Sunday 30 December 2012

essence passion for fashion (colour&go 87)

ako bih morala da biram najdraži essence lak, bila bi mrtva trka između passion for fashion i choose me. šteta što nisam uzela još neki za rezervu, pošto su oba laka povučena pri promeni asortimana.
if i had to choose my favorite essence polish of all time, it would be a tie between passion for fashion and choose me. too bad i didn't stock up on both of them, since they are discontinued now that essence redesigned their bottles.

jedina loša stvar kod ovog laka je ta što se baš teško slika, i nisam nigde videla potpuno veran swatch. moje slike vuku na plavo, ali je uživo savršena blurple krema (pri čemu je ljubičasta za nijansu dominantnija). dva sloja su dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost, ali je formula gušća pa je bolje ako se mažu deblji slojevi. pošto volim i plavce i ljubičaste lakove, obožavam i ovu njihovu kombinaciju.

pošto su samo slike na prirodnom svetlu smislene, pokazujem samo njih:
the only bad thing about this polish, is that it photographes poorly. i haven't seen any completely faithful swatches anywhere. my pics are leaning toward blue, but the color is a perfect blurple (with purple being a bit more dominant) creme. it is completely opaque with two layers, but the formula is a bit tricky so it needed thicker layers to work smoothly. since i adore both purple and blue polishes, i love their love child even more!

since only the direct sunlight pictures make sense, i will post only those.

Friday 28 December 2012

ruffian: gold slippers

moram da priznam, od kad sam prvi put probala ruffian, postala sam malkice opsednuta. pošto je dogovor na forumu bio da imamo novogodišnji tematski petak, u startu sam imala sliku zlatno-crvene kombinacije. koristila sam catrice oh my goldness! i ruby kisses - ruby slippers, jednu od varijacija na china glaze ruby pumps.
i have to admit, since i tried ruffian, it has become a bit of an obsession. and, when we agreed on forum to have a new year challenge, it was clear to me that i'll have to do this gold-red combo. The polishes are catrice oh my goldness! and ruby kisses - ruby slippers, one of the dupes for china glaze ruby pumps.

Thursday 27 December 2012

32. theme friday: plum

tema prethodnog petka je billa plum, a ja sam učestvovala sa opi casino royale, kog sam originalno prikazala ovde. ovaj put sam ga kombinovala sa zlatnim šljokama (prikazano u ovom postu). sutrašnja tema je novogodišnja.
last friday's theme was plum, and i participated with my only plum, opi casino royale, originally shown here. this time, i spiced things up with essence huntsman golden glitter, as shown here. tomorrow's theme is new year.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

..and that's who i am

odavno sam pripremila slčice za ovaj već viralni post, i planirala sam da ga objavim kao poslednji u ovoj godini, ali kako nisam imala vremena za reglarni swatch post, rešila sam da malo poranim.
i collected the photos for this post a while back, but wanted to wait until the end of the year to publish them, but, since i don't have time for my scheduled swatch post, i decided to make this one instead.

ovu sliku sam sama napravila jer nisam našla ni jednun sličnu koji opisuje ovaj veoma bitan deo mene!
and one i made myself, since i couldn't find one, and this is the big part of my life.

Sunday 23 December 2012

essence one kiwi a day (fruity limited edition)

essence i catrice kolekcije kod mene nestaju vrlo brzo. ako se ne pojavim u parfimeriji u istom danu kad ih izbace, mala je šansa da ću ih uopšte naći. ali, činilo mi se da je fruity kolekcije iz prošlog proleća bilo svuda, i moglo se naleteti na neki od lakova i nekoliko nedelja nakon što su se pojavili. lakovi su mi izgledali baš simpatično sa ovim čudnim šljokicama, ali pošto nisu moje boje, dugo sam se suzdržavala od kupovine, ali na kraju sam ipak posustala pred one kiwi a day.
essence and catrice limited editions can be a bit tough to buy where i live, since they seem to sell out in the same day they arrive. but, essence fruity le from last spring seemed to be everywhere, and although i liked the polishes, especially those with glitter in it, the colors were not the ones i usually wear and one kiwi a day was the only one that i considered buying. weeks went by, and i seem to find one kiwi a day everywhere, and in the end decided to get it.

one kiwi a day je pastelna limun zelena sa tamnijim zelenim okruglim šljokicama i šimerom, i vrlo je jasna asocijacija na kivi! formula je prilično dobra, ali su potrebna dva deblja sloja za potpunu pokrivenost.

na žalost, kao što sam od početka i sumnjala, nijansa zelene je za par nijansi svetija od one koja bi izgledala dobro uz moj ten. ove slike su napravljene sredinom septembra, ka sam se vratila sa mora i još uvek bila prilično tamna tako da i izgleda ok. sada, kad sam ponovo prilično bleda, stoji mi baš loše (što je nešto što vrlo retko pomislim :D), tako da, iako je lakić divan, dobio je novu kuću (meri, tebi u svakom slučaju mnogo bolje stoji :D)

prirodna svetlost:
one kiwi a day is a pastel lime green with darker green glitter and shimmer, and i can see why the inspiration was kiwi.  the formula and application were great, but two thicker coats were needed for full coverage.

unfortunately, as i expected from the beginning, it needed to be a few shades darker to match my skin tone. these photos were taken somewhere in september, when i returned from my summer vacation and my tan was still dark, so here it doesn't look that bad on me. now, when i'm back being my pale self, i'm not happy with the way it looks on me (which is something i doesn't say often :D), so this baby got a new home (marryj, polish looks much better on you!)

natural light:

Friday 21 December 2012

layering essence huntsman over opi casino royale

kada se pojavila essence snow white kolekcija, premišljala sam se oko huntsman-a, ali pošto obožavam seriju "once upon a time" i lovac je prestao da bude ovo:
when the snow white le by essence was available, i had second thoughts about getting huntsman, but, since i am a "once upon a time" fan, and huntsman stopped being this:

i postao ovo:
and became this:

morala sam da ga uzmem. pošto je tema ovog petka plum, a moj jedini lak u ovoj boji je opi casino royale kog sam nedavno nosila, rešila sam da mu dodam huntsman kao nadlak. huntsman je gusta providna baza sa malim okruglim zlatnim šljokicama, velikim šestougaonim i čudnim trouglastim.
i had to take it! since it is a plum-themed friday, and my only plum is opi's casino royale that i wore recently, i decide to spice it up with the hunstman. it is a clear, thick base with small gold round glitter together with bigger hexagonal and the occasional weird triangle-shaped chunks.

Thursday 20 December 2012

31. theme friday: matte

tema prethodnog petka je billa mat, a ja sam u tu svrhu matirala golden rose jolly jewels 115. sutrašnja tema je boja šljive.
last friday's theme was matte, do i mattified golden rose jolly jewels 115. tomorrow's theme color is plum.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

essence jacob's protection (breaking dawn le)

već sam predstavila alice had a vision-again lak iz breaking dawn kolekcije, a sad je vreme za jacob's protection.
i already reviewed the first polish from the breaking dawn collection, alice had a vision again, and now it's time for jacob's protection.

znala sam već iz prvih slika, a kasnije i po bočici,  da će mi ovaj lak biti omiljeni u kolekciji, i tako je i bilo. boja je, na neki način, tamno plava verzija alice. bazna boja je tamno plava, skoro crna, puta plavih, zelenih i zlatnih staklastih čestica. formula je opet bila loša, u kombinaciji sa debelom četkicom, ali ipak bolja nego kod alice. sledeći put kad kad ga budem nosila, dodaću nekoliko kapi razređivača.
prirodna svetlost:
judging from the promo pictures, and the bottle itself, this one was my first pick from this collection, and rightfully so. it is, in a way, a dark blue counterpart of alice. the base color is almost-black blue, full with blue, green and gold glass flecks. the formula is once again bad, in combination with the wide brush, but a little better than in alice. i will add a few drops of thinner next time i wear it. 
natural light:

Sunday 16 December 2012

a england saint george (the legend)

the first a england polish i ever saw was dragon, and i thought it was the prettiest polish i've ever seen. when i started looking at the swatches of the other a england polishes, i was blown away! when  i decided to finally get my hands on those, of course that  the gorgeous saint george from the legend collection was the first pick and it is, without a doubt, my favorite polish ever.

the legend collection, top row: order of the garter, dragon, bridal veil, ascalon; bottom row: princess tears, princess sabra, saint george.

a england's description of saint george is so poetic:"bearer of a valiant & courageous heart, this fathomless teal reveals the strength of the brave knight's convictions with his gleaming, fiery core."

i don't even know if words can explain the perfection that is saint george. the color is my favorite deep teal green with scattered holographic effect, with blue, green and gold sparkles. even in shade, the polish looks gorgeous. formula is beyond amazing, it is a one coater (i went with two for the purpose of  taking photos) and self-leveling. i read that fellow bloggers praise a england's formula, so i see that i'll be getting more!

natural light: