Sunday 30 September 2012

new in & old out, august-september 2012

original plan was explained here / plan je bio opisan ovde


gabrini 3x*

miss sporty 27 - miss sporty 30 - essence hypnotic poison - essence 46 wake up - depend 252 - depend 5093- essence 87 passion for fashion - essence 73 princess prunella - miss sporty 60 hypnotic turquoise - miss sporty 346

* učinili su mi uslugu i sami se zgusnuli :)
   they did me a favor since they completely thickened :)

in, were planned/ planirana kupovina
catrice :

910 oh my goldness!  - 870 copper cabana - 865 yellow sub-mandarine
880 no snow patrol - 915 george blueney - 875 it's all i can blue

900 steel my heart - 890 how i matt your mother - 905 steel my soul

chanel & dior:

chanel 529 graphite - chanel 555 blue boy - chanel 475 dragon - dior 118 acapulco

in, full bottle for an empty one / kupovina "prazna za pubu bočicu"
gift/ poklon
ibd meteorite
maybelline mini colorama tutti frutti

china glaze unpredictable - maybelline mini colorama tutti frutti - ibd meteorite- deborah 99 purplish

nicole by opi a million sparkles- nicole by opi shoot for the maroon

 lotus - roxy - yasmeen

bottom line:
out: 12
in:  7 + 13
gift: 2

imam dozvoljenih 5 novih na kraju novog meseca, tako da ću da nastavim sa planom "prazna za punu bočicu" do nove godine, uz dozvoljenu kupovinu high end lakova.k olona sa trenutnim lakovima se povećala na 112, ali to je zato što sam potrošila uglavnom sve lakove koji su mi stajali kod dečka, koje sam pre nazvala groblje. plan mi je da tamo sledeći put odnesem nekih 5-10 lakova, pa ću se tako fino približiti cifri od 100 lakova kod sebe, bez topera.
i'm 5 bottles up for my "empty for full bottle" plan, so i'm going to stick with it until the new year, again with allowed purchase of high end polishes. the current column grew bigger, but that's because i emptied a lot of polishes that i had at my bf's, which i called graveyard. i plan to take 5-10 newer polishes there, so the realistic number is about 102, which is growing close to the planned 100 polishes i use, excluding toppers.

Friday 28 September 2012

china glaze unpredictable (new bohemian)

kada sam videla promo slike za china glaze new bohemian kolekciju, oduševila sam se. obožavam duohrom lakove, a u ovoj kolekciji mi se apsolutno svaki svideo. rešila sam da prvo uzmem "unpredictable" pa da posle razmislim šta i kako dalje. mislim da sam napravila savršen izbor, jer sam se zaljubila u ovaj lak od trenutka kad sam prvu kap nanela na nokat.
when i saw promo pics for china glaze new bohemian collections, my eyes immediately popped out! i love duochromes, and i couldn't decide which one i liked better. i decided to get "unpredictable", and then decide if i should get more. i believe i made a perfect choice! i fell in love with it when i laid the first spot on my nail.

bazna boja je zelena sa jakim plavim, ili čak til podtonom, sa zlatnim šimerom, tako da se može reći da je ovaj lak zeleno/plavo/zlatni duohrom.

formula je dobra, mada tragovi četkice ostaju vidljivi. pošto je to očekivano za lakove ovog tipa finiša, i pošto je boja savršena, neću mu zameriti ovu jednu manu. lak potpuno pokriva sa dva sloja.

prirodna svetlost:
the base color is blue toned, or even teal green, with gold shimmer, so i guess you could say that it is a green/blue/gold duochrome.

 the formula is good, although it leaves visible brushstrokes, but since this is expected for this type of finish, and since the color is sooooo beautiful, i'm letting this one fault slide. it is fully opaque with two layers.

natural light:

Thursday 27 September 2012

19. theme friday: gold

prošao je i 19ti tematski petak, sa temom zlato. učestvovala sam sa depend 045. sutra kreće nedelja duohroma!

