Wednesday 30 July 2014

chanel blue boy (les jeans)

prošlo je više od godinu dana od kad sam pisala o laku coco blue iz chanel-ove les jeans kolekcije za fashion night out 2011, i konačno je došao red na blue boy.
it's been more than a year since i showed coco blue from chanel's les jeans collection for fashion night out 2011, and now is the time for blue boy.

kao veliki ljubitelj plavaca, nemam očiglednog favorita u ovoj kolekciji, sva tri su potpuno po mom ukusu.

blue boy je možda najnosiviji u ovom triu, i trebalo bi de predstavlja nijansu izbledelih farmerki, a i nije daleko od toga. on je srednje plava krema, sa daškom sive i petrolej. formula je za nijansu ređa nego što bi trebalo za savršenu pokrivenost u dva sloja, pa preporučujem malo deblji drugi, da bi se izbeglo nanošenje još jednog. mislim da je ovo jedan od onih lakova koji svima dobro stoje.

prirodna svetlost:

as a huge fan of blues, i really don't have a clear favourite in this collection, i love all three of them.

blue boy is maybe the most wearable of the trio, it is supposed to represent the colour of faded jeans and it's not too far off. it is a medium blue creme, with a hint of grey and teal. it is just a little bit on the sheer side, so i recommend a generous second coat, if you don't want to deal with the third. i think it's one of those polishes that looks good on everyone.

prirodna svetlost:

Monday 28 July 2014

catrice mermaid my day (44)

na poslednjem putovanju, slučajno sam naletela na catrice štand, i to me je baš usrećilo. naravno da je mermaid my day uspeo da mi se ušunja u korpu.
on my last travel, i unexpectedly came across catrice stand, which made me really happy. of course that mermaid my day found its way into my shopping bag.

pošto se moja catrice gomilica prilično smanjuje (trenutno u fioci imam šest bočica koje čekaju poslednje mazanje), iskoristila sam priliku da osvežim kolekciju.

kada lak ima reč "sirena" u imenu, ne moram ni da ga pogledam, odmah znam da ga želim, pa ni ovaj lak nije izuzetak. u pitanju je metalik petrolej lak sa gustim srebrnim šimerom. naravno, kao i svaki metalik, tragovi četkice su vidljivi, ali mi to ne smeta jer je lak baš po mom ukusu.

zaboravila sam da slikam četkicu, koja izgleda potpuno čudno ali je, bar meni, bolja od prethodne. pošto imam još dva noviteta, prikazaću je sledeći put.

prirodna svetlost:
with my catrice stash getting smaller and smaller (i actually have six bottles in the drawer waiting for their last hurrah), it felt really good to refresh my collection.

when a polish has "mermaid" in its name, i know without looking at it that i want it. this one wasn't an exception. it's a teal, metallic polish with dense silver shimmer. like most of metallics, it is brushstrokey, but i really don't mind it. it really is my type of polish.

i forgot to take a photo of the brush, which looks really strange, but is actually better than the previous version. since i have two more catrices, i will photograph it for the next post.

natural light:

Thursday 24 July 2014

illamasqua nomad (human fundamentalism)

can't believe that i have swatches of illamasqua's nomad (from their 2012. human fundamentalism collection) that i made a year ago. somehow, always something else got the priority, but i think it's about time to show it off.

illamasqua is known for their bold collections and advertisement. unfortunately, they became available to me as i was leaving my previous country, so i didn't really get the chance to explore them too much. nevertheless, nomad was my first choice since it really was an unique shade in my collection.

to me, this polish is completely illogical. the shade is a tad too green to be really mint. they describe it as "bright jade" and i have to agree. it is a creme, but somehow pastel and glossy at the same. i'm sure there are dupes (picture polish jade looks similar enough to me), but i'm kind of hooked on this one. also, it is waaay more vivid than in the promo picture.

natural light:

Tuesday 22 July 2014

a england fated prince (burne-jones dream)

posle briarwood, koristim sunčane dane da pokažem a england fated prince iz burne-jones dream kolekcije.
after briarwood, i'm taking advantage of the perfect weather to show a england fated prince from burne-jones dream collection.

obožavam a england holo lakove, stvarno su mala remek dela. po meni, tamno siva je odlična podloga za holo lakove, baš predstavlja dobar zaokret tamnim nijansama.

ideja a england je bila da lak predstavlja boju čelika herojevog mača. holografski efekat je očigledan i u senci ali, naravno, na suncu potpuno oživi. formula je fantastična, kao što se i očekuje od ovih lakova.

prirodna svetlost:
i do love a england's holos, they are really a thing of beauty. in my opinion, charcoal grey is a great option for a holographic polish, it really gives a twist to dark shades.

a england's idea was for it to resemble "the tempered steel of a hero's blade". the holographic effect is not muted even in shade, but at sunlight it really becomes alive. formula is great, as usual for their polishes.

natural light:

Saturday 19 July 2014

ysl ambre gingembre (spicy)

konačno sam uspela ulovim ysl kolekciju spicy za proleće 2014, i moj prvi izbor je 42 ambre gingerbre.
i finally got my hands on ysl limited edition collection spicy for spring 2014, and my first choice is 42 ambre gingembre.

moram da priznam, ova kolekcija nije za svakoga. iako ne vidim zašto je planirana za proleće jer je meni savršeno jesenja, boje su mi prosto savršene!

ambre gingembre je baš onakva narandžasta kakvu sam čekala. oduvek sam htela ovako toplu, tamno narandžastu nijansu, skoro ciglastu a opet tamniju. ovo je krema savršene formule, što mi je već i potpuno očekivano od ysl lakova. drago mi je što ga konačno imam!

prirodna svetlost:
i have to admit, this collection is not for everyone. while i don't see why is it aimed for spring because, for me, it's so autumny, i simply adore the colours.

ambre gingembre is just the type of orange i was waiting for. i really wanted a kind of warm, dark orange shade, close to those brick-type colours, but still a bit darker. of course, it is a perfect-formula creme, as it can be expected from ysl. i am so glad i finally own it!

natural light:

Thursday 17 July 2014

picture polish ocean (collaboration shade by kelly's kolors)

vratila sam se sa moje druge pauze (čak nisam uspela da proslavim drugu blogogodišnjicu) i nadam se da ću se sad vratiti na staro.

pravi lak za povratak je ocean od picture polish.
i'm back after my second break (i even failed to acknowledge my 2nd blogging anniversary) but i hope i will be back to regular now.

and my perfect comeback polish is ocean from picture polish.

ovo je još jedan pp lak iz njihove kolekcije u kojoj sarađuju sa blogerkama iz celog sveta. razlog zašto je kelly s bloga kelly's kolors izabrala ovakav lak, vidite ovde.

obožavam ovaj lak. bazna boja je jarko plavi/tirkizni jelly sa velikim holo šljokicama. pošto ima jelly završnicu, dva sloja nisu dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost. ipak, meni se svideo  providnjikav pa sam ga tako i nosila. poslednja slika u postu je s dva sloja. sledeći dan sam bila u žurbi i nisam mogla da promenim lak, pa sam dodala treći sloj, i sve ostale slike su sa tri sloja,

prirodna svetlost:
this is another one from their collaboration shades with bloggers from all over the world. the reason why kelly from kelly's kolors chose this one can be read here!

i simply love it. it is a bright blue/turquoise jelly with large holographic glitter. since it is jelly, two coats are not sufficient for the full coverage, but i kind of liked it that way. the picture at the very bottom is with just two layers. i was in a rush the next day, so instead of taking this one off, i added another coat, so all the pictures are with three coats.

natural light:

Friday 4 July 2014

dior waterlilly (garden party 2011)

posle fudbalske pauze, danas uspeh da nađem vremena za blog, ali sledi još jedna pauza jer idem na put.

zvezda dana je dior waterlilly, iz kolekcije garden party za proleće 2011.
after the world cup break, i'm squeezing in one post before i take another break for a little trip.

star of the day is dior's waterlilly, from the garden party collection for spring 2011.

kada je ova kolekcija izašla, još uvek nisam bila u high end lakoholičarskim vodama, ali mi je brzo postalo jasno da mi je žao što sam propustila waterlilly. na sreću, prošlog leta sam ulovila usamljenu, zalutalu bočicu.

nijansa je više pastelna i mint od mojih često zastupljenih zelembaća, ali je baš to i čini više jedinstvenom u mojoj neverovatno zelenoj kolekciji. mikrošimer je prelep i gušći nego obično, čineći završnicu skoro iridescentnom. volim ovaj lak, baš je nekako prolećni.

prirodna svetlost:
when this collection came out, i still wasn't into high end nailpolishes, but i quickly realized i really wanted this one. luckily, last year i managed to find one lonely bottle!

it is more pastel and minty than my typically favourite green shades, but this is what makes it unique in my overwhelmingly green stash. the microshimmer is gorgeous and denser than usually, making it almost iridescent. i really love this one, it so springy and fun!

natural light: