Saturday 2 April 2016

new in: february & march 2016

moja kupovina u poslednja dve meseca je bila skromna. bila sam u inostranstvu i uzela dva nova diora, bleuette i garden, i novi ysl love pink.

uspela sam da pronađem i dva stara ysl laka, orange fusion and fuchsia neoclassic. još uvek mi fali 8, ali trenutno izgledaju kao nemoguća misija :(
my purchase in the last two months was fairly modest: i went abroad and took two new diors, bleuete and garden and the new ysl, love pink.

i also tracked down two old ysl polishes, orange fusion and fuchsia neoclassic. still missing 8, but they seem like mission impossible at this point :((


  1. A lovely bunch - and I really hope you find the missing 8 YSL's...!

  2. Ura za vesele Žensane. :)

  3. Nice haul! I hope you'll find the missing YSL polishes ;)
