Monday 30 December 2013

zoya hazel (irresistible)

i just realized that this will be my last swatch of the year, and i like to think is great to finish it with a gorgeous polish such as zoya's hazel!

hazel is is beauty from zoya's spring collection irresistible. it has everything i like: the base colour that is definitely unique, an icy, steely blue with goldish flakes that i would never think would go well with the base, but they fit perfectly.

the finish is both foil and metallic, but there's no problem with application or brushstrokes. i am really impressed with this polish, it looks a bit space-y.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

essence the incredible (superheroes)

essence limited edition kolekcije su mi već neko vreme nezanimljive, ali je superheroes fina promena. na žalost, jedini lak kog sam uspela da se dokopam je the incredible, označen kao teksturni lak.
it's been a while since i was excited about a limited edition from essence, and superheroes is a change from that trend. unfortunately, the only polish i could get my hands on was the incredible, with the sand effect tag.

ovaj lak sam uzela pre oko dva meseca bez provere, kada sam bila u evropi zbog odbrane doktorata. tad je ova kolekcija tek izašla, pa nisam videla svočeve, ali mislim da bih preskočila ovaj lak da jesam.

the inceridble je srednje plavo-petrolej lak sa petrolej šimerom i teksturnom završnicom. ono što mi se ne sviđa je da teksturni efekat nije dovoljno izražen, izgleda nekako gromuljičavo. četkica i formula su prililčno dobri, ali je vreme sušenja nešto duže nego kod ostalih liquid sand lakova koje sam probala, i suši se polumat.

ovde imam bazni lak (china glaze strong adhesion) i dva sloja laka.
i got this polish as a whim almost two months ago when i was back in europe for my phd defence. the le has just got out, so i never saw the swatches, but i think that if i did, i would pass on this one.

the incredible is a medium blue - teal polish with teal shimmer and the sand effect finish. my problem with it is that the texture is not pronounced as it should be, it is on the verge on looking like there are little lumps in the polish. the brush and formula are solid, but the drying time is a bit longer than with other liquid sand polishes i tried. it dries semi matte.

here, i have a base coat (china glaze strong adhesion) and two coats of polish.

Saturday 21 December 2013

chanel black pearl (spring 2011)

this post is long overdue, but i guess that i love this polish so much that i was never really happy with the pictures. i gave up now, so i present you the amazing chanel black pearl, from their 2011 spring collection.

this polish is not your typical grey polish, and not only because of the gorgeous green-teal microshimmer that runs through it. for me, it is elegant and edgy at the same time. since the finish is metallic, it is a bit brushstrokey.

this is, by far, my most used chanel, so i decided to bring it back home because i don't want to be tempted to wear it for a while (it's discontinued).  i also have the best dupe out there, catrice captain sparrow's boat, and i was using this one heavily too. of course it's also discontinued :(

i made sooo many pictures of this one, and honestly, i think it's beauty is not really transferable to photos.

natural light:

Wednesday 18 December 2013

ysl fuchsia intemporel (core 9)

ništa ne govoril koliko obožavam ysl lakove kad čak imam i ciklamu u kolekciji, br. 9 iz osnovne kolekcije, fuchsia intemporel.
i guess you can tell i really, really love ysl polishes when i even have a fuchsia in my stash, the number 9 from the core colection, fuchsia intemporel.

proklet bio ysl što pravi tako savršene lakove da ih želim sve, čak i ako nisu moje standardne boje.

