Saturday 31 December 2016

a england percival (the mythicals)

imala sam potrebu da godinu završim crvenim lakom, i koji i izbor bio bolji od percival-a iz a england fantastične the mythicals kolekcije za 2011.
i had the urge to finish the year off with a red polish, and which better than percival from the awesome a england the mythicals collection back in 2011.

percival je vrlo blizak duplikat butter london knees up. u svakom slučaju, fantastična šimerasta metalik crvena, sa onim specijalnim sjajem iznutra.

okačila sam više slika nego obično jer ovaj lak izgleda još bolje u senci nego na suncu. u kombinaciji sa savršenom formulom i četkicom, pravi je pobednik!

prirodna svetlost:
percival is a real close dupe to butter london knees up. nevertheless, a beyond gorgeous shimmery metallic red, with this glow within type of look.

i have more photos than usual, because this polish looks even better in shade than in the sun. and combined with an awesome formula and brush, it's a winner!

natural light:

Friday 23 December 2016

dance legend melange 278 (melange)

ove nedelje nastavljam sa još jednom zelenom nijansom, 278 iz dance legend melange kolekcije.
this week i continue with another green polish, 278 from dance legend's melange collection.

bila sam u potrazi za savršenom maslinastom kremom, i pošto sam veliki obižavatelj dance legend formule i četkice, izabrala sam 278 iz kolekcije melange.

ovo je bogata, maslinasto/kamuflažna zelena, nijansa kakve mi je pun ormar a volim i da je imam i na noktima. formula je puterasta i definitivno velika preporuka s moje strane.

prirodna svetlost:
i was in a search for a perfect creme olive shade, and since i am a fan of dance legend formula and brush, decided to choose number 278 from their melange collection.

it is a rich, olive/camouflage green, a shade that i have a lot of in my wardrobe and love to have on my nails. the formula is buttery, and it's definitely a huge recommendation from me.

natural light:

Saturday 17 December 2016

china glaze four leaf clover (up and away)

prošlo je dosta vremena od kad sam imala china glaze na blogu, pa sam se odlučila za four leaf clover iz stare up and away kolekcije iz 2010.
it's been a while since i had china glaze on the blog, so i am going with four leaf clover from an ancient up and away collection from 2010.

four leaf clover je lak kog bi svaka ljubiteljka zelenih lakova morala da ima. ali je i jedna od najtežih lakova za slikanje, ili je previše travnat (što nije baš tačno) ili više petrojel nego što bi trebalo da bude. u svakom slučaju je živahna srednje zelena.

formula je pristojna i posle ovoliko godina. ipak, ovaj lak je jedini u mojoj kolekciji koji dosta menja nijansu nakon što se doda nadlak. moje slike su sa nadlakom, bez kog je lak više petrolej, ali mi je teško da se nateram da ne namažem nadlak!

prirodna svetlost:
four leaf clover is a definite must have for green lovers. it is one of the hardest shades to capture: it either turns out like  a forest green (which it is not quite accurate) or more teal than it should. nevertheless, it is a vibrant, awesome medium green.

formula is decent even after all these years. there is one strange thing though: it changes the shade a bit after you put the top coat on. the only one i ever experienced this with. this is with the tc, without it, it's more teal. i just can't make myself wear a polish without my tc!

natural light:

Monday 12 December 2016

opi muir muir on the wall (san francisco)

opi-jev muir muir on the wall je jedan od skrivenih dragulja njihove san francisco kolekcije za jesen 2013.
opi's muir muir on the wall is one of their hidden gems from san francisco collection for autumn 2013.

muir muir on the wall je nekako često zanemaren u moru njihovih zatamljenih šimera, i to potpuno nepravedno. ovo je prelepa zacrnjena šljivasta/bordo nijansa, sa zlatkastim šimerom i blagim duohrom efektom.

ovo je zista prelepa, elegantan ali i misteriozan lak. formula je odlična i definitivno lak koji bih preporučila.

prirodna svetlost:
muir muir on the wall is somehow getting neglected in opi's world of gorgeous darkened shimmers, and it's completely unfair. it is such a gorgeous blackened plum/burgundy shade, with goldish shimmer and a slight duochrome effect.

it's a very gorgeous, elegant but mysterious polish. formula is awesome and it is definitely a polish i would recommend.

natural light:

Monday 5 December 2016

sephora keep me posted (makeup academy nails)

danas (konačno) prikazujem sephora lak keep me posted iz makeup academy nails kolekcije za praznike 2013/2014.
today i am (finally) showing sephora's polish keep me posted from their makeup academy nails for holiday season 2013/2014.

ni ne sećam se kad mi je draga jelena poklonila ovaj lak, ali moja new in sekcija na blogu ne laže: bio je to januar 2014! na žalost, ovo je jedan od onih lakova koje nikad ne uhvatite potpuno verno, i uvek sam pokušavala da napravim bolje slike, dok na kraju nisam iskapila bočicu i moram da se zadovoljim slikama koje imam.

keep me posted je jedan od onih plavičastih petrolej lakova koji uvek ispadaju ili previše plavi ili zeleni. rekla bih da moje slike pojačavaju zeleni podton. postavila sam dva seta slika, sa dve različite kamere, i obe su verne u određenim uslovima :) formula je bila solidna, i ovo je bilo moje prvo iskustvo sa sephora četkicom koje je odlično prošlo!

prirodna svetlost:
i don't even remember when darling jelena gave me this polish, but my new in section doesn't lie: january 2014! unfortunately, it's one of those shade that you can never fully capture, so i always aimed for better, more faithful pictures until i actually emptied the bottle and i had to work with what i have!

keep me posted is one of those blueish teals, that either look too blue or too green. i would say that the green undertone is a bit less pronounced as my pictures show. there are two sets of photos, with two different cameras, and both are equally faithful in certain light. formula was nice, and it was my first experience with sephora brush and it went smoothly (pun intended!)

natural light:

Friday 2 December 2016

franken polish: pattern by shine eye

danas sam raspoložena da pokažem još jedan od mojih franken lakova, a ovaj sam nazvala pattern.
i felt like showing off another one of my franken polishes, and this one is named pattern.
pattern je nekako najbolji pokazatelj činjenice da je većina lakova koje sam potrošila zelena i plava. ovo je zelena koja dosta naginje ka petroleju, sa ljuspičastim srebrnim šimerom.

da sam videla ovakav lak u prodaji, sigurno bih ga uzela, definitivno je moj tip boje. nazvala sam ga po jednoj od mojih omiljenih pesama sa poslednjeg albuma the last shadow puppets.

prirodna svetlost:
pattern actually shows that the majority of the polishes i used up are all sorts of greens and blues. it is a teal-leaning green, with some flaky type of silver shimmer.

if i saw this polish in a store, i would definitely get it. it really is my type of shade. i named it after of of my favourite songs from the last shadow puppets' last album.

natural light:

Saturday 26 November 2016

ysl prune minimale (7)

prune minimale je jedan od prvih ysl lakova od kad su obnovili kolekciju 2012te.
prune minimale is one of the first (revamped) ysl nail polishes, back in 2012.

prune minimale je klasična vamp nijansa. boja je dosta tamna šljivasta sa jakim braon podtonom. po flašici biste pomislili da ima jak šimer, ali se ništa od toga ne prenosi na nokat, tako da ga ja više smatram kremom.

ovaj lak nema neki specijalni wow efekat, ali je ipak vrlo lep lak. formula je odlična i generalno sam zaljubljena u ysl četkicu, tako da, ako ste u potrazi za vamp lakom, ovo je definitivno dobar izbor.

prirodna svetlost:

prune minimale is a classical vampy shade. it's a quite dark plum that leans towards the brown spectrum. from the bottle, you would be mistaken to believe that it's full of shimmer, because virtually nothing transfers on the nail, so i labeled it as a creme.

there is nothing too special about it, but it is a really nice polish. formula is great and i am in love with the ysl brush, so if you are in a search for a vampy polish, it is definitely a good choice.

natural light:

Monday 21 November 2016

picture polish big bang (collaboration shade)

vreme je za još jednu picture polish kolaboraciju, ovaj put big bang, kreiran u saradnji sa la npa mouton.
it's time for another picture polish collaboration shade, this time big bang, created with la npa mouton.

big bang je kompleksni lepotan! nijansa je blurple sa nešto jačim plavim tonom, i raznobojnim šljokicama. i zaista mislim raznobojnim, jer nema boje koja se ne pojavljuje. lak je dubok, bogat i kompleksan, pravo savršenstvo.

