Tuesday 26 July 2016

franken polish: time for heroes by shine eye

a sada nešto potpuno drugačije, prvi od mojih franken lakova, time for heroes!

and now, something completely different: the first of my franken nailpolishes, time for heroes!

već nekoliko godina, kada sam pri kraju nekog laka i on dođe u stadijum u kom morate da zabijete četkicu duboko u flašicu da izvučete još koju kap laka, rešila sam da je život prekratak za takve akcije i samo ga presula u praznu bočicu. na kraju sam imala 6-7 bočica u te svrhe, i dodavala ostatke po osećaju.

nekako sam napunila više flašica u isto vreme, i rešila da počnem da pokazujem svoje kreacije. i gde god se pojavi novi lak, jedna od najzabavnijih stvari je smisliti mu ime. odlučila sam da imam muzičku temu, i prvi među njima je nazvan po the libertines pesmi time for heroes, jer mi je jedan od najboljih momentata godine prvi odlazak na njihov koncert.

time for heroes je uz to i moja omiljena nijansa, maslinasto zelena. ne previše tamna, uz dosta šimera. ko zna koji lakovi su morali da se žrtvuju za njegov nastanak, ali je bar rezultat dobar.

prirodna svetlost:
for years now, when i am about to finish the bottle of nailpolish, and it gets to that stage when you have to dig deep to get to use up a drop or two, i decided that life is too short for nail polish scraping, so i just pour it into an empty bottle. in the end, i had about 6 or 7 bottles for that purpose, and adding the leftovers by the hunch.

somehow i filled a few bottles at the same time, and decided to start showing off my creations. and where there is a new polish, there is the fun time of naming it. i decided to go with a music theme, so the first one will be named after the libertines song time for heroes, since one of the highlights of my year was seeing this very important band for me for the first time.

time for heroes' main theme is my favourite colour, olive green. not too dark, and filled with shimmer. who knows which polishes had to die in order for it to arise, but it's all for the best.
natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).