Saturday 3 October 2015

chanel graphite (illusions d'ombres)

nakon što sam prikazala i quartz i peridot iz chanel-ove illusions d'ombres kolekcije za jesen 2011, krajnje je vreme da prikažem i treći, graphite.

after showing quartz and peridot from chanel's illusions d'ombres collection for autumn 2011, it was about time to show the third one, graphite.

graphite je tamno srebrni lak, ali ovo je previše jednostavan način da se opiše tačna nijansa. u pitanju je metalik, folijast lak koji izgleda pomalo teksturno iako se suši potpuno glatko,

ovaj nebičan finiš mu daje dodatnu dubinu, pa u senci postaje više limen, skoro zelenkast. formula je odlična, do te mere da mi čak ni chanel četkica nije smetala.

prirodna svetlost:

graphite is a dark silver, but this is quite an oversimplification of its colour. it is a metallic, foily polish that looks a bit textured, while being perfectly smooth.

this unusual finish gives it more depth, so in shade it becomes more pewter-y, even greenish. formula is amazing, so much that even the chanel brush is not annoying me.

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).