Friday 31 May 2013

opi - reflection (ds 030)

ne znam tačan razlog zašto toliko volim apsolutno svaki lak iz opijeve designer series kolekcije, i čudno mi je da do sad nisam predstavila ni jedan. moj cilj je da ih skupim koliko god je moguće, iako sam tek na 11.

moj izbor za danas je predivni reflection.
i have no idea why i'm in love with each and every one of opi's designer series shades, and it's weird that i didn't write about any of them. my goal is to track as mush of ds-s i can, even though i'm only at number 11.

my choice for today is gorgeous reflection.

o, reflection, zašto si tako lep! ova bojica nije tako laka za opisivanje; po meni, ovo je svetlija malinasta nijansa, ali istovremeno i rozikasta sa blagim koralnim podtonom. ima rasejanu holo završnicu koju volim, maže se kao buter i ima fantastičnu četkicu.

svi znamo da nisam neki ljubitelj ovako ženskih bojica, ali sam ovim oduševljena. a pošto je to najnoviji primerak u mojoj ds kolekciji, morala sam da ga mažem iako je i dalje kišno vreme.

prirodna svetlost:
oh, reflection, why are you so pretty! it is a strange color to describe, to me it is a lighter shade of raspberry, but it's also pinkish with a slight coral undertone. it has a weak scattered holographic finish, it applies like butter and has a magnificent brush.

i'm not really even into these feminine shades, but i'm so in love with this one (and it is my newest ds addition) that i had to wear it even though its still raining.

natural light:

Tuesday 28 May 2013

essence - grumpy (snow white le)

grumpy je moj glavni lak za podizanje raspoloženja! pojavio se kao deo essence snow white le koja je imala dosta zanimljivih nijansi, ali, sem grumpy-ja uzela sam samo topere prince charming and the huntsman.
grumpy is THE polish to cheer me up! it was a part of essence's snow white le that had quite a few interesting polishes, but, other than grumpy, i took only the toppers: prince charming and the huntsman.

ovu nijansu samo malo deli od toga da bude najelektričnija električna plava koju možete naći. sve vezano za njega je odlično: fantastična formula, četkica po mom ukusu, ima visok sjaj i bez nadlaka i, iznenađujuće, ni jednom mi nije isflekao nokte.

po mom mišljenju, ovaj lak bolje izgleda na bleđoj koži. žao mi je šno ga ni jednom nisam uslikala zimi, kad sam bila skoro providna, pošto mnogo lako crnim i sad sam već za 5 nijansi tamnija samo od jutarnjeg trčanja.

this is only one tiny shade away of being the most electric electric blue polish you could ever find.  everything about it is great: amazing formula, brush was quite nice, it had  high shine even without topcoat and, surprisingly, it never stained my nails. 

in my opinion, i think it looks better on more pale skin. i'm sad i never photographed it during the winter, when i'm almost transparent, since i tan like crazy and my hands already look 5 shades darker only from my morning runs!

Sunday 26 May 2013

zoya ivanka (sparkle)

dok sam pregledala slike koje sam prošle nedelje napravila kad sam imala na noktima ivanku od zoye, balavila sam nad njima i žao mi je što ga nisam ponela sa sobom u posetu kući! ova lepota je deo zoyine sparkle kolekcije za proleće 2010.

ok, i was going over my zoya - ivanka pictures, and i was drooling over them and regreted that i haven't brought it for my visit home, since i have urge to wear it again. this beauty is a part of zoya's amazing sparkle collection from spring 2010.

zoyin opis: "svetlucavi sirena-zeleni metalik lak -  prava skupa metalik nijansa za leto!".

ovaj lak je već dugo moja želja, ali sam se ubeđivala da mi ne treba više zelenih lakova. ipak, pre par nedelja sam popustila, i ova kupovina je bila vredna toga! boja je prilično teška za opisivanje: bazna nijansa je svetlosmaragdna, sa zlatnim i svetlozelenim staklastim šimerom i dodatnim sitnim zelenim šimerom. ima i duohrom efekat, za koji se nadam da sam ga dočarala na slikama; može izgledati više žuto ili zeleno u zavisnosti od ugla i svetlosti.

već sam spominjala da volim sve što dolazi od zoye, pa ni ovaj lak nije izuzetak. formula je odlična, kao i nanošenje.

prirodna svetlost:
zoya's description: "mermaid green sparkling metallic. an expensive-looking metallic shade for summer. "

i wanted this one for a long time, but kept convincing myself that i don't need anymore greens. but, a few weeks ago, i succumbed, and it was well worth it! it is a rather complex color to describe - the base is emerald green, with gold and and lighter green flecks and additional green shimmer. it has a duochrome effect, which i hope i managed to capture in some of the pics; it can look more green or yellow depending on the lighting and the angle.

i already mentioned that i love everything by zoya, so this one wasn't an exception. great formula, great application!

natural light:

Friday 24 May 2013

essence - mojito green (soul sista le)

za današnji tematski petak treba da predstavimo naš omiljeni prolećni lak. zvuči čudno, ali od samog početka sam znala da će to biti savršeni mojito green iz essence soul sista kolekcije od prošlog proleća.

today's topic for our theme friday is "favourite spring polish". weirdly, from the start i had only one polish in mind and that's insanely beautiful mojito green, from the essence's soul sista le collection from last spring.

ima nešto u ovom laku što čini da poželim da ga čuvam do večnosti :D on je savršena jako zelena nijansa koja naginje ka mintu, i uživo je za par nijansi zeleniji nego na slikama. ne samo da je nijansa savršena, ali ima i predivan zlatkasti šimer u tačno pravoj količini: dovoljno da se vidi pri svakom osvetljenju ali i ne i toliko da dominira.

iako od početka polušavam da mu nađem dupe, jer se iskreno bojim trenutka kada ću videti dno ovoj bočici, ali ne ide. slični lakovi su ili previše zeleni ili previše mint; ili bez šimera ila sa previše istog (poput depend 227). žao mi je da nisam uspela da uhvatim apsolutno vernu nijansu, jer imam utisak da je baš ta kap ili dve zelene, to što ovaj lak izdvaja od mnogih sličnih. ko zna, možda u budućnosti i nađem neki kojim ću biti zadovoljna.

prirodna svetlost:
there is something about this polish that makes me want to save it for the whole eternity :D. it a gorgeous green-leaning mint, that is a bit greener in real life than in the pictures. apart from the insanely pretty color, it has gorgeous golden shimmer in just the right amount, enough to be visible even in shade but not too overwhelming.

i tried so hard to find a dupe for it, since i'm scared of the moment when the bottle becomes empty, but other polishes are either too minty or too green, or without shimmer or with too much of it (like depend 227). i'm really sad that i couldn't capture the exact shade, because i think that this additional drop of two of green are what makes this polish vibrant and amazing. oh, well, maybe i'll find something that can compare in the future.

natural light:

Wednesday 22 May 2013

cool galaxy diamond hidden nail foil (KKCenterHK review)

kada su me kontaktirali iz KKCenterHK i predložili da mi pošalju neki od svojih nail art proizvoda na recenziju, bez dileme sam izabrala ovu foliju sa imenom "cool galaxy diamond hidden nail foil" koju možete naručiti ovde. dugačka je 150 cm, tako da će potrajati!
when people from the KKCenterHK contacted me and offered to send some of their product for review, i immediately chose this nail foil with the name "cool galaxy diamond hidden nail foil" that you can find here . it is 150 cm long, so it can last a while.

kada sam u petak došla s posla, rešila sam da se malo igram. pratila sam instrukcije, koje savetuju da namažete tanak sloj lepka za folije (postoji opcija za naručivanje sa i bez lepka) na već namazani lak, sačekate da on postane providan i na to pažljivo nanesete foliju koju ste prethodno isekli u trake malo duže i šire od vašeg nokta, i da je lagano ispravite štapićem za uši i na kraju dodate nadlak.

da bi se nanošenje usavršilo, potrebno je malo prakse. u svom prvom pokušaju uspela sam da napravim samo par pristojnih noktiju, tako da, kada sam opet juče uzela da se igram, odlučila sam se za drugačiji metod.
when i came from work on friday, i decided to play a little with it. the instructions say to have some kind of nail polish, cut the foil into strips slightly larger than your nail, apply a thin coat of foil glue (they have options to order with and without the glue), wait for it to became transparent and then press the foil against the nail, try to control and smooth it with a cotton stick and add a top coat.

to perfect the application, you will need a little bit of practice, so at this first attempt, i only managed to get a couple of decent nails. so, i opted for another approach when i redid the manicure yesterday.

Monday 20 May 2013

chanel taboo (revelation of chanel)

vreme je za jedan od najlepših i najjedinstvenijih lakova koje imam, chanel-ov taboo iz njihove kolekcije revelation de chanel.
it's time for one of the most unique and beautiful polishes i own, chanel taboo from their revelation de chanel collection.

gde da počnem sa opisivanjem ove lepote? boja je prilično kompleksna. baza je duboka, tamna hladna ljubičasta sa sjajnim srebrnim, plavim i bordo česticama, koje mu daju nekako galaktički izgled :) u bočici izgleda dosta crveniji nego na noktima.

prilično sam sigurna da ovaj lak izgleda podjednako dobro i na hladnim i toplim tipovima kože. i, pod različitim osvetljenjem, različiti podtonovi postaju dominantni. dobra stvar je da nikad ne izgleda samo crno i šimer je vidljiv i u zatvorenom prostoru. stvarno je prelep, vamp i misteriozan ali istovremeno i elegantan!

formula je isto odlična i laka za mazanje. malo je gušći od prosečnih chanel lakova, ali se jednostavno maže i skoro je jednoslojac. odlučila sam se da ne mažem nadlak, da vidim kako izgleda samostalno ali, pošto mu završnica nije supersjajna, ako hoćete takav izgled, preporučujem nadlak.
where to start in describing this beauty? the color is quite complex. the base is deep, dark cool purple with the shimmery fleck in silver, blue and burgundy color, giving it a bit of a galactic look. in the bottle it looks much more red that on nails

i'm pretty convinced that this polish looks good on both cool and warm-toned skin. and under different lighting, different tones of it can be dominant. good thing is, that it is never almost black and the shimmer is nicely visible indoors. it really is gorgeous, vampy, mysterious but also elegant at the same time!

formula is also great and easy to work with. it is a bit thicker than your usual chanel polish, but it flows smoothly and is almost a one coater. i opted for the no top coat looks, to see how it looks on its own, but since it doesn't dry super glossy, if you want that kind of look, top coat is recommended.

Sunday 19 May 2013

aura punk (party time collection)

trenutni tematski petak je posvećen našem aura brendu. imam samo tri njihova laka, kultni on the edge, techno i punk kog ću sada predstaviti. sva tri laka su prilično jedinstvena i prelepa.
this theme friday is dedicated to one serbian brand called aura. i have only three aura polishes, the cult one on the edge, techno and punk, that i'm wearing now. all three polishes i have are very unique and beautiful.

punk je bio deo prošlogodišnje praznične party time kolekcije, zajedno sa lakovim jazz, techno i hip hop. nažalost, nigde ne mogu da nađem promo sliku.

punk je, kao što mu i dolikuje, prelep i jedinstven lak. bazna boja je teget, puna svetloplavog i tirkiznog šimera koji mu daje posebnost i dubinu. nosila sam ga nekoliko puta, i svaki put sam se iznenadila koliko je fantastičan. formula i četkica nisu problematični.

prirodna svetlost:
punk was a part of the last year's holiday collection called party time, together with techno, jazz and hip hop. unfortunately, i can't find a promo pic anywhere.

punk, as it should be, is so unique and beautiful. the base color is navy blue, but it is filled with sparkling light blue and turquoise shimmer that really gives it depth. i wore quite a few times, and every time i get surprised how stunning it looks. the formula and brush were nice to work with.

natural light:

Saturday 18 May 2013

nails of the month: april 2013

prilično kasnim sa aprilskom retrospektivom, ali me je nešto picasa zezala kad je bilo vreme za kačenje, i tek sam juče shvatila da je nikad nisam objavila!
i am really late with the april retrospective, but i was having problems with picasa when i wanted to publish them, then forgot all about them and finally remembered yesterday!.

Friday 17 May 2013

52. theme friday: skittles

skittles tematski petak nam je bio baš simpatičan i uspešan! ja sam učestvovala sa holo skittles kombinacijom!

danas je počela nedelja posvećena aura lakovima!
skittles' themed friday was so cute and successful! i participated with the holo skittles combo.

today was the start of the week dedicated to aura polishes!

holo skittles

prethodna forumska tema je bila skittles. od početka sam imala ideju da napravim holo varijantu, jer, iako mi se najviše sviđaju pastelni skittles noktići, nemam ni jednog pastelca a kamo li da imam dovoljan izbor za skittles.

izbor je pao na china glaze fyi, color club fashion addict, depend 2027, 2032 i 2035.
the previous theme last week was skittle. from the beginning, i had an idea to do a holo version of skittles. even though my favorite combo is with pastel polishes, i don't own any, let alone enough to do a skittle mani!

my choice of polishes was china glaze fyi, color club fashion addict, depend 2027, 2032 and 2035.

problem je nastao jer sam bila na službenom putu od petka ujutro, i nije bilo prilike da namažem skittles nokte. srećna sam da na posao mogu da nosim kakve god lakove poželim, ali kada idem na konferencije i slično, ipak mislim da nije baš sve prikladno. avion mi je sleteo u sredu kasno uveče, i nisam se ni raspakovala kako treba, ali sam morala da namažem nokte u poslednjoj prilici za tematski petak!