the 19th theme friday, with the theme gold has finished. i participated with depend 045. tomorrow we start with duochromes!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

review: essence peel off base coat

priznajem, obožavam šljokice! takođe, priznajem da sam imala sreću da se moja opsesija lakovima započela tek pre dve godine, kada je tehnika "aluminijumske folije" postala standard za skidanje šljokičavih lakova, pa nikad nisam ni pokušala da ih skidam standardno, ili bilo kako drugačije, samim tim nikad nisam doživela ovu agoniju (hvala bebichici za sliku):
i admit, i love my glitters! i have also been very lucky, since my nail polish obsession is only two years old, so when i came to the scene, the whole "aluminum foil technique" was already a standard for glitter polishes, so i never tried to remove it the regular, or any other way, so, i never experienced this agony (tnx bebichica for the pic!):

essence "peel off" baza se prvi put pojavila u njihovoj le "ready for boarding". pošto se kod mene ove kolekcije rasprodaju u roku od par sati, nisam uspela da je uhvatim. na svu sreću, essence je rešio da je ubaci u svoju standardnu ponudu, a ja sam prosto morala da uzmem proizvod koji obećava da će da skine lak u jednom potezu.
na ambalaži su napisane instrukcije: namazati bazu u debelom sloju, sačekati deset minuta pa namazati svoj lak. preporuka je i ne stavljati ruke u vruću vodu tri sata.
the essence peel off base coat appeared in their limited edition "ready for boarding". since these le disappear in my city in the matter of hours, i missed it. luckily, essence made it a part of the permanent collection, and i was willing to try anything that promises to remove the glitter easily.
the instructions are written on the package: apply a thick layer of base coat, wait 10 minutes to dry, apply your polish, with the advice not to put your hands in hot water for 3 hours.

Sunday 23 September 2012

swatches: new catrice for autumn 2012/ catrice noviteti za jesen 2012

catrice autumn 2012 
catrice jesen 2012

pošto ste već imali priliku da vidite moje prikaze svih 9 (od 10, pošto nisam uzela 895 i'm a lob-star) novih lakova iz catrice asortimana, mislim da može biti od pomoći da stavim sve slike na gomilu, za vas koji se još premišljate koji lak da uzmete. izabrala sam po jednu sliku od svakog laka, ali klikom na njegovo ime možete videti post sa svim slikama.

since i already swatched all nine polishes i got from the new catrice line for autumn 2012 (i didn't get only 895 i am a lob-star, since it's not my color), i guess it could be helpful for all of you that are still thinking which ones to get, to make a post with all the swatches. i chose one picture for each polish, but if you click on it's name it will lead you to the post.

Friday 21 September 2012

18. theme friday: fuchsia

the 18th theme friday has finished! i am again one day with the collage, but i wasn't around my computer yesterday. the theme was fuchsia (i didn't participate since it's not my color), and from today till next friday the teme is gold!
prođe i 18ti tematski petak. opet kasnim sa pravljenjem kolaža, doduše, samo jedan dan, ali nisam bila pri kompu na poslu juče. tema je bila fuksija/ciklama (nisam učestvovala jer nije moja boja), a od danas do sledećeg petka tema je zlato!

depend 045

uzela sam ovaj depend zlatni lak kao šalu. generalno, ne volim zlato, mada je počelo da mi se sviđa na noktima i početna ideja mi je bila da ga koristim kao nadlak preko tamnih boja.
i got this gold polish from depend as a joke. i don't actually like gold (but i started to enjoy it on nails), and my initial plan was to use it for layering over blacks.

nažalost, za mene je previše gust da bi se koristio kao nadlak. a i od kad imam huntsman iz essence snow white kolekcije, jedan je definitivno previše. kada sam ga namazala prvi put, izgledao mi je presmešno, ali sam ga nosila par puta vikendom za izlaske, i odmah ujutru skidala :D sva sreća pa se ovi depend lakovi brzo troše, verovatno će sledeće mazanje biti i poslednje!

prirodna svetlost:
unfortunately, it is a bit thickish for layering. now that i have the huntsman from essence's snow white le, one of them is definitely not needed. when i had it on for the first time, it looked so silly on me, but i ended up wearing it a couple of times on weekends, when i go out, and i remove it as soon as i open my eyes in the morning :D good thing is that depend polishes can be used up pretty quickly, i guess the next time i wear it would be the last!
natural light:

Wednesday 19 September 2012

essence glamorous life (colour&go 91)

kupila sam essence 91 glamorous life iako nije moja standardna boja pošto mi je izgledao primamljivo na polici. prvi put kad sam ga namazala, izgledao mi je čudno na noktima pa sam ga skinula a da nije izdržao ni jedan dan. razlog za to je što je tad bio početak proleća i moj ten je i dalje bio vampirski beo. sada kad sam uhvatila nešto sunca, izgleda mnogo bolje!
i bought  essence 91 glamorous life even though it's not my usual color because it looked so yummy in the bottle. but, the first time i had it on, it looked weird on me so i took it off after less than one day. the reason why i was so unhappy with it is probably because i bought it in the beginning of spring, when i was still so horribly pale. now that i have some color on me, i like it much more!

boju nije lako opisati. recimo da je to hladna malinasto crvena jelly osnova sa roze staklastim šimerom koji na noktima izgleda srebrnkasto. komplikovano, zar ne, ali predivno! formula je nešto ređa, što se i očekuje od želea, ali se nanosi lako (ja sam generalno zadovoljna essence formulom). šljokice su baš sitne, tako da ne ostavljaju grubu teksturu na noktima i oni su glatki i bez nadlaka. takođe, lak je visokog sjaja pa nadlak nije neophodan ali ja ne mogu da se zamislim bez BTGNTS. čak mi se i sviđa što je malo prozirniji, jer se šimer nazire kroz sve slojeve laka, i nije koncentrisan samo na gornjem sloju.
prirodna svetlost:
the polish itself is not so easily described. it is a cooled raspberry red jelly base with pink glass flecks that look silvery on nails. complicated, right? but gorgeous! formula is a bit on the thin side, which is expected for jellies, but the application is easy, as it usually is with essence polishes. the glass flecked glitter is quite fine, so it doesn't leave textured feel even without top coat. also, it is quite shiny on its own,  but i can't imagine not wearing top coat. i actually like that it's sheer, because the glass fleck somehow "jump out"  through all the coats.

natural light:

Monday 17 September 2012

16. theme friday: green and 17. theme friday: nude

bila sam dve nedelje na odmoru (tako da su svi postovi iz tog perioda bili unapred pripremljeni, i jedino što je trebalo da uradim je da kliknem na "objavi"), tako da sam ostala dužna dva kolaža.
i was away on holiday for two weeks (so all the post in that period were previously created and i just had to click "post"), so i am behind on collages for two theme fridays:

16. theme friday: green
učestvovala sam sa zoya holly. / i participated with zoya holly

17. theme friday: nude

i participated with essence nude it!
učestvovala sam sa  essence nude it!
the current theme is fuchsia.
trenutna tema je ciklama/fuksija.

Saturday 15 September 2012

zoya yasmeen (provocateur)

pretpostavljam da je prva stvar koju je svaka devojka uradila kada je otkrila zoya lakove, ta da proba da vidi postoji li lak sa njenim imenom. ja za moje nisam bila previše optimistična, što je i ispalo tačno, ali sam odmah prešla na mamino i našla jednu od varijacija njenog imena i ispostavilo se da je to ova lepota, yasmeen iz provocateur kolekcije..
i guess that the first thing every girl did when she discovered zoya polishes, is to see if there is one of these beauties with her name. of course, i was sure that i will get a negative answer for mine, which was unfortunately the case, but the second one i searched for is my mom's name, and i got one of the name's variations, and it turned out to be this beauty, yasmeen from provocateur collection.

zoya opisuje yasmeen kao "ljubičastu bazu sa tamno plavim tonom i sa vrlo jakim ljubičastim šimerom sa crvenim tonom i naznakama zlatnog duohroma. ultimativna kompleksna ljubičasta za maksimalnu dramu". oni baš vole da koriste dosta reči :D ja bih dodala da ima malo i burgundy podtona.

yasmeen je definitivno jedan od zoyinih lakova koji mora da se poseduje. možda deluje kao jesenje-zimska nijansa, ali je direktno sunce to pod kojim šimer oživi. naravno, što je lak lepši, to je teže uhvatiti njegovu pravu prirodu na slici, i to mi je samo delimično uspelo.

prirodna svetlost:
zoya describes yasmeen as "dark blue-toned purple base with very strong red-toned medium purple shimmer and hints of gold duochrome. the ultimate complex purple for maximum drama".

i would add that it also has a hint of burgundy in it.  this polish is definitely one of the zoya's must haves. it may look like an autumny-wintery shade, but the direct sunlight is when the insanely beautiful shimmer comes alive. of course, the prettier the polish, the harder is to get it's essence on the pictures, and i managed to do this only partially.

natural light:

Thursday 13 September 2012

catrice 900 steel my heart

catrice 900 steel my heart  je treći i poslednji lak sa "brushed metal" efektom koji ću predstaviti, i meni lično najlepši.
catrice 900 steel my heart is the third (out of three) polish with the "brushed metal effect", and my favorite.

bazna boja je tamno braon/taupe, puna raznobojnih mikrošljokica (plave, zlatne, ljubičaste, crvene) koje mu daju svetlucav izgled. pošto se suši polu-mat, aplikacija je malo nezgodna, ali mislim da sam se do sad navikla pa mi nije predstavljala problem.
bez nadlaka, sunce:
the base color is dark brown/taupe packed with microglitter of different colors: blue, gold, purple, red, which give it its sparkly look. because it dries semi-matte, the application is a bit difficult, but i guess i got used to it now so i didn't have problems.
no top coat, direct sunlight:

Wednesday 12 September 2012

layering: depend 5003 over depend 252

ovo je trebalo da bude oproštajni post za depend 252, ali se ispostavilo da je oproštajni post i za depend 5003 crackle.

uzela sam ovaj roze crackle od dependa, jer mi je ljubičasti izgledao gotovo crno na noktima, pa sam bila pametna i pomislila da će onda roze da vuče na ljubičasto :D naravno da nije, ali sam našla kombinacije u kojima mi se svidelo kako izgleda, a jedna od njih je bila sa 252 kao bazom.

na žalost, crackle se potpuno osušio kada sam krenula da ga premažem preko 252. nokti su mi izgledali užasno, roze deo se bukvalno ljuštio i izvijao na krajevima, tako da sam ga skinula istog trenutka. zbog toga, imam samo jednu sliku da prikažem, i to od ranije, sa crackle petka.
this was supposed to be a good bye post for depend 252, but it turned out to be a good bye post for 5003.

i got the pink crackle polish from depend because the purple one looked almost black on the nails, and i had a brilliant idea that the pink one would look like purple. of course it didn't :D although i don't like pink on my nails, i found some crackle combinations with it that i liked, and one of them was with 252.

unfortunately, the crackle polish dried out, and when i applied it, it looked horrible, with the ends of patterns bending away from the polish. i removed it all immediately, so i have only one picture to show you, the one from our crackle friday. as well.

prazne bočice, pre čišćenja:
empty bottles, before cleaning:

Monday 10 September 2012

catrice oh my goldness! (910)

i fell in love with catrice 910 oh my goldness! the moment i saw the bottle, and i wasn't surprised that it was on such a demand that it's hard to find it in the store.

