Thursday 1 October 2015

new in: august and september 2015

septembar je prošao bez kupovine, ali u avgustu sam imala dve narudžbine.

počela sam sa standarnom llarowe pošiljkom, koristeći neka sniženja, i uzela picture polish autumn i pet dance legend,  steel panther, constant reminder, through the glass, melange 276 and velvet 650.
i got nothing in september, but august had two purchases.

i started with a regular llarowe order, taking advantage of some discounts. so i took picture polish autumn and 5 dance legends, steel panther, constant reminder, through the glass, melange 276 and velvet 650.

kasnije u avgustu, llarowe website se zatvorio (i slomio mi srce), pa sam uzela tri laka u konačnoj rasprodaji, picture polish magic and dance legend velvet 651 and anna gorelova 27 herbalist.
later in august, llarowe website closed (and broke my heart along the way), so i got three polishes in the clearance sale, picture polish magic and dance legend velvet 651 and anna gorelova 27 herbalist