na žalost, nisam znala da će seo četvrtak (juče) padati kiša, tako da je holo efekat skoro pa nevidljiv. ipak, sviđa mi se kako je ispalo.

prirodna svetlost:
the biggest probem was that i was on a work trip since friday morning, and there was no way i could do a skittles mani. i'm happy that i can wear any polish i want to work, but when i'm going on conferences, i don't think that everything's appropriate. so, my plane landed on wendesday evening, and i didn't even unpack completely, but i had to do a theme friday mani :D

unfortunately, i wasn't aware that it will be raining the entire thursday, so the holo effect of the polishes was poor, but i liked how it turned out anyway.

artificial light:

Sunday 12 May 2013

catrice - san francisco (big city life collection)

san francisco je izašao kao deo druge big city life kolekcije od catrice. iako sam ga uzela još u novembru, zima me je sprečila da tad napravim pristojne slike.
san francisco came out as a part of the second catrice's big city life collection back in november, but the winter didn't allow me to make decent photos.

obožavam ovaj lak! svi već znamo koliko volim zelembaće, a ovaj još naginje ka petrolej nijansi sa suptilnim srebrnim šimerom koji nekako daje efekat unutrašnjeg sjaja.

za divno čudo, iako je ova kolekcija izašla u periodu kada je catrice počeo da kvari svoju savršenu četkicu i formulu, ovaj lak je primer njihove odličnosti zbog koje sam catrice drugo vremena smatrala omiljenim drugstore brendom.

prirodna svetlost:
i just adore this shade. we all know i'm crazy for greens, and this beauty is even leaning towards teal, with the subtle silver shimmer that somehow lights it up from within.

surprisingly, even though this polish appeared around that time when at catrice they started to worsen the brush and formula, this one is the example of all the reasons why i considered catrice to be my favourite drugstore brand for a long time .

natural light:

Friday 10 May 2013

essie - jamaica me crazy (dive bar collection)

prošli petak je bio posvećen lakovima sa nama najboljim imenom, tako da sam morala da otrčim do lilly-ja i kupim essie jamaica me crazy, pošto mi je to najbolje ime ikad. tad sam shvatila da mi je ova dive bar kolekcija najbolja koju je essie ikad napravio. mislim, dive bar, sexy divide i trophy wife, teško da može bolje od toga.

dugo vremena sam odolevala essikama, jer je jedina verzija koja je mogla da se nađe ona sa tankom četkicom, a i nihove boje me nikad nisu nešto obarale s nogu. sad, kad konačno imamo široku, drugstore četkicu, možda im dam šansu.

last friday had "favourite nail polish name", so i had to buy essie jamaica me crazy, because this is my all time favourite name. then i realized, this dive bar collection is, for me, the best essie ever had. i mean, dive bar, sexy divide and trophy wife, it can't get better than that.

for a long time, i hesitated in buying essies. the only type available in serbia was the tiny brush type, i also never really fell for any of their colors, but now, when we finally have the flat brush drugstore version, i might change my mind and get a couple

jamaica me crazy nije moja tipična boja, ali sam rešila da je probam jer nemam ni jednu magentu u kolekciji. ispostavilo se da je prilično dobra boja, iako je magenta, ima dosta ljubičastog podtona koji ga čini više mojim tipom, i ima prelep suptilni ljubičasti šimer.

ovo je moj prvi essie sa širokom četkicom, i odgovara mi. takođe, formula je odlična, ne ostavlja ćelava mesta i daje dobru pokrivenost.

slikala sam ih u mom rodnom gradu, i shvatila sam da ni jedan deo mog stana nije pod direktnim svetlom (ne računajući 5 ujutro). zato sve slike izgledaju kao da sam u hladu, iako sam se verala po prozorima i terasi.

sa nadlakom, prirodna svetlost:
jamaica me crazy is not ma typical color, but i have no magentas in my collection so i decided to give it a try. it turned out to be quite good. even though it is magenta, it has a purple undertone that makes it more my type, and gorgeous subtle purple shimmer. 

this is my first wide brush essie, and i'm happy with it. also, the formula was great, no bold spots, good coverage.

i took the photos back in my home town, and i realized that no parts of my building are turned towards the sun (ok, they are at 5 am, but that's not a "normal time"), that's why the photos look like they're taken in the shade, even though i was at the window or the balcony.

with top coat, natural light:

Thursday 9 May 2013

49. - 51. theme fridays

opet sam bila rastrzana na sve strane, pa sam ostala dužna tri kolaža od tematskog petka.
49. tematski petak je bio posvećen svetloplavim nijansama. pošto imam samo jednog predstavnika ove boje, moj izbor je bio lak: chanel coco blue.
once again, i have been too busy, so i'm behind on three theme friday collages.

49th theme friday was dedicated to light blue. i own only one representative of this shade, so my choice was easy: chanel coco blue.

50. tematski petak je bio posvećen china glaze lakovima. sunčani četvrtak i petak su bili razlog što sam izabrala winter holly.
50th theme friday was dedicated to china glaze polishes. sunny thursday and friday were the reason i chose winter holly.

51. tematski petak je bio posvećen laku sa omiljenim imenom. moj očigledni izbor je bio essie jamaica me crazy.
51th theme friday was dedicated to favourite name. my obvious choice was essie jamaica me crazy.

Tuesday 7 May 2013

comparison: essence blue addicted vs essence cold breeze (over essie midnight cami)

u mom poslednjem postu, spomenula sam da je moja bočica essence blue addicted potrošena :( od kad sam kupila njihov nadlak cool breeze, imala sam ideju da, uz odgovarajuću baznu boju, može da se dobije sličan efekat. odlučila sam da ga namažem preko essie midnight cami, pa da vidimo rezultat.
in my last post, i mentioned that my bottle of essence blue addicted is finished :( and, ever since i got their cool breeze topper, i had an idea that, with a proper base color, it could make a similar effect. i chose to wear it over essie midnight cami, so let's see what i got.

na svim slikama, blue addicted je na kažiprstu i srednjem prstu, a kombinacija cool breeze + midnight cami na srednjem i malom.

može se primetiti da cool breeze nema sitne svetloplave šljokice, već žute slične veličine. velike šestougaone oplaescentne šljokice su iste u oba laka.

tako da, ova kombinacija nije baš identična sa blue addicted, ali se može reći da liči. naravno, prisutan je i problem očigledne razlike između šljokičavog nadlaka i šljokičavog laka na površini nokta,

prirodna svetlost:
in all the pictures, blue addicted is on the index and ring finger, and the cool breeze + midnight cami combo on the middle and little finger.

as you can see, cool breeze doesn't have the small light blue glitter, but some yellow glitter of similar size. the large hexagonal opalescence ones are the same in both polishes.

so, bottom line, it's not really a dupe to blue addicted, but it kind of looks like it. and, of course, there's always that issue that you can always see, from the surface, if it is a topper or a glittery polish.

natural light:

Saturday 4 May 2013

essence - blue addicted (color & go 78)

prošle nedelje sam odjednom poželela da mažem essence blue addicted, i potpuno sam se iznenadila kad sam shvatila da će mi ovo biti poslenji put da ga mažem, jer mi je bočica prazna.
last week, i really wanted to wear essence blue addicted, and i got really surprised when i realized that  this will be the last time, since the bottle was almost empty,

stvarno volim ovaj lak, i žao mi je da su ga povukli i što mi je bočica sada prazna. čak sam morala da ga okrećem da bih izvukla dovoljno da pristojno namažem.

ovo je stvarno prelep lak. bazna boja je teget jelly, sa dosta plavih i zelenih šestougaonih šljokica i sitnim plavim mikrošljokicama. formula je malo komplikovana, i trebaju mu tri sloja za potpunu pokrivenost, ali je konačni efekat vredan truda.

naravno da sam morala da ga matiram, što se može videti na slikama na kraju posta.

sa nadlakom, prirodna svetlost:
i really love this polish, and i'm truly sad that it's discontinued and that my bottle is empty now. i even had to turn it upside down in order to get enough of it.

it really is a gorgeous shade. the base color is navy blue jelly, with a lot of blue and green hexagonal glitter with tiny blue microglitter. formula is a bit tricky, it needs three coats in order to be completely opaque, but the end result is worth a bit of trouble.

of course, i had to mattify it, which an be seen in the pictures at the end of the page.

with top coat, natural light:

Wednesday 1 May 2013

new in: april 2013

ysl  jade imperial - ysl bleu majorelle -- chanel april - dior delice - dior perfecto

rimmel apple berry smoothie - rimmel cutie colada -
nyx sea of cortez- nyx mermaids tears- nyx purple ink- zoya jem

take the stage - have you seen my limo?- ink suede - play till midnigt -
 yoga-ta get this blue - i vant to be a lone star

designer series: 04 couture - 26 extravagance - 37 mystery - 38  radiance