formula je odlična, pokriva u dva sloja i jedan je od mojih omiljenijih novijih pp lakova. na žalost, moje slike ne dočaravaju potpuno njegovu lepotu.

prirodna svetlost:
big bang is such a complex beauty! the shade is blue leaning blurple, with multicoloured, and i mean multicoloured because i can see pretty much everything, glitter. it is deep, rich, complex, in one word, a stunner!

formula is awesome, opaque in two coats, and one of my favourite recent pp shades. my pictures, sadly, don't do it justice.

natural light:

Saturday 19 November 2016

a england let me in (to emily bronte)

moji kompjuterski problemi su, bar privremeno, rešeni tako da se vraćam i počinjem sa a england lakom let me in, iz to emily bronte kolekcije.
my laptop problems are (temporarily) over, so i'm back and i will stat with gorgeous a england polish let me in, from the to emily bronte collection.

a england je brend poznat po prelepim suptilnim holo lakovima, i let me in nije izuzetak.

ovo je savršena, duboka magenta sa suptilnim rasejanim holo česticama. vrlo je bogat, sa neverovatnom formulom. definitivno pun pogodak.

prirodna svetlost:
to call a england the queen of rich subtle holos is an understatement, and let me in is no exception.

it is a gorgeous deep magenta with a subtle scattered holo particles. it is so rich, with an effortless formula, a real stunner!

natural light:

Sunday 30 October 2016

barry m moon dust (magnetic effects)

i am changing up a bit, and showing moon dust, from barry m magnetic effect collection back in 2012.

my only magnetic polish experience was dior mystic magnetic. moon dust was a goodbye present from an acquaintance that was leaving the county, and it seemed only logical for me to get a couple of her polishes.

i really like moon dust. it a shade between dark gold and copper, with goldish particles. the pattern is stripy, revealing beigey-silvery stripes. the magnet is incorporated in the lid and very easy to work with. two coats were more than enough for good coverage.

natural light:

Sunday 23 October 2016

picture polish salt water (collaboration shade)

imam neočekivanu blogersku pauzu jer je moj laptop vrlo kulturno odlučio da umre, dajući mi nadu da može biti spasen i it odsek još pokušava da to i uradi. danas sam rešila da ipak prekinem pauzu, i mislim da je salt water, lak nastao u saradnji picture polish i nailstorming, savršen za tu svrhu.
i am having an unexpected blogging break, since my laptop politely decided to die, with giving me hope that it actually might survive and the it department is still working on it. today i decided to post something nevertheless, and i think that salt water, a collaboration shade of picture polish with nailstorming, is perfect for this.

promo slika ovog laka je deleko od verne. rekla bih da su tirkizne/svetlo plave i mint nijanse nešto što u picture polish svetu prave savršeno i uvek se svakim lakom oduševim, pa ni salt water nije bio izuzetak.

u pitanju je prelepa tirkizna, ispunjena holo šesticama koje su skoro kao ljuspice. to mi je omiljeni dodatak nijansama, i mislim da savršeno idu uz ovakvu tirkiznu nijansu. definitivno preporučujem ovaj lak.

prirodna svetlost:
the promo pictures of this polish don't do it justice. i believe that turquoise/light blue/mint shades are really something that picture polish people know how to make and i am always looking forward to a new one, and salt water is no exception.

it's a lovely shade of turquoise, filled with those holo particles that almost look like flakies. i am obsessed with those, and i think that they are complementing the turquoise shade beautifully. i highly recommend this one!

natural light:

Saturday 8 October 2016

opi you are so outta lime (neon)

u opi-ju su 2014te izbacili neon kolekciju, i moj jedini izbor je bio you are so outta lime.
in 2014 opi launched a neon collection, and i purchased only you are so outta lime.

dugo sam želela zeleni neon lak, i you are so outta lime je izgledao kao savršen izbot.

u pitanju je srednje zelena, istovremeno nekako i jarka i zamućena. formula je na početku bila nekako neujednačena ali se na kraju sve sredilo. rešila sam da ga nosim bez belog laka ispod i nemam zamerki na izgled.

oblačan dan:
i wanted someting green and neon-y for a while, and you are so outta lime looked like exactly what i needed.

it is a medium green, somehow bright and muted at the same time. formula was a bit streaky to start with, but it evened out nicely. i decided to wear it with out a white polish beneath, and i have no regrets.


Wednesday 5 October 2016

a england polovetsian dances (russian soul)

danas vam pokazujem još jednog a england lepotana iz njihove russian soul kolekcije, i ovaj put to je polovetsian dances.
i am showing you another a england beauty from their russian soul collection, and this time is polovetsian dances.

obožavam ovaj lak. obožavam! u pitanju je zacrnjena ljubičasta uz malo i blurple uticaja. na žalost, na mojim slikama je više blurple nego uživo. holo efekat je savršen, kao i u ostatku kolekcije.

formula je, kao i uvek, savršena. potpuno preporučujem ovaj lak!

prirodna svetlost:
i love this polish. love it! it is a blackened purple with a hint of blurple. unfortunately, a bit more blurple in my photos than in real life. the holo effect is just perfect, just as in the rest of the collection.

formula is, as usual, flawless. i highly recommend this polish.

natural light:

Friday 30 September 2016

dior new world purple (nail bar)

new world purple, takođe poznat kao aztec chocolate, je dior lak iz njihove kolekcije za jesen 2010, nail bar.
new world purple, otherwise known as aztec chocolate, is dior polish from their autumn 2010 collection nail bar.

promo slika prikazuje new world purple mnogo više ljubičastim nego što on to jeste. ovo je kompleksna nijansa, hladna braon sa ljubičastim podtonom i puno šimera. i to ne standardni skriveni dior šimer!

odavno je povučen i drago mi je da imam svoj primerak. formula je nešto tanja, ali je toliko lep da mi nije teško da to oprostim.

prirodna svetlost:
the promo picture shows new purple more, well, purple than it actually is. it's a complex shade, a cool brown with purple undertones and a lot of shimmer. not that dior hiddens shimer, but the real deal.

it's discontinued, and i am happy i have it in my collection. the formula is a bit thin, but it's so pretty that i can forgive it pretty much everything.

natural light:

Sunday 25 September 2016

dance legend chumash (malibu)

osećam kao da je vreme za neki veseli lak, tako da pokazujem dance legend chumash iz njihove malibu kolekcije.
i felt like it's time for something cheerful, so i'm showing you dance legend chumash from their malibu collection.

chumas je vrlo veseo lak. srednje zelena nijansa, ispunjena interesantnim šljokicama: roze i žutim kvadratnim, ponekim velikim belim romboidastim i malim belim šljokicama.

formula je solidna za ovaj tip laka, ali je nadlak definitivno neophodan, i zbog sjajnog finiša i da izjednači površinu. sve u svemu, vrlo zanimljiv i šašav lak.

prirodna svetlost:
chumash is such a fun polish. a medium green, filled with such interesting glitter: pink and yellow square glitter, occasional large white diamond, and small white.

formula is decent for such a polish, but it definitely needs a top coat, both for the glossier finish and to even things out. overall, it is an interesting and a bit crazy polish.

natural light:

Monday 19 September 2016

franken polish: star bwoy by shine eye

nakon što sam pokazala moj prvi franken lak, time for heroes, danas sam se odlučila za mog ljubimca, star bwoy.
after showing my first franken polish, time for heroes, today i decided on my personal favourite, star bwoy.

potpuno sam oduševljena kako je ispalo "kuvanje" ovog laka. star bwoy je fantastična ljubičasta sa dosta srednje plavog podtona. holo čestice su se odlično uklopile, kao da igraju po površini nokta.

iz nekog razloga, dok sam još bila na pola puta do gotovog laka ali sam znala na koje bočice čekam, osećala dam da moram da ga nazvem star bwoy po mavado-voj pesmi.

izvinjavam se za ovoliko slika, ali ne mogu da odolim!
i am completely amazed as how star bwoy turned up to be. the shade itself is gorgeous, light purple with medium blue undertones. and the holo effect just makes everything so awesome, like it's dancing on top of the nail.

for some reason, while my frankening was only half way done, but i knew which polishes i'm waiting for, i just knew that i will name it after mavado's song star bwoy.

sorry for all the pictures, but it's just so stunning!

Tuesday 13 September 2016

china glaze foxy (vintage vixen)

china glaze vintage vixen je fantastična kolekcija iz jeseni 2010. imam nekoliko lakova, i konačno je vreme došlo da pokažem foxy.
china glaze's vintage vixen is a really awesome collection back in the autumn of 2010. i have a couple of bottles and finally the time has come to show off foxy.

interesantno, foxy mi je jedan od prvih china glaze lakova a dobio je šansu tek sad.

u pitanju je nekako zagorela crvena/tamno narandžasta nijansa, savršena za jesen. šimer je bogat i formula glatka i fina.

prirodna svetlost:
funnily enough, foxy is one of my first china glaze polishes and it got a chance on the blog only now.

it is kind of a burned red, dark orange sort of shade, perfect for autumn. the shimmer is rich and formula smooth and nice.

natural light:

Saturday 10 September 2016

a england natasha's dance (russian soul)

još jedan lepotan iz a england russian soul kolekcije je natasha's dance.
another beauty from a england russian soul collection is natasha's dance.

nekako je ispalo da sam pre pola godine ponovo čitala rat i mit, kao što radim na svakih par godina, tako da mi je natašin ples vrlo svež  sećanju.

ne znam da li da opišem ovaj lak kao zacrnjeni plavi ili crni sa jakim plavim tonom, ali je definitivno taman. pod suncem se jasno vidi da nije čisto crn. živahni srebrni holo šimer ga čini dosta zanimljivijim.

prirodna svetlost:
funnily enough, i reread war and peace few months ago, as i do every few years, so i clearly remember the natasha's dance part in the book,

i'm not sure whether i should call it blackened blue or blue-toned black,  but it is a dark one. in direct sunlight it is obvious that it's not a pure black. it has this vibrant holographic shimmer that makes it pop out.

natural light:

Tuesday 6 September 2016

fun lacquer midnight nocturne (summer 2015)

f. u. n. lacquer ima fantastične lakove, i jedan od njih je midnight nocturne iz njihove kolekcije za leto 2015.
f. u. n. lacquer has amazing polishes, and one of them is midnight nocturne from their summer 2015 collection.

midnight nocturne je fantastična blurple nijansa sa plavom kao dominantnijom bojom. kao i svi lakovi iz ove kolekcije, i ovaj je pun prelepih zlatnih holo čestica.

lak je odlične formule, vrlo lak za mazanje i sve u svemu, prelep.

prirodna svetlost:
midnight nocturne is an awesome blue-dominating blurple holographic polish. like all of the polishes from this collection, it is filled with amazing gold holo particles.

the shade is amazingly saturated, easy to work with and overall gorgeous.

natural light:

Saturday 3 September 2016

ysl rose scabiosa (spring 2014)

rose scabiosa je deo ysl dua za proleće 2014, zajedno sa lakom rouge pablo.
rose scabiosa was a part of ysl spring 2014 nail polish duo, together with rouge pablo.

ako ste bili na mom blogu više od jednom, znate da roze nije moja boja, sem ako je u pitanju ysl lak.

rose scabiosa je skoro barby roze, sa blagim lila podtonom koji ga, bar u mom slučaju, čine nosivijem. u pitanju je ysl krema, tako da, u pitanju je savršena formula.

prirodna svetlost:
if you were on my blog more than once, you know i don't gravitate towards pink polishes, unless if it is a ysl polish.

rose scabiosa is almost a bubblegum pink, with a slight lilac undertone that makes it more wearable in my case. it is a ysl creme, so, perfect formula and application.

natural light:

Thursday 1 September 2016

new in: april, may, june, july, august 2016

kao što možete videti iz naslova, jako dugo sam bila dobra devojčica.

naravno, post se razbio novom ysl kolekcijom (night escape and savage pink).

posle toga sam konačno nabavila picture polish lakove koje već neko vreme želim (big bang, winter,  salt water i sun flower)
well, as you can see, i was a very very good girl for a long period of time.

of course, new ysl collection had to be added (night escape and savage pink).

 in addition, i got picture polish shades that i wanted for a while (big bang, winter, salt water and sun flower)

onda je izašla nova aengland kolekcija, russian soul, i morala sam da ih uzmem sve. tako da tu su waltz of the flowers, polovetsian dances, natasha's dance, katyusha i kalinka.

takođe, bow polish thermo top coat se konačno vratio na lager, pa sam morala da ga uzmem.
then, the new a england collection, russian soul, appeared and i had to have them all. so, here they are, waltz of the flowers, polovetsian dances, natasha's dance, katyusha and kalinka.

also, bow polish thermo top coat was finally back in stock, so i had to snatch it.

