Tuesday 26 March 2013

dior 643 diablotine (sparkling shine collection)

najnovija diorova kolekcija je Dior Addict Gloss Le Vernis. zar nisu sva četiri laka preslatka? izabrala sam 643 diablotine, i morala sam odmah da ga namažem, iako je i dalje hladno i snežno.
the most recent collection on dior's shelves is Dior Addict Gloss Le Vernis. aren't these four such cuties? i chose 643 diablotine, and had to wear it instantly, even though it's still cold and snowy.

diablotine je vrlo živ koralac sa intenzivnim crvenim podtonom. zlatni šimer u njemu mi je predivan, i u pravoj meri za moj ukus. prilično pozitivno sam iznenađena formulom, maže se bez ikakvih problema, i jednoslojac je. za potrebe fotografisanja i probe imam dva, ali je drugi bio nepotreban.

osušio se prilično brzo i svideo mi se sjaj kog ima, iako nije baš high gloss, pa sam rešila da preskočim nadlak. prezadovoljna sam ovom nijansom!

prirodna svetlost:
diablotine is a really vivid coral with a strong red undertone. the goldish shimmer in it is just stunning, and in just the right amount for my taste. i am pleasantly surprised with formula, it's so easy to work with it, and it is a one-coater, i have two coats on the pictures, but it really wasn't necessary.

it dried pretty fast and had a nice shine on its own, not really a glossy finish but, since it looked nice to me, i decided to skip the topcoat. oh, it is such a beauty, isn't it!

natural light:

Sunday 24 March 2013

opi simmer and shimmer (burlesque collection)

simmer and shimmer je deo opijeve holiday kolekcije za 2010, burlesque.
simmer and shimmer was a part of opi's holiday collection burlesque in 2010. opi's tagline: "a glitter bit of blue".

kao što svi već znamo, volim šljokičave bombe, i ovaj lak nije izuzetak. sastoji se od providne baze pune raznobojnih šestougaonih šljokica. plava je najdominantnija, pa zatim srebtna, zlatna, ciklama i poneka zelena i narandžasta šljokica, dajući pretežno zimsko-plavi izgled.

pokrivenost je bila dovoljna sa dva srednje debela sloja. nije mi bio plan da imam ovoliki razmak do zanoktica, to je posledica dva efekta, skupljanja zbog sušenja peel off baze (trebalo je da pustim koji minut duže da se suši) i dva sloja nadlaka..

prirodna svetlost:
as we all know, i am a fan of glitter bombs, and this one is no exception. it consists of a clear base full with multicolored hexagonal glitter, with the blue being the most dominant, followed by silver, gold, fucsia and occasional green and orange, giving an overall wintery blue look.

it was opaque with two medium thick layers. i didn't intend to have such a large gap from the cuticles, it was an effect of shrinking due to the peel of base coat (i probably should've let it dry a bit longer) and two layers of top coat.

natural light:

Tuesday 19 March 2013

opi can't let go (mariah carey)

postojala je potpuna konfuzija po pitanju toga kad će, kod koga i da li će uopšte opi mariah carey kolekcija stići u srbiju. u jednom trenutku sam postala prilično nestrpljiva, i naručila mini liquid sand set preko ebay-a. čekala sam skoro dva meseca da stignu, u jednom trenutku sam čak i zaboravila na njih, pa su se samo pojavili ispred mojih vrata.
there was a complete mess regarding the information about the arrival of opi's  mariah carey collection to serbia; at one point it was said that we'll never get it. that's when i got impatient and ordered liquid sand minis from ebay, and waited almost 2 months for them to appear at my doorstep. i almost forgot all about them, and there they were!

iz nekog razloga, can't let go je bio prvi kog sam poželela da namažem. zamislite da je malo više ljubičast i malo manje plav. ovo je prava srednje ljubičasta, obogaćen ljubičastim šestougaonim šljokicama. moram da kažem da mi se sviđa liquid sand finiš. treba mu oko 15 minuta da se potpuno osuši, i prijatno sam iznenađena formulom, iako su u pitanju mini lakovi, a bilo je i lako namazati ga.

na dnu su slike sa dodatim nadlakom, i iako mi je i tako lep, interesantniji mi je bez.

prirodna svetlost:
for some reason, can't let go was the first one i wanted to try. imagine it a bit more purple and a bit less blue, a true medium purple, with an occasional purple hexagonal glitter. i must say, i am a fan of the liquid sand finish. it takes about 15 minutes to dry completely, and i was pleasantly surprised with the formula, even though it' s a mini, it was very easy to apply it.

at the bottom of the page you can see the polish with the top coat. even though i find it interesting, i prefer it without.

natural light:

Sunday 17 March 2013

cirque french roast over illasmasqua taint

toliko sam srećna da sam se dokopala cirque laka french roast, i rešila sam da ga kombinujem preko illamasqua taint.
i'm so happy i got my hands on cirque's french roast, and decided to layer it over illamasqua taint.

cirque je 3 free indie firma iz amerike, a french roast pripada kolekciji dark horse. opisuju ga kao "svetlucajući bronzani lak sa šljokicama koji se presijava na zlato i bakar".

ovo je zaista poseban lak. pošto je prilično proziran, pretpostavljam da bi samostalno mogao da ima dovoljnu pokrivenost sa tri sloja, ali mislim da je najbolje koristiti ga kao nadlak. na slikama imam jedan sloj llamasqua taint i dva sloja french roast. šljokice su u bojama od narandžaste i bakarne do boje kafe. ovo je jedan od lakova koji jedu nadlak, namazala sam jedan sloj popodne i izgledao je odlično, ali je ujutro bio malo neravan pa sam dodala još jedan sloj nadlaka.

obožavam što izgleda kao da sija iznutra, i po meni je kao bronzana šljokičava verzija max factor fantasy fire.

prirodna svetlost:
cirque is a 3 free indie brand from america, and french roast is from dark horse collection. they describe it as "a sparkling bronze glitter polish that reflects gold and copper"

it really is an unique polish. since it is rather sheer, i guess it could be opaque enough with three coats, but i think it's best to use it for layering. i had one coat of illamasqua taint and two coats of french roast. the glitter ranges from orange and copper to coffee brown. it is a top coat eater, i put one layer of top coat in the afternoon, when i applied it and it looked good, but when i woke up the next morning, it was gritty so i added another.

i love how it looks like it's glowing. i see it as a  coppery-glittery version of max facotr's fantasy fire.

natural light:

Friday 15 March 2013

43. theme friday: feminine

pošto je baš u petak bio dan žena, rešile smo da tema bude ženstveni lak, kako ga ko doživljava. moram priznati da mi je ovaj kolaž jedan od lepših. učestvovala sam sa butter london knees up!

danas je počela nedelja posvećena essence topper-ima!
since it was international women's day last friday, we decided to have a feminine polish as a theme, whatever we consider to fall in that category. i have to admit that this collage is one of my favs. i participated with butter london knees up!

today was the start of the week dedicated to essence toppers!

essence cool breeze (special effect topper 16) over essie midnigh cami

toliko sam zaljubljena u novi essence topper, cool breeze, da ga nosim po drugi put u poslednjih par nedelja.
i'm completely in love with essence's new topper, cool breeze, that i'm wearing for the second time in the last couple of weeks.

ljuspice se nalaze u providnoj bazi, i većina je šestougaona, sa dodatnim manjim šestougaonicima. oduševljena sam efektom koji daje ovaj lak i ne mogu da prestanem da gledam u nokte! ljuspice se prelivaju u bojama od tirkizne do ljubičaste, dok ove manje uglavnom izgledaju zlatno. formula je iznenađujuće dobra, možda malo gušća sli prilično jednostavna za korišćenje.

najbolje izgleda preko tamnih lakova, zbog refleksije i kontrasta, tako da sam kao bazu izabrala essie midnight cami.

prirodna svetlost:
flakies are suspended in a clear base, and the majority is hexagonal, with additional smaller hexagons. i really love the effect this polish gives, i can't stop looking at my nails. the flakies transform from turquoise to even purple, while the smaller ones usually look loke gold particles. the formula was surprisingly good, maybe a bit thick but really easy to work with.

it goes best over dark shades, because of the contrast and reflection, so i used essie midnight cami as a base.

natural light:

Tuesday 12 March 2013

opi pink of hearts 2012: you glitter be good to me & i think in pink

a sada, nešto sasvim drugačije - ja nosim roze lak! predstavljam opi set  pink of hearts (2012), iz serije koju prave za borbu protiv raka dojke. bazna boja je i think in pink a šljokice se zovu you glitter be good to me.
and now, something completely different, i'm wearing pink! this is opi's set pink of hearts for breast cancer awareness 2012, the base color is  i think in pink and the glitter is called  you glitter be good to me.

i think in pink se najbolje može opisati kao bubblegum roze (ne znam kako bih to rekla na srpskom.) prilično je proziran posle prvog sloja, a iako se vidi linija nokta i nakon drugog, boja se lepo gradi. svidelo mi se kako mi stoji sa dva sloja, pa sam se tu i zaustavila. formula je generalno bila dobra.

you glitter be good to me je sastavljen od manjih svetlo roze šljokica i krupnijih ciklamastih šestougaonika u providnoj bazi. bio je prilično jednostavan za mazanje, kad se uzme u obzir da je šljokičav. koristila sam ga samo na domalom prstu u jednom sloju, ali mislim da bi mogao da se nosi samostalno sa dva ili tri sloja

prirodna svetlost:
i think in pink can be best explained as bubblegum pink. it is a bit sheer after the first coat, and even though there is still visivle nail line after the second, the color really builds up. i liked how it looked with two layers on me, so i stopped there. the formula is overall very easy to work with.

you glitter be good to me is composed of light pink glitter and larger magenta hexagons in a clear base. it is pretty easy to work with, considering it is a glitter polish. i used it only for the accent nail, but i think it could be opaque on its own after two or three coats.

natural light:

Sunday 10 March 2013

catrice on the bright side of life (neonaturals le)

lak koji predstavljam danas, on the bright side of life iz catrice kolekcije  neonaturals, definitivno ne ide na moju listu omiljenih.
the polish i'm presenting today,  on the bright side of life from catrice's neonaturals limited edition, is definitely not going to my favourite list .

moram da priznam da, iako mi je catrice omiljeni drugstore lak, njihove specijalne kolekcije me skoro nikad ne oduševe. iz nekog razloga, kad sam ugledala on the bright side of life na skoro rasprodatom stalku, shvatila sam to kao znak, jer sam tada još uvek bila u potrazi za omiljenim ljubičastim lakom.

možda je razlog zašto me je ovaj lak razočarao taj što sam previše očekivala. ovo je patlidžan ljubičasta krema koja vuče ka žele završnici, tzv. crelly.  baš sam se namučila da ga lepo namažem, ali pokušavam da se ubedim da se prosto ne slaže sa mojom bazom, jer drugi sloj sasvim lepo ide preko prvog. ipak, iz nekog razloga me ovaj lak izluđuje. već sam mu dala dve šanse, i iako nisam preterano zadovoljna slikama jer je dan bio očajan, kačim ih jer ne planiram da ga nosim i treći put.

da napomenem da povlačenje s vrhova nije krivica laka. ceo radni dan sam provela u pokušajima da popravim neku mašinu, i odvrtala šrafove malo šrafcigerom, malo noktima :D

prirodna svetlost:
i have to admit, even though catrice is my favourite drugstore brand, their limited editions somehow never amaze me. for some reason, when i saw on the bright side of life on the almost sold out rack, i saw it as a sign, since at that time i was still on my perfect purple quest.

maybe that's why this polish disappointed me, i expected too much. the color is eggplant purple, with formula being creme leaning on jelly. it was a disaster to apply,  which i thought that was the polish's fault, but now i'm leaning to the idea that it simply doesn't agree with my base, since the second coat goes quite nicely over the second. but, for some reason, i don't like this polish, and i gave it two chances and even though i'm not too happy with the pictures because the day was depressing, i don't plan to wear it for the third time.

the tip wear is not the polishes fault, though, i spent the entire work day trying to fix a machine and doing the screwing both with screwdriver and the nails :D

natural light:

Friday 8 March 2013

butter london knees up (holiday 2009)

pošto je danas dan žena,  rešila sam da namažem boju koju ne nosim toliko često - crvenu, i izbor je pao na butter london knees up.
since it is the international women's day, i decided to wear the color i don't usually have on my nails, which is red, and i decided on butter london knees up.

butter london lakovi u mom srcu  imaju posebno mesto. mislim da kad bih morala da se ograničim na samo jedan brand, i kada bi ih bilo na više mesta u evropi, oni bi mi bili izbot.

butter london opis ovog laka: "metalik crveni lak savršen da se u njemu napijete". da, sudeći po butter london-u, knees up znači napiti se na žurci!

ovo je fantastična metalik crvena sa šimerom, koja prosto zrači na noktima. originalno, ovaj lak je bio deo holiday kolekcije za 2009, ali je postao deo stalne postavke. formula mu je odlična, jedino bih volela da je četkica šira i sve bi bilo idealno.

prirodna svetlost:
i have a thing for butter london polishes. i think if i had to limit myself on only one brand, and if i could get my hands on butters more often, they would be the choice.

butter london's description for this one: a smashing metallic-red nail lacquer perfect for getting smashed in. so, yeah, according to butter london, knees up means getting drunk at a party!

it is a gorgeous, shimmery metallic red that simply glows on the nails. it was originally the part of their holiday collection, but it became part of the permanent collection. the formula is great, i just wish that the brush is a bit wider, and  it would be just perfect!

natural light:

Thursday 7 March 2013

42. theme friday: teal

za prethodni petak, tema je bila petrolej boja. učestvovala sam sa opi ski teal we drop, kao i većina devojaka :D

pošto je sutra međunarodni dan žena, kao temu imamo ženstvenu boju po izboru!
for the last friday, the theme was teal color and i participated with opi ski teal we drop, as the majority of the girls.

since tomorrow is the international women day, the theme is a feminine color of our choice.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

china glaze blue bells ring (holiday joy collection)

blue bells ring je jedan od mojih favorita u fantastičnoj china glaze kolekciji holiday joy.
blue bells ring is one of my favourite polishes from the amazing china glaze collection holiday joy.

od trenutka kad su se pojavile prve slike holiday joy kolekcije, uzdisala sam za bbr, ali, kad sam skonačno uzela bočicu u ruke, moram priznati da sam bila razočarana. izgledao je previše srebrno, sa samo trunkom plave, ništa nije ličilo na onu boju sa slika. ali, kad sam ga namazala, ostala sam raspamećena!

china glaze stvarno zna da pravi neobične plave lakove. ovaj mi je upao u kategoriju fantastičnih, gde se već nalaze blue iguana i frostbite. električno-plava baza je ispunjena srbernim folijastim šimerom, koji mu daje metalik izgled. na noktima je stvarno fantastičan, što slike samo delimično prikazuju. ovaj lak je definitivno jednoslojac, drugi sam dodala iz navike ali stvarno nije bio potreban. formula je malo gušća, ali je lako raditi sa njom.

prirodna svetlost:
i've been drooling over bbr swatches ever since first pictures of holiday joy emerged, but when i finally got the bottle, i was utterly underwhelmed. it looked too silvery with only a hint of blue, nothing like the swatches. but, when i put it on my nails, i was amazed!

china glaze really knows how to make blue polishes with a twist. this one falls in the amazing category, together with blue iguana and frost bite. it is electric blue packed with silver foil shimmer, giving it a metallic look. it looks so amazing, the pictures don't do it credit! it is definitely a one coater, i added the second but it really wasn't necessary. the formula is on the thicker side, but it is easy to work with .

natural light:

Sunday 3 March 2013

nail art: van gogh fan

ovo je trebalo da bude samo proba moje široke nail art četkice, ali mi se svidelo, tako da kačim slike.
this was supposed to be just me trying out my new fan brush, but i actually liked it, so i here it is.

već sam imala ski teal we drop, i koristila sam prve lakove koji su mi pali na pamet: catrice acid dc, essence break through i life is a freeride. igrala sam se, i iz nekog razloga me podsetilo na boje koje je van gog koristio, odatle i naslov! malo je neuredno, ali ovo je bio samo prvi pokušaj, a imam druge ideje za ubuduće.

prirodna svetlost:
i had ski teal we drop, and i took the first polishes that came to mind: catrice acid dc, essence break through and life is a freeride. i played with the fan brush, and for some reason it reminds me of the type of colors van gogh used, hence the title. it is a bit messy, but it was just a first try, i have other ideas for the future.

natural light:

Saturday 2 March 2013

new in: february 2013

ok, možemo reći da sam opet preterala! bilo je dosta blogovskih rasprodaja i devojaka sa foruma koje su htele da udome svoje neželjene, tako da nije toliko strašno kako izgleda (bar finansijski)!

ulov meseca je definitivno waterlilly, od kog sam se već bila oprostila.

takođe, bilo je i dosta rođendansik poklona, kao što je opijev set pink of hearts (post će biti uskoro, poklon od md), butter london od najdraže j, kao i alessandro's crystal punk set, koji je poklon moje drage m.

hvala marry j što mi je uzela holiday glow lakove, jer ko zna kad bih ja došla do njih sama.
ok, it's safe to say i overdid it again! there were a lot of blog sales and girls getting rid of their unwanted polishes, so it's not so bad as it looks (at least finantially)!

the catch of the month is most def waterlilly, that i was sure i'll never find.

also, there were some birthday presents, such as opi's set pink of hearts (from my bf, post coming soon), butter london from my dearest j and alessandro's crystal punk set, that i got from my dear m. as a pre-birthday gift!

tnx to marry j for getting china glaze holiday glow for me!
alessandro go magic! crystal punk toxic turquoise

dior: waterlilly, gris trianon, chanel: vertigo; butter london knees up; a england ophelia

china glaze: blue bells ring, cranberry splash, angel wings, glistening snow,  winter holly, four leaf clover, grape pop

essence: holo topping, please!, cool breeze, break through, prom-berry, julia, mr big

opi, top: suzi says da!, green-wich village, california raspberry,  no spain no gain, nein! nein! nein! ok fine!
bottom: you glitter be good to me, i think in pink, grape..set..match, ds temptation, every month is oktober-fest, german-icure, tease-y does it

Friday 1 March 2013

41. theme friday: golden rose jolly jewels & lookalikes

za prethodni petak smo bile koletivno šljokičaste, sa golden rose jolly jewels i njima sličnim lakovima. pošto sam već predstavila oba jj laka, 106 i 115, učestvovala sam sa china glaze it's a trap-eze!

danas je počeo petrolej petak!
the last theme friday was glittery, golden rose jolly jewels and lookalikes. since i already wrote abot my only two jj, 106 and 115, i decided to participate with china glaze it's a trap-eze!

today is the day for teal polishes!

opi ski teal we drop (swiss collection)

ski teal we drop je originalno bio deo švajcarske kolekcije, ali je, prilično opravdano, postao član stalne postavke.
ski teal we drop was originally a part of swiss collection, but it got (rightfully) upgraded to the permanent collection. opi's description: "there are mountains of color in this grey-green-blue".

jednom prilikom sam spomenula da je polovina moje garderobe zelena ili maslinasta. skoro cela druga polovina je petrolej :D "ski" pripada tamnijoj strani petrolej spektra, i ovo je toliko bogata, odlično pigmentovana krema dobre formule da mislim da mi nikad neće dosaditi i da će se uvek nalaziti na mojim top listama lakova.

prirodna svetlost:
i once mentioned that half of my wardrobe is green or olive green. well, another half is almost all in teal :D the shade of teal in "ski" is on the darker side of the teal hues, it is such a rich, nicelly pigmented creme that i can't get bored with. i think it will always be in my top polishes lists.

natural light: