Sunday 17 July 2016

a england heathcliff (to emily bronte)

današnja zvezda je heathcliff iz a england kolekcije to emily bronte.
the star of the day is heathcliff from a england's to emily bronte collection.

heathcliff je definitivno atipičan lak za a england, što je jasno svima koji su bar malo uppućeni u brend. ipak, po meni kod njih nema greške.

heathcliff je crn, dobro pigmentovan jelly pun raznobojnih šljokica. koliko ja vidim, tu su plave, srebrne, crvene, ljubičaste i zlatne šljokice. zaista lep lak sa poprilično solidnom formulom za šljokičavi lak.

prirodna svetlost:
heathcliff is a bit atypical polish for a england range, if you are even a bit familiar with the brand. nevertheless, they can do no wrong in my book.

heathcliff is a black, well pigmented jelly filled with various microglitter. i can see blue, silver, red , purple and gold glitter. it is a very pretty polish with quite a solid formula for a glittery polish.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).


  1. It looks like there is a lot going on in this one - I like that in a black!

  2. Jeste netipičan za A England. Nije loš, deluje mi kao dobar izbor za neki festival ili svirku.

  3. Ne izgleda loše, svašta su tu nešto smućkali. :D
