Wednesday 13 July 2016

ysl opulente cannelle (spicy)

spicy je veoma zaniljiva ysl kolekcija iz proleća 2014. opulente cannelle je jedan od šest lakova iz ove kolekcije.

spicy was a very interesting collection from ysl back in spring 2014. opulente cannelle is one of the six polishes from this collection.

opulente cannelle je vrlo nezgodna nijansa za opisivanje. naučila sam da cannelle znači cimet na francuskom, i nekako mi ima smisla jer ima nekako cimetkast izgled.

nijansa je negde između srednje braon i onih prašnjavih roze boja. meni je nekako čudno lep, ali verujem da zavisi dosta od tona kože. formula je potpuno savršena.

prirodna svetlost:
opulente cannelle is very difficult shade to describe. i learned that cannelle actually means cinnamon in french, and it makes sense, it doeas have this cinnamony look.

the shade is somewhere between medium brown and those dusty rose colours. i find it strangley pretty, but i agree that it depends a lot on the skin tone. formula is impeccable.

natural light:

koristila sam bazu (china glaze strong adhesion) + dva sloja laka + nadlak (essence btgnts).
i used base (china glaze strong adhesion) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence btgnts).