prism od dance legend, i danas predstavljam learning to fly.
one of my favourite collections ever is dance legend's wow prism, and today i'm showing learning to fly.

learning to fly je netipična boja, kombinacija crvene, roze i breskvaste, u zavisnosti od svetlosti i ugla. poput danger danger! iz iste kolekcije, u pitanju je rasejani holo koji izgleda nekako 3D, sa holo česticama koje su više ljuspičaste.

formula je odlična i suši se glatko. takođe, svaki put kad ga nosim zapevam learn to fly od foo fighters. definitivno ću uzeti još lakova iz ove kolekcije.

prirodna svetlost:
learning to fly is a really strange colour, a combination of red, pink and peach, depending on the angle and light. like danger danger! from the same collection, it has a scattered holo, that looks somehow 3D , with holo particles being more flakes than particles.

the formula is great, and it dries smoothly. it also reminded my of a foo fighters' song, learn to fly. i will definitively get more polishes from this collection.

natural light:

Friday 5 June 2015

zoya tosca (classics)

tosca je jedan od starih zoya lakova. teško je naći iz koje je kolekcije potekla, ali je sada deo njihove klasične kolekcije.

tosca is one of the zoya oldies, it hard to pin it's original collection, but now it is a part of their classics.

uvek zaboravim na ovaj lak tokom turobnih dana, ali ga se naprasno setim čim krene sunce.

rekla bih da je najbolji opis boje jagoda crvena sa malo koralne u sebi. u bočici šimer izgleda dosta gust, ali na noktima je suptilan. formula je takođe solidna, tako da je ovaj lak odličan prolećno/letnji izbor.

prirodna svetlost:
i always forget about this polish during the gloomy days, but remember it the second the sun starts.

i believe that the strawberry red with the touch of coral is the best colour description. shimmer looks really dense in the bottle, but it is subtle on the nails. the formula is also nice, a real spring/summer treat.

natural light:

Tuesday 2 June 2015

new in: april and may 2015

april je bio jednostavan, bez kupovina.

u maju sam iskoristila put u francusku da nabavim ono što mi je inače nedostupno ovde, tako da sam sad valsnica ysl letnjeg dua, jaune babouche i brun henne, i starijeg taupe retro. takođe sam nabavila chanel mediterranee i dior sunwashed.
i had a simple, no buy april.

in may, i took advantage of my visit to france to get some of the polishes that are here unavailable to me. i bought the summer ysl duo, jaune babouche and brun henne, and the oldie taupe retro. i also got chanel mediterranee and dior sunwashed.

skoro mi je stigla i llarowe narudžbina. neki dance legend su bili na popustu (izabrala sam no 50 iz  nickelkolekcije i 648 iz velvet), i konačno, picture polish citrus se pojavio.
i recently also receive my llarowe order, with some dance legends on sale (i chose no 50 from the nickel collection and 648 from velvet), and finally, picture polish citrus came back in stock.