šalu na stranu, letos sam poželela da izađem malo iz svojih standardnih okvira, i nekako su mi ciklamaste boje prve pale na pamet, a dosta lnapih akoholičarki je hvalilo upravo ovaj lak. moram priznati da sam se iznenadila koliko elegantno mi je šaka izgledala! nije da ću da počnem da gomilam ciklame, ova mi je sasvim dovoljna!

nije da sam baš daltonista kad su u pitanju ženstvenije boje, ali ne mogu da ih razlikujem na pola tona, dok za plavi i zeleni deo spektra vidim i desetinu podtona, tako da ne mogu da kažem ništa posebno o nijansi sem da je rozikasta ciklama, prilično nosiva. mislim da sam pisala i previše o tome koliko mi je savršena ysl formula, samo ću reći da ni ovaj lak nije izuzetak.

prirodna svetlost:

damn you, ysl, for making polishes so perfect that i want them all, even if they are not the colours i usually go for.

all joking aside, sometime in the summer, i felt i needed to get out my comfort zone, and i was thinking of maybe trying fuchsia shades, and fellow nailpolish addicts were raving about this one. the end result is, i was surprised how elegant my hand looked. i will not start to pile up fuchsias, this one is enough, and i love it!

i am not really colour blind when it comes to girlyer colours, but i can't see the half-tone differences that are so distinctive to me when it comes to the blue and green part of the spectrum, so i can't say much regarding the shade, other than that it's a pinkish fuchsia, and that it's really wearable. i think i've been gushing about the perfect ysl formula a bit too much, but i'll just mention that it's a dream.

natural light:

Saturday 14 December 2013

depend laurel green (holographic 2035)

bila sam ubeđena da sam odavno objavila slike laurel green is depend-ove holographic kolekcije, tako da sam se iznenadila kad sam shvatila da sam nekako zaboravila na njega, iako sam ga nosila nekoliko puta, dok sam druga dva laka, blue denim i raspberry , predstavila gotovo odmah.
i was so convinced i already swatched this beautiful holographic polish, laurel green from depend, and i was very surprised to see i somehow failed to do that, given that i posted about the other two i got, blue denim and raspberry, almost immediately and wore this one quite a lot.

ovaj lak sam prvi put nosila na moru prošlog leta, i mazala sam ga uveče, u prigušenom svetlu sobe (zbog mog preteranog straha od komaraca), i pri takvom osvetljenju mi se činilo da nije dovoljno izražajan sa dva sloja pa sam dodala i treći. sledeće jutro, na putu do plaže, skoro sam oslepela od jakog holo efekta :)

baš su mi dragi ovi mali depend holo lakovi, i baš šteta da više ne mogu da se nađu. bazna boja od laurel green je prigušena, svetlo zelena, i podseća me na zoya vespa. holo efekat je linearan i vrlo izražen.

lak izgleda neobično i u senci, jer je bazna boja baš lepa, a holo efekat se svede na zlatkasti šimer koji izbija iz laka. šteta da su bočice male, verovatno mogu da izvučem još maksimalno dva mazanja iz njega.

prirodna svetlost:

i remember that i wore this polish for the first time on our holiday last summer, and i was applying it in dim light of our hotel room (i have an unreasonable fear of mosquitoes), and it looked to me that it wasn't opaque enough with two layers so i added the third. next morning, as we headed to the beach, i got almost blinded from the crazy holo effect :)

i love these small depend holos, too bad it was a limited edition. laurel green's shade is a light, pale green, almost sage. in a way, the color reminds me of zoya's vespa. the holo effect is linear and quite strong.

i like this polish even in shade, because the base color is so pretty and holo effect is manifested as golden dancing shimmer. too bad the bottles are so small, i can probably scrape one or two more applications.

natural light:

Wednesday 11 December 2013

nail polish obsession tag

obično ne radim ove lančane postove, ali mi je ovaj super jer mislim da će biti zanimljivo da vidim napismeno sve brojke i činjenice. hvala šmizli za tag.

1. Koja je tvoja omiljena marka lakova?
  • ysl, zbog četkice, formule i generalnog osećaja kog imam sa ysl lakom na noktima, ali i a england, jer su nešto potpuno drugačije i magično.
2. Glitter, da ili ne?
  • da da, milion puta da.
3. OPI, China Glaze ili Essie?
  • opi, zbog četkice koja mi je omiljena (posle ysl), pa china glaze, kod kojih volim sve sem četkice i na kraju essie, s kojim se nikad nisam srodila, potpuno su mi blah.
4. Kada menjaš lak na noktima?
  • recimo da nedeljno promenim lak 6 puta, obično mi je to prva stvar koju radim kad dođem s posla.
5. Koja je tvoja omiljena boja na noktima?
  • pošto ne mogu da se odlučim između zelene i plave, nađimo se na pola puta: petrolej (teal).
6. Tamni ili sveti lakovi?
  • tamni
7. Koji lak imaš na noktima u ovom trenutku?
8. Mat nokti – in ili out?
  • mat nadlak preko šljokica, pun pogodak!
9. Frenč manikir?
  • klasičan definitivno ne.
10. Omiljena zimska i letnja boja?
  • zelena i plava :D
11. Koliko lakova imaš?
  • 273. i ne, nije mi mnogo.
12. Od kog brenda imaš najviše lakova u kolekciji?
  • ubedljivo vodi opi, sa 9 mini i 65 normalnih.
13. Koja boja je najčešća u tvojoj kolekciji?
  • plava.
14. Da li postoje boje i finiši koje nemaš u kolekciji?
  • i ja sam jedna bez čisto mat lakova, i recimo 2 neonca, a od boja imam jednog roze i on je bio poklon, i vrapci znaju da ne volim tu boju.
15. Za koji lak se pitaš zašto ga još nisi bacila?
  • kad ne volim neki lak, besomučno često ga mažem dok ga ne potrošim. trenutno mi je na crnoj listi nyx ink, divna boja, jedna od najgorih formula.

Saturday 7 December 2013

picture polish peacock (opulence)

danas predstavljam peacock iz picture polish opulence kolekcije, jer prosto nisam odolela laku sa takvim imenom! 
the polish of the day is peacock from picture polish opulence collection, because i simply couldn't resist a polish with such a name!

kada je u pitanju ovaj lak, baš sam se dugo premišljala da li da ga uzmem ili ne. slika bočice izgleda više nego savršeno, ali sam pročitala u nekim recenzijama da je formula nezgodna i da treba dosta slojeva za ok pokrivenost. na kraju, ipak sam rešila da mu dam šansu, jer kako mogu da odolim paunu!

bazna boja je tamno ljubičasta jelly, ispunjena uglavnom šestougaonim smaragdnozelenim šljokicama. zbog bazne boje, izgleda kao da su šljokice iz više boja. nekom prilikom ću ga mazati preko neke ljubičaste kreme, čisto da vidim šta će tada biti dominantno. inače, izgleda mi kao smaragdna verzija china glaze skyscraper.

što se tiče formule i pokrivenosti, ovo je jedan od onih lakova za koje vam se, posle prvog sloja, čini da nikad neće postati pun, ali već sa drugim, malo dobljim slojem, sve izgleda ok. sve u svemu, sviđa mi se i ne kajem se što sam ga izabrala.

prirodna svetlost:
this is the polish i spent a lot of time rethinking whether should i get it. from the bottle picture, it looked like perfection, but some reviews were telling that the formula is tricky and that it's not opaque enough. in the end, i decided to give it a chance. come on, how could i resist a peacock!

the base color is dark purple jelly, filled with emerald green mostly hexagonal glitter. because of the base colour, it looks like the glitter is actually multicoloured. i will eventually layer it over some purple creme, to see what colour pops out. to me, it looks like an emerald version of china glaze skyscraper.

when it comes to formula and the opacity, it's one of those polishes that, after the first coat, you think it could never get opaque, but with the second thicker one, everything looks good. bottom line, i like it and i don't regret getting it.

natural light:

Tuesday 3 December 2013

a england briarwood (burne-jones dream)

lak dana je prelepi briarwood iz a england kolekcije burne-jones dream!
the polish of the day is the gorgeousness that is briarwood from a england burne-jones dream collection!

moram da kažem, gledajući ga u bočici, ovaj lak mi je bio lepuškast, ali kad sam ga namazala me je neverovatno opčinio. opisan je kao "burgundy bazna boja, ispunjena ultra finim prizmatičnim česticama koje reflektuju svaki deo svetlosti".

mislim da je dovoljno da kažem da sam ga nosila tri dana pa da shvatite koliko me je oduševio. bazna boja je sama po sebi prelepa, i iako obično volim jako izražene holo lakove, baš je suptilnost holo šimera to što ovaj lak čini posebnim. izgleda kao da se magla podiže sa nokta. mogla bih još dugo da opisujem koliko sam se zaljubila, ali ću pustiti da slike govore za sebe.

formula je standarno a england savršena, nemam na šta da se požalim.

prirodna svetlost:
i have to say, i liked this polish just from looking at the bottle, but i was so amazed when i actually had it on my nails! it is described as "burgundy base colour, filled with ultra-fine prismatic particles that reflect every facet of light".

i think that the fact i had it on my nails for three days says how much it mesmerized me. base color is amazing on it's own, and even though i love crazy holos, the subtleness of the holo shimmer is what gives this polish the wow effect. it looks like the mist raising from the nails. i could go on for a long time describing how much in love i am, but i'll let the pictures speak for themselves.

formula is standard a england perfection, nothing to complain about.

natural light:

Friday 29 November 2013

china glaze tounge&chic (autumn nights)

tounge & chic je izašao u jednoj od novijih china glaze kolekcija, autumn nights.
tounge & chic belongs to the one of the newer china glaze collections, autumn nights.

kupila sam ovaj lak pred kraj avgusta, i već sam uspela da ga mažem bar pet puta. malo je falilo da ga preskočim, jer mi se činilo da sam počela da preterujem sa ovakvim nijansama, ali je svakako jedinstven.

lak je potpuno fantastičan, tamna, hladna, duboka petrolej nijansa sa metalik šimerom. primećen je svaki put kad sam ga nosila, i to od strane oba pola. iako sam ga često nosila, toliko me je opčinio da nisam ni jednom bila zadovoljna slikama jer mi se činilo da je uživo još lepši.

za mene je jedini problem što je formula malo pregusta, jedna od onih skoro-jednoslojaca, i zbog toga (uz kombinaciju sa cg četkicom koja mi je generalno preuska) ni jednom nisam uspela da izvučem lep luk. ipak, mislim da je to mala cena za ovu lepotu.

prirodna svetlost:
i bought this polish in the end of august, and i already managed to wear it at least five times. and i almost missed out on it, because i tought i'm really overdoing it with these sorts of shade, but it surely is unique.

it's such a rich shade, dark, cool teal with metallic shimmer, definitely a stunner, since it never got unnoticed when i had it on my nails. i got compliments from both sexes! i wore it a lot, and got so mesmerized by it that i was never happy with the pictures, i don't think they do it justice.

for me, the only problem is that it is slightly thick, one of those almost one-coaters, and because of that (and the fact that i generally don't like cg's narrow brush), i could never really apply it perfectly, but that's a small price to pay for gorgeousness!

natural light:

Saturday 23 November 2013

picture polish lagoon (collaboration shade)

kada sam planirala drugu narudžbinu koja je uključivala i picture polish lakove, znala sam da želim nekog iz njihovog širokog spektra plavaca, ali mi je bilo baš teško da se odlučim. na kraju, lagoon mi je izgledao najinteresantnije, i znam da sam donela pravu odluku.
when i was planning my second order that included picture polish, i knew i wanted one of quite a few blues, but it was so hard to choose one. in the end, lagoon was the one that looked the most interesting to me, and now i'm sure i made the right choice.

picture polish je australijska kompanija koja je došla na odličnu ideju da kontaktiraju najpoznatije blogerke i da im, u saradnji sa njima, naprave lakove. lagoon je kreacija sam, čiji blog se zove fashion polish. njihov opis lagoon:""tirkizni jelly sa rasejanim holo efektom i suptilnim zelenim  šljokicama."

potpuno sam se zaljubila u ovj lak. bazna boja je savršena, sviđa mi se i rasejani holo jer mu daje dodatni bling, ali me najviše oduševljavaju tirkizne šestougaone šljokice koje izgledaju kao da su zakopane duboko, skoro pa u bazi. iako je jelly, pokrivenost je savršena. začuđujuće, mislim da mi je još lepši u hladu.

pošto prvi put predstavljam picture polish lak (iako sam isprobala sve koje imam), moram da kažem da sam baš zadovoljna i formulom i četkicom, a da i ne spominjem koliko mi se sviđaju njihove neobične nijanse.

prirodna svetlost:
people from australian nail polish brand, picture polish, had this great idea to contact the popular bloggers and design a polish for them. lagoon is creation of sam from great blog called fashion polish. their desription: "lagoon is a turquoise jelly holo (scattered) with a subtle smattering of ariel green glitter."

i am completely in love with this shade. the base color is amazing, the scattered holo particles give it a bling, but what i love the most is the turquoise hex glitter that looks buried in the bottom layer. even though it's jelly, the opacity is amazing. what's weird, i think i love it even more in the shade.

since it's first time i'm presenting picture polish (even though i tried all polishes i have), i have to say that i'm impressed with both the formula and brush, not to mention really creative polishes they make.

natural light:

Tuesday 19 November 2013

chanel alchimie 591 (superstition)

chanel-ova kolekcija za ovu jesen se zove superstition, i u njoj su tri laka: elixir, mysterious (kog takođe imam) i današnja zvezda, alchimie
this autumn chanel collection is called superstition, and has three polishes: elixir, mysterious (that i also bought) and today's star, alchimie.

zvanični opisi nijansi su često problematični, ali mi se čini da je ovog puta uhvaćena suština: "zlatni khaki". promo slike su me uplašile da će biti neznatna razlika njega i peridot-a (kog inače obožavam, da me ne shvatite pogrešno), ali novitet ima dosta manje šimera i zlatnog tona.

već sam spominjala da obožavam maslinastu boju (a, recimo, masline ne mogu da smislim), tako da ni ovaj lak nije izuzetak. ovakve nijanse ili obožavate ili mrzite. iako ima metalik završnicu, formula je prilično dobra. vidi se poneki trag četkice, ali uživo su gotovo nevidljivi.

prirodna svetlost:
the official descriptions can be problematic, but this time, i think it captured the essence correctly: " a golden khaki". promo photos scared me that it would be really close to peridot (don't get me wrong, i'm a huge peridot fan), but the new one is much less shimmery and golden.

i mentioned already that i'm a huuuge fan of olive color (funny enough, i hate olives), so this one is not an exception. with these shades, you either love them or hate them. although it is a metallic polish, application is easy enough. there is a brushstroke here and there, but nothing really visible in real life.

natural light:

Saturday 16 November 2013

a england dragon (the legend)

this is dragon, from a england the legend collection, and it may just  be the most amazing polish ever!

my love for a england polishes is well known. dragon was probably the first swatch of a england i saw, and it blew me away. i thought that there can't be a polish that would be soo much like everything i ever wanted. once i had an opportunity to get it, it was out of stock and opted for saint george.

they like to describe the polishes in a bit poetic fashion, and this is the idea of dragon: "like sunlight glinting off his iridescent mossy green scales, the fearsome Dragon lays basking arrogantly, awaiting his due!"

it is such a beautiful, medium green scattered holo with duochrome gold - copper shimmer. formula is standardly amazing, i can't get enough of these polishes, they are so well made!

natural light:

Tuesday 12 November 2013

catrice marylin & me (550)

danas, neočekivano, predstavljam jedan povučen catrice lak, marylin & me.
today, unexpectedly, i'm showing one of the catrice oldies, marylin & me.
desilo se sledeće - namazala sam ovaj lak u nedelju posle posla, nosila ga u ponedeljak, bila potpuno nezadovoljna slikama, izbrisala ih, skinula lak u juče po poslu, standardno namazala nokte lemony flutter-om i pustila da ga upiju. krenula sam da vratim očišćenu bočicu u kutiju, i po prvi put u životu, bočica mi je ispala. pošto ovi postdok stanovi nemaju tepihe, bočica se razbila u milion delova i crveno se slivalo svuda. čišćenje je potrajalo, ali sam rešila da ono malo laka što je preostalo iskoristim da ga opet namažem za poslednju priliku da ga uslikam.

iskreno rečeno, lak je već bio u donjoj trećini bočice. kupila sam ga pre nekoliko godina kad je bila nestašica china glaze ruby pumps, i rešila da rp ne kupujem dok ovog ne potrošim. zbog toga sam ga relativno često mazala.

po meni, ovaj lak je potpuno novogodišnje-božićni. pošto je formula jelly (prava crvena sa šimerom i šljokicama), uvek sam nosila tri sloja, pa nije ni čudo što se brzo trošio. sad kad je ostatak u korpi za smeće, čini mi se da mi je bio draži nego što sam mislila. ako ništa drugo, sad mogu da kupim ruby pumps :)

prirodna svetlost:
the thing is, i applied this polish on sunday after work, wore it on monday, was completely unhappy with photos, deleted them, removed it yesterday after work, regularly applied lemony flutter and let it soak. i cleaned the bottle, went to put it back in the box, and for the first time in my life, dropped it. since these postdoc apartments are carpetless, the bottle broke into million pieces, red spilling everywhere. it took me a while to clean up, and decided to use the little polish that remained to re-apply it for it's last possibility of being photographed.

to be honest, the polish was in the last third of the bottle. i bought this one a few years back, since there was shortage on china glaze ruby pumps, and than decided that i couldn't buy rp until i finish this one, so i would wear it every once in a while.

there is something christmasy in this red jelly with shimmer and glitter. since it is a jelly, i always wore three coats, so it's no wonder i used up so much. now that the remainder is in the trash can, i feel like i liked it more than i knew. oh, well, it seems it's time to buy that china glaze :)

natural light:

Friday 8 November 2013

opi meet me at the star ferry (hong kong)

meet me on the star ferry  iz opi hong kong kolekcije za proleće 2010 je, bar za mene, boja za starije gospođe ali sa tvistom.
meet me on the star ferry from opi's hong kong collection back in spring 2010 for me is a granny colour with a twist!

oduvek sam imala pomešana osećanja prema ovom laku. izgledao mi je zanimljiv u bočici, ali iako obično ne razmišljam o tome da li mi neka nijansa stoji ili ne ako mi se lak sviđa, za ovog sam se plašila da će mi ruke izgledati staro. izgleda da se to ipak nije desilo!

boja je baš teška za opisivanje. po meni, uglavnom je prljavo rozikasti mauve, ali može da povuče i na šljivasto, ljubičasto, roze pa čak i braon. zlatni šimer je dominantan, ali ima dosta raznobojnog šimera. i finiš je malo pipav za opisivanje. nije očigledna folija, ali nije ni jednostavni šimerasti lak.

počela sam sa dva sloja laka, bez nadlaka, ali sam ujutro i na direktnom suncu shvatila da imam poneko ćelavo mesto, pa sam dodala još jedan sloj o nadlak. formula i čestkica su tipičnog opi kvaliteta i jednostavni za korišćenje.

prirodna svetlost:
i always had mixed feelings about this polish. it looks interesting in a bottle, but even though i really don't care if a color suits me as long as i like it, i was scared that this one will make me look lake an old lady, but it looks like it didn't!

the color is so difficult to explain. to me, it's mostly rosey mauve, but it can look like plum, purple, pink and even brown. gold shimmer is dominant, but there is also a variety of shimmery particles in it. the finish is also a bit tricky to describe, it is not an obvious foil, but it's not a simple shimmery polish either.

i started with two coats without a topcoat, but in the morning and direct sunlight, i saw some bald spots so decided on adding another layer plus topcoat. formula and brush are of typical opi quality and easy to work with.

natural light:

Tuesday 5 November 2013

dance legend android (new prism 12)

dobri holo lakovi su mi omiljena podvrsta, a dance legend android definitivno spada u tu grupu.
oh, how i love good holos, and trust me, dance legend's android is one of those!
dance legend je ruski big 3 brend koji ima dosta zanimljivih kolekcija, ali je meni ipak najinteresantnija new prism, koja se sastoji od 12 fantastičnih holo lakova koji mogu ne samo da se uporede sa china glaze omg, već i da je prevaziđu.

mislim da nije iznenađujuće da sam izabrala android kao dance legend prvenac. na žalost, na fotografijama je dosta plavlji nego uživo, pošto je boja prava morska zelena sa plavim podtonom i linearnim holo efektom.

sve vezano za ovaj lak me je oduševilo! četkica je baš kakva ja volim, široka i ravna, formula je kao san i praktično je jednoslojac, sa drugim slojem samo da mu da dodatnu dubinu. holografski efekat je fantastičan, oživljava sa trunčicom sunca ali nije dosadan ni u hladu. jedini minus je da ima jak miris, mada ne znam da li je to samo do moje bočice. ipak, pošto je tako savršen, ovo neću uzeti za zlo.

prirodna svetlost:
dance legend is a russian big 3 free nail polish brand that has very interesting collection, but, at least for me, new prism is their highlight, with twelve amazing holos that can compare to, or even surpass, china glaze's omg.

i think that it's not surprising that i chose android to be my first dance legend polish. unfortunately, in pictures it's more blue than in real life, because it is an aqua green linear holo with a blue undertone.

everything about this polish is impressive! the brush is just how i like it, wide and flat, formula is dreamy and it's practically one coater, the second one is only to give further depth to the color. holographic effect is really amazing, it comes to life with just a bit of sunlight, while not being dull in the shade. the smell is a bit strong, though, i don't know is it just my bottle, but since it's so perfect, i'm not complaining

natural light:

Saturday 2 November 2013

new in: october 2013

ne znam kako da vam objasnim koliko sam srećna jer, posle dva meseca potpune suše, konačno imam materijal za post s novitetima!

već je prošlo dva meseca od kad živim u ovoj blago egzotičnoj zemlji, i par dana mi je bilo dovoljno da shvatim da će moj uobičajeni režim kupovine lakova morati potpuno da se promeni. ovde nema brendova koje generalno volim i, iako sam naletela na par dior i chanel štandova, imaju samo osnovnu kolekciju, a na ysl mogu da zaboravim. postoji i essie štand, ali ja generalno i nisam neki fan essie lakova.

zato sam znala da ću iskoristiti odlazak na odbranu doktorata da pokupujem sve novitete. rezultat je prikazan na prvoj slici, plus stihijski essence na drugoj.

a kada sam se vratila, moja prva narudžbina me je čekala, sa lakovima na slici br. 2.
i can't even explain how the fact that this month i have a new in post, after two months of drought, makes me all fuzzy and happy inside!

it's been two months already since i move to this rather exotic place, and it took me just a couple of days to see that my nail polish shopping days are, if not completely over, than just not what i'm used to. there are no brands that i usually use, i found a couple of chanel and dior counters that have only the core collection, but i can forget about ysl. there is an essie stand, but i'm not an essie fan to begin with.

so, i knew that i'm going to have shopping madness when i went to defend my thesis. the end result is in the first picture, plus the unplanned essence in the second.

then, when i returned, my first order arrived, resulting in beauties in the picture no 2.
 dior: mystic magnetic, galaxie; chanel: rouge moire, alchimie, mysterious; ysl vert d'orient; illamasqua facet
picture polish: pshiiit, a england: briarwood, dragon; dance legend android; essence the icredible

iskoristila sam priliku da sa sobom ponesem neke stare lakove. noviti su ovi van kutije, plus par zoya, china gleza i opi, dok su u kutiji uglavnom catrice, essence i nyx, većinu planiram da potrošim ovde i neće doživeti povratak.

činjenica da sam imala samo 20 lakova me je činila pomalo tužnom. još uvek, uglavnom, lak menjam dnevno, i u poslednjih par nedelja sam imala osećaj da mi treba promena, tako da sam sad dosta srećnija.
i also took a lot of old polishes back with me. the ones out of the box are the new ones, plus a couple of zoyas, china glazes and an opi, while the box is full of catrices, essences and nyxes, the majority is planned to be finished here.

having only 20 polishes made me a bit unhappy. i still (usually) change the polish daily, and in the last couple of weeks, i really needed to spice things up a bit, so this makes my much more satisfied.

Thursday 31 October 2013

china glaze ingrid (vintage vixen)

konačno ću pokazati neke malo novije slike, i izbor je pao na ingrid iz fantastične china glaze kolekcije vintage vixen za jesen 2010.
i'm finally showing you a bit more recent swatches, and my choice is ingrid from china glaze's perfect vintage vixen collection for autumn 2010.

samo pogledajte kakvi su sve dragulji u ovoj kolekciji. ja imam još samo foxy, ali kada bih morala da počinjem kolekciju od nule, počela bih sa vintage vixen.

ingrid je prosto savršena. bazna boja je prelepa svetla braon koja naginje ka taupe, skoro poput istopljene čokolade sa idealnom količinom zlatnog šimera. dok gledam ove slike, prosto imam želju da je opet mažem!

baš volim ovaj lak, sve u vezi njega je savršeno, uključujući formulu i nanošenje, i najbolji je dupe za dior exquis kog takođe imam i volim.

prirodna svetlost:
just look at all of the gems in this collection. only  other i have foxy, but if i had to start my collection from scratch, i would start from vintage vixen.

ingrid is just perfect. base color is amazing light brown leaning to taupe, almost like molten chocolate with just the right amount of golden shimmer. i'm looking at this pictures and i want to wear it again!

 i really love this polish, everything is perfect about it, including formula and application, and it's the best dupe for dior exquis that i also own and love.

natural light:

Monday 28 October 2013

ysl bleu majorelle (18)

bleu majorelle was the first polish to get my attention from the revamped ysl polish line, which is probably not that surprising, since it really is a perfect blue!

it got it's name after jardin majorelle, a garden in morocco, named after french painter of the same surname that created it. yves saint laurent was so enchanted by them, that his ashes are scattered there. you can find out more about the garden here.

this shade of blue is a perfect match to the garden interior, and is so vibrant it's almost electric. it's probably the most unusual and edgy color in ysl core line. i love everything about it, from perfect, creamy formula to brush.

natural light:

Wednesday 16 October 2013

opi the impossible (mariah carey)

ne mogu da verujem da još nisam pokazala the impossible iz prošlogodišnje mariah carey kolekcije, pošto sam davno objavila can't let go i stay the night.
i can't believe that i still haven't shown the pictures of the impossible from last year's mariah carey collection, since i wrote about can't let go and stay the night a while ago.

ova kolekcija je bila prva kojom su uveli teksturnu završnicu. ovaj lak su opisali kao mat fuksiju sa zvezdastim konfetama.

za mene, ovo je više crvena nego fuksija, sa jelly formulom dok ne krene da se suši. ima rozikaste šestougaone šljokice i šimer. nažalost, ja imam mini koji je bez zvezdastih šljokica, koje su samo u velikim bočicama. iako sam se plašila nanošenja teksturaca mini četkicom, nije bilo apsolutno nikakvih problema, sa prosečnim vremenom sušenja od 20 min.

skoro sam opisala moju indiferentnost prema crvenim lakovima. situacija se malčice menja kada završnica nije kremasta, tj. dodajte mi šljoke i odmah sam srećnija!

prirodna svetlost, bez nadlaka:
this colection was the opi's introduction to the textured finish. their description of this one: "this matte fuchsia with star confetti will never give up".

to me, this is more red than fuchsia, with jelly-like formula before it dries. it has pink hexagonal glitter and shimmer. unfortunately, i have a mini, which doesn't have star glitter like the large bottles. even though i was scared of application of textured polishes with a mini brush, there was no problems whatsoever. average drying time was about 20 minutes.

i mentioned recently my indifference when it comes to red polishes. the situation is just a little bit different when the finish is not creme, just add me some glitter and i'm happier!

natrual light, no top coat