Wednesday 10 June 2015

dance legend learning to fly (wow prism)

jedna od meni najzanimljivijih kolekcija je wow prism od dance legend, i danas predstavljam learning to fly.
one of my favourite collections ever is dance legend's wow prism, and today i'm showing learning to fly.

learning to fly je netipična boja, kombinacija crvene, roze i breskvaste, u zavisnosti od svetlosti i ugla. poput danger danger! iz iste kolekcije, u pitanju je rasejani holo koji izgleda nekako 3D, sa holo česticama koje su više ljuspičaste.

formula je odlična i suši se glatko. takođe, svaki put kad ga nosim zapevam learn to fly od foo fighters. definitivno ću uzeti još lakova iz ove kolekcije.

prirodna svetlost:
learning to fly is a really strange colour, a combination of red, pink and peach, depending on the angle and light. like danger danger! from the same collection, it has a scattered holo, that looks somehow 3D , with holo particles being more flakes than particles.

the formula is great, and it dries smoothly. it also reminded my of a foo fighters' song, learn to fly. i will definitively get more polishes from this collection.

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. zgodan, premda ne baš sasvim po mom ukusu ;)