in the bottle, it looks like a golden going on bronze shimmery polish, but when you start to apply it, you realize it is actually really fine golden glitter in the clear base  instead of shimmer. it is opaque enough, though, and you get uniform coverage from two layers. when you apply the first coat, it looks too shear, and i was afraid that it was one of the polishes that will need three layers to look good, but the second layer surprisingly gave it depth and there was no need for the third one.

natural light:

Saturday 8 September 2012

zoya lotus (true spring)

lotus je iz zoyine kolekcije true spring iz ove godine. 
lotus is from zoya's true spring 2012 collection.

dugo sam zagledala ovaj lak, i nisam mogla da se odlučim da li da ga uzmem ili ne, a sada sam baš srećna da sam ga ipak kupila!

u zoyi su ga prilično dobro opisali, kao prašnjavu ljubičastu sa plavim podtonom i raznobojnim šimerom (roze, crveno i zlano). boja je stvarno prašnjavo ljubičasta, a iznenadila sam se koliko je šimer vidljiv na noktima, jer sam mislila da je dosta suptilniji. formula je odlična i potpuna pokrivenost se dobija sa dva sloja. mislim da je ovo jedan od onih lakova koji svima dobro stoje.

prirodna svetlost:

dugo sam zagledala ovaj lak, i nisam mogla da se odlučim da li da ga uzmem ili ne, a sada sam baš srećna da sam ga ipak kupila!
zoya describes it as: "a very soft, dusty blue-toned amethyst purple with colorful shimmer that reflects pink, red and gold. a dreamy smoky shade for purple lovers that looks both soft and luminous"  and they are dead on with the description. the color really is a dusty, muted purple packed with pinkish shimmer. formula is amazing and it is fully opaque after two coats. the shimmer is quite visible on the nails, which surprised me, because i expected it o be more subtle. i think that this is one of those shades that look good on every skintone.
natural light:

Thursday 6 September 2012

catrice 870 copper cabana

predstavljam još jedan lak iz nove catrice kolekcije, ovaj put je to 870 copper cabana.
here comes another new catrice polish, this time 870 copper cabana.

i ovaj put, formula je bila malo komplikovana i pregusta. ponovo, ovo nije nikakav problem kog kap ili dva razređivača ne mogu da srede, ali nisam mogla da ih dodajem na pamet, dok ga ne probam u originalnoj verziji. i opet boja vadi stvar. obožavam ovakve rđave, rustične boje pa sam se zaljubila i ovu tamno narandžastu. finiš najviše vuče na metalik.
prirodno svetlo:
once again, the formula is a bit tricky and thick. again, this is nothing that a drop of two of thinner wouldn't solve, but i had to try the polish in it's original form first. but, the color is a beautiful dark orange. i love these rusty looking shades. i would say that the finish is metallic.

natural light:

Tuesday 4 September 2012

butter london all hail the queen (fall 2010)

ovaj lak se prvi put pojavio kao deo butter london jesenje kolekcije, zajedno sa lakovima bumster, marrow i victoriana, i to pod imenom all hail mcqueen. kasnije su ga iz legalnih razloga preimenovali u all hail the queen i deo je stalne kolekcije.
this polish first appeared as a part of butter london's fall 2010 collection, where it was called all hail mcqueen, but change the name to just all hail the queen later on. the other three polishes were bumster, marrow and victoriana.

ovo je bio prvi BL lak kog sam uzela sa police, i zaljubila sam se istog trenutka. baza laka je bež boje, i puna je finog holo glitera, tako da je njegov holo finiš rasejan. formula je odlična i sa dva sloja dobija se puna pokrivenost.

prirodna svetlost:
this was the first BL polish i picked up from the shelf, and immediately fell in love with it. this is how the color really has a nice beige, sandy tone and it is packed with fine scattered holographic glitter. formula is great, nothing to complain here.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).