Saturday 13 June 2015

dior sunwashed (tie dye)

tie dye je najnovija dior limitirana kolekcija za leto, a sunwashed je moj jedini izbor.
tie dye is dior's limited edition for the summer, and sunwashed is my only pick.

žuti lakovi su mi slaba tačka, ali obično biram one sa jačim mango podtonom. zbog toga, ova nijansa, meka, limunkasta žuta je definitivno jedinstvena u mojoj kolekciji.

nisam imala neke specijalne probleme u mazanju. nije da je lak sa najboljom formulom, ali nema vidljivih poteza ćetkicom. tu je i poznati dior-ov mikrošimer. rekla bih da sam već previše pocrnela za ovu nijansu, ali sam se ipak navikla na njega.

prirodna svetlost:
i do have a soft spot for yellow polishes, but i usually opt for those with more mango undertones. therefore, this one, a soft, lemony yellow, is something unique in my collection.

i had no particular problems applying it. granted, it's not the polish with a smoothest formula, but i didn't experience any brushstrokes. there is some of that hidden micro shimmer that dior is known for. i think my skin is already a bit to tanned for this shade, but i grown used to it.

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).