Monday 11 July 2016

dance legend wood goblin (anna gorelova winter)

posle perioda putovanja, vraćam se uz pomoć ovog lepotana, wood goblin iz anna gorelova zimske kolaboracije sa dance legend.
after some travelling, i am back and decided to start with this beauty, wood goblin from anna gorelova's winter collaboration with dance legend.

wood goblin je vrlo interesantan lak. duboko zeleni duohrom, koji se preliva u tamno ljubičastu. na žalost, iako je ovaj preliv vrlo jasan u senci, moj aparat prosto nije hteo da ga uhvati. ipak, efekat donekle može da se vidi u flašici.

suši se nekako satenasto, što mi se svidelo pa nisam koristila nadlak.

prirodna svetlost:
wood goblin is really stunning. it's a deep green duochrome, shifting to deep purple. unfortunately, even though the shift is very visible in the shade, my camera just couldn't capture it, but you can at least get a glimpse of it in the bottle.

it dries in kind of a satiny finish, which i find to be gorgeous so i didn't use a top coat..

natural light:


koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka 
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish