Friday 26 February 2016

catrice heavy metallilac (800)

danas je dobar dan za još jedan stari lak, i izbor je pao na catrice heavy metallilac.
it's a good day for another oldie, and my choice is catrice heavy metallilac.

rekla bih da ne znam za lak koji je tačije nazvan. zaista je lila i metalik :) šalu na stranu, ovo je prelepa, živahna ljubičasta sa metalik finišom.

formula je solidna, suši se bez visokog sjaja ali ništa što sloj nadlaka neće rešiti. nije ga lako uslikati, što je i razlog zašto mi je trebalo ovoliko vremena da ga predstavim.

prirodna svetlost:
i don't think that there was  more correctly named polish. it really is lilac and metalic :) jokes aside, it is a nice, vibrant purple with a metallic finish.

formula is solid, it dries a bit dull but nothing that a top coat can't fix. it's hard to capture, which is why i haven't presented it before.

natural light:

Monday 22 February 2016

ysl rose futuriste (11)

vreme je za još jedan ysl lak, i ovaj put biram rose futuriste.
it's time for another ysl polish, and i'm choosing rose futuriste.

stalno ponavljam da roze nije moja boja, i to zaista jeste istina. mislim da nikada nisam posedovala ništa roze od odeće. ipak, u poslednje vreme, roze se nekako ušunjava na moje nokte i krivim ysl za to.

malo me je i sramota da kažem da baš volim ovaj lak. iako se može nazvati barbie pink, ne izgleda jeftino. uz plavi podton, izgleda živahno i nekako veselo. formula je besprekorna, i zaista ga preporučujem.

prirodna svetlost:
i keep saying that pink is not my colour, and it really is true. i never owned any clothes in pink. but it seems that this shade is creeping in on my nails, and ysl is to blame.

i am embarrassed to say that i really love this polish. it is essentially a barbie pink sort of shade, but it doesn't look cheap. it's blue toned, vivid and somehow cheerful, formula is impeccable, and i'm really recommending this one.

natural light:

Saturday 20 February 2016

bow polish wind of change (conversion)

ovo je prvi bow polish kog prikazujem, i u pitanju je wind of change iz conversion kolekcije.
this is the first bow polish i am showing, and it's wind of change from the conversion collection.

obožavam dobro odrađene termo lakove. doduše, ovaj nije moj. nosila sam dance legend dreams na pikniku na plaži, i dve devojčice su se zaljubile u moje nokte. istog trenutka sam rešila da naručim i za njih, ali je već bio rasprodat, pa sam se odlučila za ovaj lak. one su bile dobre i dozvolile da ga isprobam :D

što se formule tiče, sličan je sa dreams (mada, bow polish i pripada dance legend brendu). menja se iz svetlo plave, preko tamno ljubičaste do tamno plave. nosila sam ga po vrlo vrućem danu, pa sam imala probleme da ga potpuno prebacim u najtamniju boju. služila sam se trikom potapanja noktiju u hladnu vodu. takođe, boja se menja na mestu gde voda didrne nokat.

kao dodatak, sadrži i holo čestice da ga napravi još zanimljivijm! suši se mat, i pošto uz dreams nisam koristila nadlak, odlučila sam se da to sad uradim. moram da priznam, lepši mi je bez. wind of change je zaista, zaista odličan i sigurno ću nabaviti njihov thermo top coat.

prirodna svetlost:
i love well-made thermal polishes. this one is actually not mine. i wore dance legend dreams on a beach picnic, and had two little girls obsessing about my nails. i decided to get them dreams as a gift, but it was already sold out. i got them this one instead, and they borrowed it to me for a review.

formula wise, it's similar to dreams (well, bow is actually dance legend spin off) . it switches from light blue to dark purple to dark blue. i wore it recently on a really hot day, so i had difficulties to make it switch to the darkest shade, so i used tricks like putting my nails in cold water. it also instantly changes colour when the water touches the nail.

in addition, it has holo particles, to make it more awesome! it dries matte, and, since i didn't use the top coat with dreams, i decided to do it here. i have to say, i prefer it without. it is really, really awesome, and i will surely be getting their thermo top coat.

natural light:

Wednesday 17 February 2016

nopi kendall on the catwalk (kardashian kolors collection)

kendall on the catwalk je jedan od mojih najstarijih lakova koji još čekaju na objavu. deo je kardashian kolors kolekcije za nicole by opi davne 2011te.
kendall on the catwalk is one of my oldest polishes that are waiting for the review. it was a part of the kardashian kolors collection for nicole by opi back in 2011.

kendall on the catwalk je baš zabavan lak. u jelly plavoj bazi su se skupile plave, ljubičaste i zelene šljokice. kombinacija boja je odlična i upečatljiva.

dobra vest je da su dva sloja dovoljna. suši se pomalo hrapavo pa je potreban nadlak, ali je jedan sloj dovoljan. naravno, smatram da sve šljokice moraju da se matiraju, kao što vidite na donje dve slike.

prirodna svetlost, nadlak

kendall on the catwalk is a really fun polish. blue, purple and green glitter are suspended in a blue jelly base. i love the glitter combination, it really pops out.

good news, two coats are enough. it dries a bit dull so it requires a top coat, but one layer is enough. of course, glitter should also be mattified, which i did in the pictures below.

natural light, top coat:

Saturday 13 February 2016

a england whispering waves (heavenly quotes)

prelepi whispeing waves je najnoviji lak u a england heavenly quotes kolekciji.
gorgeous whispering waves is the newest addition to a england heavenly quotes collection.

 whispering waves je neobičan lak u a england porodici. vrlo živahna boja koja zaista odudara od standarnih adininih ideja.

potpuno sam poludela za ovim lakom, a i jasno je zašto. nijansa je svetla, živa tirkizna, sa blagim duohrom efektom i finim holo česticama, onaj a negland stil gde izgleda kao da šimer lebdi na površini nokta.

iako je formula tipično a england savršenstvo, na žalost boji nokte, pa preporučujem dva sloja baze.

prirodna svetlost:
whispering waves is the odd polish in a england family. it is a very vibrant color and it really stands out from adina's usual range.

i am completely in love with it though. and what's not to love! the shade is a bright turquoise, with a slight duochrome effect and a fine holo finish, one of those where it seems like the shimmer is floating on the surface.

while the formula is typically awesome, it is a stainer, so i recommend two layers of base coat.

natural light:

Thursday 11 February 2016

picture polish magic (collaboration shade)

danas je vrlo poseban dan, kao što ću pojasniti dalje u tekstu, pa sam rešila da pišem o laku magic, koji je nastao u kolaboraciji picture polish sa lakkomlakkom.
this day is a very special day, as i will explain later in the text, so i decided to write about magic, picture polish collaboration shade with lakkomlakkom.

današnji dan ću pamtiti po neverovatnom otkriću zbog kog sam skakala od sreće (iako prolazim kroz loš period), bila na ivici suza i imala blagu aritmiju pre nego što se ozvaničilo. kao doktora fizike, otkriće gravitacionih talasa me je učinilo srećnom da živim u ovoj epohi. potpuno magičan, neverovatan događaj!

zato sam odlučila da pišem o laku koji se poklapa sa mojim trenutnim raspoloženjem: magic! ovo je vrlo jedinstven i kompleksan lak. duohrom, koji se menja iz roze zlata do bež, sa holo šimerom koji izgleda kao da pluta na površini nokta. čarobno! slike u senci pokazuju kompleksnost duohrom izgleda.

prirodna svetlost:
today marked an amazing achievement that made me jump from joy (even though i am going to a ruff period lately), being on the verge of crying and having small arrhythmia before the announcement. being a doctor of physics, i am so happy to live in the time where the gravitational waves were detected! what an amazing moment!

so, i chose the polish with the name that matches my emotional state: magic! it is a very unique and complex polish. duochrome, switching from  rose gold to a sort of beige shade, with holographic shimmer that looks like it's floating on top of the nails. stunning! the pictures in the shade show the true nature of the duochrome complexity.

natural light:

Tuesday 9 February 2016

dance legend velvet mini 10 (Бархат Мини 10)

i love dance legend velvet collection, and i had to pick up a few polishes when the velvet mini (Бархат Мини) collection came out, so i'm starting out with number 10.

other than them having a matte, satin-like finish, this collection is very versatile with many different shades. of course, i had to get something green.

number 10 is a really gorgeous, vivid green with dense golden shimmer, it's drying matte and looks really fresh and unique.

cloudy day:

Saturday 6 February 2016

fun lacquer cheers to the holidays (h) (christmas 2015)

uz moju najnoviju opsesiju f. u. .n. lacquer lakovima, danas pokazujem cheers to the holidays (h) iz kolekcija za božić 2015.  usput, moram da pohvalim to što na etiketu ne stavljaju samo ime laka već i kolekciju kojoj pripadaju.
with my newest obsession with f. u. n. lacquer polishes, i am showing you cheers to the holidays (h) from the christmas 2015 collection. btw, i like how they put the name of the collection on the label, not just the name of the polish.

cheers to the holidays (h) je holo verzija laka sa istim imenom i istom baznom bojom ali bez holo efekta.

ovo je zaista fantastičan lak! u pitanju je pravi multihrom, sa bojom koja se preliva iz ljubičaste i crvene u plavu i blurple, pa čak i bronzanu. moj aparat ispira malo boju pod direktnim suncem, ali ovaj lak je u svakom trenutku multihrom, nezavisno od  osvetljenja. dodajte tome i odličnu kombinacuju holo mikrošljokica i šimera, i dobijate magiju.

nosila sam ovaj lak tri dana i nisam mogla da prestanem da gledam u nokte, koji su mi nekako svaki put izgledali drugačije. skidanje je malo teže, zbog šljokica, ali folija ipak nije potrebna formula je dobra, i ne "jede" nadlak, kao što mi se činilo da će biti slučaj.

prirodna svetlost:
cheers to the holidays (h) is a holo version of their polish with the same name and the same base colour but without the holo particles.

it is a truly awesome polish! it is a proper multichrome, shifting from purple and red to blurple, blue and even bronze. my camera washes out the colour in the direct sunlight, but this polish is constantly multichrome, no matter the lightning. add to the mix a fine combination of holographic microglitter and shimmer, and you get a truly unique polish!

i was wearing this one for three days and couldn't stop staring at my nails, with it showing me a different side very time. it is a bit tricky to remove because of the glitter, but the foil is not really needed. formula is good and it's not a top coat eater, as i thought it might be.

natural light:

Wednesday 3 February 2016

opi yodel me on my cell (swiss)

moj izbor za danas je prelepi yodel me on my cell iz opi swiss kolekcije iz davne 2010te
my pick of the day is the gorgeous yodel me on my cell from opi's swiss collection back in fall 2010.

rekla bih da je yodel me on my cell nezasluženo zanemaren lak. nekako je udavljen u moru sličnih plavih lakova, ali ja ga smatram odličnim ulovom.

bazna boja je plava koja naginje na tirkiznu, uz dodatak svetlijeg šimera i iridescentnih ljuspica koje mu daju onaj izgled "sjaja iznutra". baš sam bila pozitivno iznenađena kako dobro izgleda. formula je takože solidna, tako da je ovaj lak za mene pun pogodak!

prirodna svetlost:
i have a feeling that yodel me on my cell is such an overlooked polish. somehow it's drowned in the sea of blue polishes, but i think that it's quite a catch.

the base colour is turquoise-leaning blue, combined with lighter shimmer and kind of iridescent small flakies that gives the polish that "glow from the inside" kind of look. i was surprised at how good it looks. formula is also decent and to me, this polish is a winner!

natural light:

Monday 1 February 2016

new in: december 2015 & january 2016

izgleda kao da imam šemu kupovine; dva meseca u kojima ne kupim skoro ništa i onda dva meseca u kojima podivljam. da vidimo kako je ovaj period prošao.

u decembru sam imala prvu hypnotic polish narudžbinu, u kojoj je mesto dobila cela a england to emily bronte kolekcija (wuthering heights, spirit of the moors, let me in, heathcliff i cathy). takođe sam uzela neke dance legend lepotane (dreams, i tri laka iz velvet mini kolekcije 6, 7 and 10). takođe, moj prvi  f.u.n. lacquer, green foliage, je izabran.
it looks like i have a pattern emerging here, two months with almost no purchases, followed by two months of overbuying. so, let's reveal how this period went.

in december i had my first hypnotic polish order, where i got  all the polishes from a england to emily bronte collection (wuthering heights, spirit of the moors, let me in, heathcliff and cathy). i also picked up some dance legend beauties (dreams, and three polishes from the velvet mini collection, 6, 7 and 10). also, my first f.u.n. lacquer, green foliage, found its way to me.

posle odličnog prvog hypnotic polish iskustva. rešila sam da se častim novogodišnjim paketićem. u njemu je mesto dobo novi a england, whispering waves, i malo sam poludela sa f.u.n. lacquers, i kupila desires (h), moonlight nocturne, cheers to the holidays, seductive marmalade, glitzy glam i  fashion show.
since my hypnotic polish experience was good, i decided to treat myself with a new year order. i picked up new a england, whispering waves, and got crazy over f.u.n. lacquers, buying desires (h), moonlight nocturne, cheers to the holidays, seductive marmalade, glitzy glam and  fashion show.