Sunday 28 August 2016

china glaze water you waiting for (cirque du soleil worlds away)

cirque du soleil worlds away je bila vrlo zabavna china glaze kolekcija, i jedan od lakova koje sam uzela je water you waiting for.
cirque du soleil worlds away was a really awesome china glaze collection, and one of the polishes i got is water you waiting for.

water you waiting for je prelepa šljokičava bomba u plavoj jelly bazi sa plavim i zelenim šljokicama.

ako vas podseća na  nicole by opi kendall on the catwalk, to je zato što su skoro pa identični. šljokice u nopi laku su gušće, i to je otprilike cela razlika.

u svakom slučaju, ovo je vrlo lep i zabavan lak, sa pristojnom formulom, dobrim pokrivanjem u dva sloja i suši se pomalo teksturno.

prirodna svetlost:
water you waiting for is a gorgeous, glittery bomb of blue jelly base and blue and green glitter.

if it reminds you of nicole by opi kendall on the catwalk, let me say, they are very, very close to being dupes. the glitter in nopi is slightly denser, and that's about it.

nevertheless, it is a great and fun polish, with a decent formula, opaque after two coats, and dries into sort of texture.

natural light:

Friday 19 August 2016

chanel gondola (venice)

gondola je bila deo chanel dua za jesen 2009, zajedno sa lakom intermezzo.
gondola is was a part of the chanel's duo for fall 2009,  together with intermezzo.

gondola je zaista klasična nijansa. bordo sa roze podtonom, i sa šimerom jačim od tipičnog, skrivenog chanel šimera. uspela sam da nađem izgubljenu bočicu u parfimeriji pre par gpdina.

formula je solidna, nemam nikakvih prigovora. ako ga nađete, slobodno ga uzmite.

prirodna svetlost:
gondola is truly a classic shade. a pink leaning burgundy, with a stronger shimmer than what we are used to from chanel. i managed to get a forgotten bottle in a shop a few years ago.

formula is solid, nothing to complain about. if you find it, go for it!

natural light:

Saturday 13 August 2016

ysl savage pink (escape summer)

najnovija ysl kolekcija, escape summer, sadrži dva laka i danas predstavljam savage pink.
the newest ysl collection called escape summer has two polishes, and i am showing savage pink today.

obožavam i ysl kao brend i teksturne lakove generalno, tako da je ovo za mene definitivni pogodak. savage pink je više gold rose nego obična roze, pogotovo zbog finiša. jeste teksturac, ali sa dodatim finim holo šljokicama za efektniji izgled.

formula je odlična, uz malo pažnje lako može biti jednoslojac ali sam se ja odlučila za dva. stvarno sam oduševljena ovim lako,

prirodna svetlost:
i love both ysl as a brand and textured polishes in general, so this was a no miss for me. savage pink is more like a rose gold shade, especially because of the finish. it is a texture, but with added fine holographic glitter for a sparkier effect.

formula is great, with a bit of care you can go with one coat only, but i opted for two, it's gorgeous and sparkly and just perfect!

natural light:

Saturday 6 August 2016

a england kalinka (russian soul)

uvek jedva čokam nove a england kolekcije, i potpuno sam se zaljubila  u najnoviju, russian soul. prvi kog pokazujem je kalinka.
i am always excited to see a new a england collection, and i fell in love with the newest one, russian soul. the first one i'm showing is kalinka.

kalinka je prosto predivna. nijansa je srebrnkasto/lila, nekako prefinjena i delikatna. holo efekat nije zaslepljujuć ali je i dalje vrlo, vrlo vidljiv. izvinjavam se za broj slika, ali prosto nisam mogla da odolim.

formula je, kao i uvek, besprekorna i lak je savršen i vrlo nosiv, rekla bih da ide uz sve. izgleda odlično čak i u senci, što možete da vidite na poslednje dve fotografije.
natural light:
kalinka is simply gorgeous, it is a silvery lilac, such a delicate and pretty shade. holo effect is not crazy, but it is still very very visible. i apologize for the amount of pictures, but i just couldn't resist it.

formula is, as always, impeccable and the polish is so awesome and universal, it goes great with everything. it looks awesome in shade as well, as you can see in the last two photos.

natural light: