Friday 31 August 2012

zoya holly (gem)

holly je iz zoya kolecije gems and jewels iz 2011, i to je definitivno moj omiljeni zeleni lak. cela kolekcija je fantastična.
holly is from the zoya's 2011 holiday gems and jewels collection, and it is my favorite green polish, hands down! isn't this picture yummy?

zoya opisuje holly kao "zelenu sa suptilnim žutim tonovima i svetlim metalnim finišem". moram da priznam da ne vidim te suptilne žute tonove :)

 formula je odlična, potpuna pokrivenost se dobija skoro iz prvog sloja ali je drugi potreban da se sve  malo ujednači. boja je moja omiljena smaragdno zelena, i obožavam da imam ovaj lak na noktima!

prirodna svetlost:
zoya describes holly as " rich holly green with subtle yellow tones in a luminous metallic finish. great for giving the nails a flash of rich gem-toned color." i must admit, i don't see the subtle yellow tone.

the formula is dreamy, it is almost opaque after the first coat but the second one is needed the even the surface out. the color is my favorite emerald green, and it really makes your nails stand out.

natural light:

Thursday 30 August 2012

15. theme friday: dots

prošao je i 15ti tematski petak na, tema- tačke i tufne. ovo je najsimpatičniji kolaž do sad! od sutra pa do sledećeg petka nas čekaju moje omiljene zelene nijanse!
the 15th theme friday has finished!. the theme was dots and this is one of the cutest collages i did!  from tomorrow till next friday we will enjoy the beauty of my favorite green polishes!

moj izbor za tufne je bio ovaj: crveno, žuto i zeleno, kao omaž mojoj omiljenoj muzici!
my choice for dots was this one: red, gold and green, as a litlle omage to my favorite music!

Tuesday 28 August 2012

catrice 890 how i matt your mother

probala sam još jedan lak sa novim "brush metal effect", catrice 890 how i matt your mother.
i tried out one more catrice polish with the new "brush metal effect", and this time this is catrice 890 how i matt your mother.

onovo jedna komplikovana boja, nazovimo je tamno sivkasto-plava :D lak je skoro jednoslojac, ali sam ponegde imala ćelava mesta pa sam rešila da namažem i drugi sloj. pošto ima polumat finiš, formula je dosta gusta. finiš je drugačiji od onog kod steel my soul, i izgleda nekako gumeno, ali mi je odlično!

prirodna svetlost:
the color is yet again difficult to explain, let's call it a dark greyish blue. it could be one coater, but i had bald spots on a few nails so decided to add a second coat. it dries semi-matte, so the formula is yer again thick. the finish is a bit different from steel my soul, it dries a bit rubbery and i love it!

natural light:

Sunday 26 August 2012

dior 118 acapulco

dior 118 acapulco je drugi lak kog sam uzela iz dior-ove summer mix kolekcije (o lagoon sam pisala ovde).
dior 118 acapulco is another polish i got from the dior's summer mix collection (i wrote about lagoon here).

moram da priznam da žutu boju nisam podnosila i nisam imala ništa žuto ne samo među lakovima, nego i od odeće. i onda, pre godinu-dve mi je nešto kliknulo i sad je obožavam!
znala sam da moram da imam acapulco od trenutka kada sam videla promo slike, mada je dior ovaj put fino zeznuo stvar, jer su ove slike dosta drugačije od toga kako lakovi izgledaju uživo.
ova boja je meni sinonim za leto! prava limun žuta, bez ikakvog narandžastog podtona. formula je fantastična, pogotovo kad se uzme u obzir da su žuti lakovi noćna mora po pitanju nanošenja. kod ovog laka, čak i ako vam se učini da se vidi potez četkice, posle par sekundi se izjednači. na laku piše "gloss" i zaista ima visoki sjaj i žele finiš. sa dva sloja sam imala skoro potpunu pokrivenost, i bila bih zadovoljna time, ali nekad kod ovakvih boja mislite da je sve ok, a na slikama vidite da baš i nije pa sam se odlučila za još jedan sloj. postoji blago vidljiva linija nokta, ali to je i očekivano od želea. po prvi put u dugom vremenskom periodu nemam top coat.
prirodna svetlost:
i must admit, i hated yellow and didn't have any polish or any piece of clothing in this color. and then, about a year or two something clicked and i apsolutely love it now!
i new i had to have acapulco when i first saw the promo pics. mind you, this time, dior really did bad job with these because all the colors look quite different in real life.

anyway, this color screams summer! it is a bright lemony  yellow, but a REAL yellow, without any orange undertones. the formula is amazing, especially when you have in mind that the yellows are usually a difficult to apply. here, the formula is somehow self-leveling, even if you have a streak, it disappears after a few seconds. the finish has a high shine on its own (well, it says gloss on the package) and it is a jelly. i had almost a perfect coverage with two layers, but decided to add another one because what looks "completely covered" under a naked eye, it could be different in the pictures. there is a bit of a VNL, but this is expected from a jelly. i didn't use a top coat (this is a first for me!).

natural light:

Saturday 25 August 2012

14. theme friday: red

the 14th theme friday has finished! i am a little bit late with the collage, but i was away from my office on thursday, and only my work computer can handle 44 pictures lined up in photoshop. the theme was red (i chose chanel dragon), and the current theme are dots!
završio se i 14ti tematski petak. ovaj put malo kasnim sa pravljenjem kolaža, ali sam četvrtak provela na terenu a bila sam svesna da samo moj komp na poslu može da iznese 44 slike otvorene u fotošopu :D tema je bila crveno, a ja sam izabrala chanel dragon. trenutno su na redu tufne i tačkice!

Friday 24 August 2012

catrice 875 it's all i can blue

catrice 875 it's all i can blue je lak kog sam naknadno uzela (uz oh my goldness) iz nove kolekcije, jer je bio rasprodat kad sam došla u parfimerij, i jasno mi je zašto je prvi nestao :)
catrice 875 it's all i can blue is the polish i got additionally from the new collection, since it was sold out (together with oh my goldness) once i got to the store, and i can see why.

ova nijansa plave je fantastilna. začuđujuće, nemam ništa slično, niti sam znala da mi očajnički treba. ovo je prelepa neboplava krema sa malo ljubičastog podtona. formula je odlična (konačno!) i dva sloja su sasvim dovoljna za dobru pokrivenost. toliko sam se zaljubila u ovu boju da nisam mogla da prestanem da gledam u nokte!

prirodna svetlost:
this shade of blue is insanely amazing. it is one of the blues that i, suprisingly, didn't have and also didn't know that i would definitely need :D it is a beautiful creme light sky-blue with a little bit of purple undertone. the formula is amazing (finally!) and you get a full coverage after two coats. i couldn't stop watching at my nails.

natural light:

Wednesday 22 August 2012

catrice 915 george blueney

catrice 915 george blueney je još jedan novi lak iz catrice asortimana za jesen/zimu, i izgleda da će mi biti jedan od omiljenih!
catrice 915 george blueney is yet another polish from the new catrice range for autumn/winter, and it looks like this one is going to be one of my favorites!

boja je tamno plava, puna svetlo plavog, krupnijeg šimera. formula je opet malo gušća (ne znam šta im je sa ovom serijom, nikada do sad nisam imala ovakvih problema sa njihovim lakovima), ali ovaj put se nisam toliko mučila sa mazanjem. možda je kod ovog laka formula ipak malo bolja, a možda sam se ja navikla! u svakom slučaju, svi već isprobani će dobiti koju kap razređivača!
ovaj put ću kačiti samo slike sa direktnog svetla, jer nisam mogla da dobijem išta smisleno pod drugačijim osvetljenjem.
the color is dark smokey blue, packed with lighter blue shimmer. formula is yet again thickish (i don't know what is the problem with these new polishes, since i never had any difficulties with catrice's formula), but i didn't have problems with application, as in other ones, or maybe i just got used to it. i will definitely add a drop or twoof thinner in all of the new polishes.
i will post only the direct sunlight photos this time, because i couldn't manage to get good ones in other lights.

Monday 20 August 2012

catrice 865 yellow sub-mandarine

865 yellow sub-mandarine je treći lak iz novog catrice asortimana kog predstavljam, i prvi s kojim nisam u potpunosti zadovoljna.
865 yellow sub-mandarine is the third polish from the new catrice range that i'm showing, and i am sad to say that i am not entirely happy with it.

boja je sama po sebi prelepa. volim ove tamno žute/svetlo narandžaste nijanse (ja ovu boju zovem "mango" jer mislim da je najbolje opisuje). ima i malo srebrnkastog šimera, koji je jedva vidljiv čak i kada sunce direktno pogodi nokar, pa sam morala da razmislim da li da finiš opišem kao krem ili kao šimer, ali sam se ipak odlučila za ovo drugo.

formula je mesto gde se stvari zakomplikuju. prilično je gusta i nije baš lako manipulisati četkicom. posle dva sloja, pokrivenost nije loša ali se vide linije četkice i ima par ćelavih mesta. nažalost, ovo nisam primetila dok sam mazala nokte jer mi je soba prilično mračna. nadlak je malo izjednačio površinu, ali i dalje nisam bila zadovoljna s rezultatom. treći sloj bi verovatno poravio stvar, ali mi se stvarno  nije dalo da stavljam još jedan sloj preko nadlaka, pa onda opet sve to da zacementiram nadlakom.

čudno, ali ovaj lak se baš dobro slika. fotografije na direktnom suncu su apsolutno verne.

prirodna svetlost:
the color itself is beautiful. i love these dark yellow/light orange shades (i call this color "mango", since i feel it fits them the best). there is a little bit of silverish shimmer, which is barely visible even when the sunlight hits the nail, so i had to really think whether to label the finish as a creme or shimmer, but decided to go with the latter. 

the formula is where things start to get is quite thick and not the easiest to work with. after two coats, it gets opaque but everything looks streaky and there are some bold spots that i didn't notice while applying the polish (since my room is always dark). top coat evened out the surface, but i wasn't really satisfied with the result. the third coat would probably look better, but i didn't feel like adding another coat of polish on top of the top coat, and than to have to seal it with the top coat again.

strangely enough, it photographs excellently. the direct sunlight photos are exactly how the polish looks like.

natural light:

Saturday 18 August 2012

catrice 880 no snow patrol

sledeći lak koji predstavljam iz novog catrice asortimana je predivni 880 no snow patrol.
next up, from the new catrice polish range, is the gorgeous 880 no snow patrol.

boja je fantastična, negde između til i plave. u flašici se mnogo izraženije vidi ljubičasti šimer (koji izgleda kao naftna mrlja :D) nego na noktima. ipak, ja sam se potpuno zaljubila u ovu boju. izgleda šik i uvek mi se činilo da ovako nešto fali njihovoj paleti boja. sve vreme dok sam imala ovaj lak na noktima, imala sam osećaj da nosim neki high end brend.

formula je opet malo gušća, tako da je malo teže manipulisati četkicom. dva sloja su više nego dovoljna za potpunu pokrivenost.

prirodna svetlost:
the color is amazing, somewhere between teal and blue. in the bottle, you can seethe violet shimmer that looks like an oil spill, but it is almost invisible on the nails. nevertheless, i am completely in love with this color. it looks chic and it is something that i thought was missing in the catrice's range of shades. i had the feeling i was wearing a high end polish while i had this one on the nails.

formula is, yet again, a little bit on the thick side, but nothing difficult. two coats are more than enough for complete coverage.

natural light:

Friday 17 August 2012

chanel 475 dragon (rouge allure laque)

svaka devoka bi trebalo da ima svoj omiljeni crveni lak, zar ne? e, pa ja ga nisam imala do sinoć. ako pogledate moju kolekciju, videćete da imam samo jednu "pravu crvenu" (miss sporty), a čak ni ona nije kod mene, nego kod dečka. zbog toga sam rešila da pronađem svoj savršeni crveni lak. kao pravi štreber, bacila sam se u internet potragu, i na kraju se odlučila za chanel 475 dragon.
every girl should have her favorite red polish, right? well, until yesterday evening, i didn't have one. if you look at my collection, you will see that i have only one true red (the miss sporty one), and this one is at my bf's place. so, i decided to find my own perfect red polish. i admit that i am both a geek and a nerd, so i spend some time searching for swatches on other blogs, and i finally decided on chanel 475 dragon.

očigledno je moja potraga bila uspešna, pošto sam se zaljubila u ovaj lak čim sam ga namazala (imajte u vidu da je ovo crveni, a ne plavi ili zeleni lak!). sada mi je jasno zašto su devojke na blogovima pisale da je ovo lak kog bi zadržale, kada bi morale da imaju samo jednog crvendaća.

boja je stvarno prelepa, prava pravcata crvena, sa braonkastim podtonom koji dobija na izražaju kada nema sunčeve svetlosti. formula je savršenstvo, i lak se neverovatno lako maže. jedini razlog zbog kog i moji nokti nisu savršeni :D je taj što malo eksperimentišem sa načinom na koji ih mažem, pa mi još ruka nije sigurna.

prirodna svetlost:
i obviously did my research well, because i instantly fell in love with this polish (just to remind you, this is a red polish, not blue or green :D) i can now see why the girls write that if they should have only one red polish, it would be dragon.

the color is insanely beautiful. a true red, with a bit of brown undertone, which is visible when there is no direct sunlight. the formula is pure perfection, the application couldn't be easier. the only reason why my nails don't look perfect, is because that lately i've been experimenting with another way of painting my nails, so i am still practicing.

natural light:

Thursday 16 August 2012

13. theme friday: holo

prošao je i 13ti tematski petak na (tema- holo). od sutra pa do sledećeg petka nas čekaju crveni  lakovi!
13th theme friday (holo) on has finished. from tomorrow till next friday we will enjoy the beauty of red polishes!

nails of the month: july 2012

after a lot of thinking, i decided to start doing little retrospective of the polishes i wore in the  previous month (even though it's the middle of august). it's a good idea to keep track of all the swatches.
malo sam se premišljala, i na kraju rešila da ipak radim retrospektive na kraju svakog meseca (iako smo sad u sredini avgusta :D). to je dobar način da imam u vidu koje sam sve lakove nosila.


Wednesday 15 August 2012

catrice 905 steel my soul

catrice 905 steel my soul je prvi lak koji predstavljam iz njihovog novog asortimana za jesen 2012. već sam spomenula da sam ih uzela nekoliko, ali ne planiram da ih mažem samo za potrebe bloga, nego ću polako, jedan po jedan, uz uživanje :D
catrice 905 steel my soul is the first polish i'm wearing from their new colors for autumn 2012. i did buy a lot of them, and i am not planning to just swatch them but to wear them like i do regularly.

ovaj lak na sebi ima oznaku "brushed metal effect", što je njihov novi tip finiša. suši se polu-mat i ima teksturu. inače volim njihovu četkicu jer je ravna i deblja, ali za ovakvu formulu, koja je malo gušća, ne bi bilo loše da je četkica nešto tanja. boja je sivkasto-ljubičasta i ima dosta zlatnog šimera kom ne treba direktna svetlost da bi bio vidljiv.

baza (opi start to finish) +dva sloja laka, bez nadlaka:
this polish is advertized with a new finish, "brushed metal effect". they dry semi-matte and have a kind of textured finish. i love that their brush is wide and flat, but here i guess it wouldn't hurt if it was a bit narrower, since the polish is thickish i had to put two thicker coats to make it work. the color is greyish with a hint of purple (i read somewhere that they called it a purplish "greige", which is a pretty good description). it is packed with beautiful golden shimmer that doesn't need direct light to be visible.
base coat (opi start to finish) + two coats of polish, no top coat:

Tuesday 14 August 2012

collection summary and plans/ rezime kolekcije i planovi

sada kada ste upoznati sa mojom kolekcijom, sortiranoj po markama, vreme je da otkrijem moje planove vezne za kupovinu lakova. napravila sam neku vrstu pakta sama sa sobom i trudiću se da ga se pridržavam do kraja ove godine.
now that you saw my entire collection sorted by brands, it is time to reveal plans regarding buying new polishes and some kind of resolutions i made to myself that i will try to keep up with until the end of this year.

Monday 13 August 2012

rimmel hot list

rimmel-ov hot list je moj prvi lak iz ove porodice boja, i još uvek jedini od ovog proizvođača. obožavam ovakve boje, sviđa mi se kako izgledaju na mojim noktima.
rimmel's hot list is my first polish from this family of colors, and somehow remains my only polish from this brand. i love how these colors look on me!

hot list je jedan od najpopularnijih duplikata za chanel-ov paradoxal. boja je mešavina ljubičaste, braon i sivkaste sa skrivenim, suptilnim ljubičastim šimerom koji oživi samo pod svetlom. ja ovakve lakove uglavnom zovem "blatnjavko", najjednostavniji način da se opiše boja. i formula i četkica su odlične. već sam spominjala da volim deblje četkice, a ova je jedna od najednostavnijih za uoptrebu i baš po mom ukusu. žao mi je da me ni jedna njihova druga boja još nije privukla.
šimer je teško uhvatiti s mojim aparatom, ali se nadam da sam bar malo u tome uspela.
prirodna svetlost:

this is one of the most popular dupes of chanel paradoxal. the color is a mix of purple, brown, taupe and mauve with a subtle, hidden purple shimmer that only comes to life when the light hit it. basically, i call this color "mud", it's easier that way :) the formula and polish are both amazing, i mentioned many times that i love when the brush is wide and is is one of the easiest i ever worked with. too bad that i don't like their other colors enough to get some more colors.
it was difficult to catch the shimmer with my camera, but i hope that some of it is visible.
natural light:

Sunday 12 August 2012

my collection: miscellaneous/razno

ovde su lakovi koje imam samo po jednog ili dva od tog proizvođača.
here are the polishes that  have only one or two from that particular brand.
1 rimmel - hot list 
2 color club - fashion addict
3 essie - midnight cami
4 allesandro - brazillian nights

5 nfu-oh 53
6 revlon - facets of fuchsia
7 rubby kisses - ruby slippers
8 deborah - shine tech 23
9 max factor - fantasy fire

10 miss sporty 27
11 miss sporty 30
12 deborah - knock out violet

ne znam imena za miss sporty, to su lakovi od pre 2 godine i ne mogu da nađem nikakve podatke, a brojevi za njihove lakove su nepouzdani.

i don't know the names of miss sporty polishes, since they are a couple of years old and i can't find any info. the biggest problem is that the numeration on their polishes is unreliable.

Saturday 11 August 2012

china glaze 2nite (omg)

za ovaj tematski petak sam rešila da pokažem moj omiljeni holo, china glaze 2nite. ovaj lak je iz njihove čuvene OMG kolekcije iz 2009. koja se teško nalazi. a koja je jedna od najboljih kolekcija ikad.
for this theme friday i decided to pull out the big gun, my favourite china glaze 2nite. this one is from the infamous OMG collection from 2009, which is almost impossible to find, while being one of the most perfect collections ever.

ovaj lak je pravo plavo savršenstvo. holo efekat je linearan, i jedan od najboljih koje sam videla. u hladu izgleda pomalo dosadno, ali čim do njega stigne i najmanji tračak svetla, izgleda fantastično.

aplikacija je odlična, ali uvek koristim vodenu baze za holo lakove tako da ne znam kako se ponaša sa običnim.

prirodna svetlost:
this polish is a true blue perfection. the holo effect is linear and one of the prettiest i ever saw. it looks a bit dull in the shade, but the second it gets a spark of light, it turns to magic.

application is perfect, but i always use the aqua base for my holo polishes, so i don't know how it behaves with a regular base.

natural light:

Friday 10 August 2012

butter london knackered over zoya trixie

kada sam prvi put mazala knackered, iako sam znala da je lak proziran i da mu trebaju bar tri sloja da bi dobio dubinu, ipak sam probala da ga nosim samog, i čak mi se i takav svideo. lak je pravi kameleon! ovaj put sam rešila da ga namažem preko nekog drugog i trixie mi je zvučala kao dobar izbor. "proziran, svetlucavi lak boje ostrige (da, morala sam ovo da guglam, to je izgleda legitimna boja :D) sa mikro holo šljokicama" preko "svetlo srbernog laka sa svetlucavim metalik finišem" mi je zvučalo odlično, i mislim da sam bila u pravu!

knackered je ublažio intenzivnu srebrnu boju od trixie i dao joj malo duohrom efekta. holo čestice se, na žalost, ne slikaju dobro ali na suncu izgledaju prelepo!

prirodna svetlost:
i wore butter london's knackered on it's own once, and, even though it is shear and needs at least three layers to look opaque, i found it really cute. this time, i decided to use it for layering and trixie seemed like a good choice. "a sheer, twinkling oyster shade flecked with micro glitter holo particles" over "stunning light silver with a sparkling metallic foil finish" sounded good to me, and i wasn't wrong!

knackered toned down the intense silver in trixie and gave it a hint of duochrome. holo glitter is a bit camera shy, but it looks really gorgeous in the sunlight.

natural light:

Thursday 9 August 2012

my collection: butter london

butter london lakovi su mi postali jedni od omiljenih. kupila sam ova tri kada sam bila u nemačkoj (i par puta zapitala sebe zašto nisam otišla na doktorat tamo, da bih mogla stalno da ih uzimam :D). boje su im fantastične,  isto važi i za formulu i finiš.
butter london polishes have become one of my favorites. i got three of them during my visit to germany (and i cursed myself a couple of times for not going to germany for phd, since i could buy more of them :D). their colors are amazing, and don't get me started on the perfect formula and finish.
1 all hail the queen
2 knackered
3 henley regatta

12. theme friday: coral

prošao je i 12ti tematski petak na (tema- coral), u kom nisam učestvovala. od sutra pa do sledećeg petka nas čekaju holo lakovi (jedva čekam!)
12th theme friday (coral) on has finished (i didn't participate). from tomorrow till next friday we will enjoy the beauty of holo polishes (cant't wait!)

Wednesday 8 August 2012

zoya trixie (extreme)

ponekad, dođe dan kada devojci treba malo "blinga" na noktima. pošto je danas takav dan, izabrala sam trixie iz zoya-ine extreme kolekcije (zajedno sa raven i purity).
sometimes, the day comes when a girl needs some bling on her nails, so for today, i chose zoya's trixie from the extreme collection (together with raven and purity).

zoya opisuje ovaj lak kao "divan svetlo srebrni lak koji ima  svetlucavi metalnim folijasti finiš". obožavam ovu nijansu srebrne! lak je fantastičan, veoma gust i ima metalni, gotovo stakleni finiš. lako se nanosi (kao i svi zoya lakovi generalno), ne ostavlja tragove četkice ali ima teksturu koja mu daje dodatnu draž. za potpunu pokrivenost je dovoljan jedan deblji sloj, ja iz navike uvek imam dva.
prirodna svetlost:
zoya describes this polish as a "stunning light silver with a sparkling metallic foil finish. a chic and edgy shade that adds a spark to your look". i couldn't agree more! the polish is amazing, very dense with a metallic, mirror-like sparkly finish. it applies without streaks, but with a bit of a textured finish and it is very opaque.

natural light:

Tuesday 7 August 2012

my collection: zoya

zoya lakovi (15 ml) su verovatno moj omiljeni brend. ne samo što imaju predivne boje i finiše, nego su i 5 free, a uz to i veganski proizvod, i ne testiraju na životinjama. verovatno je zato čudno da ih imam ovolicno. shvatila sam skoro da njihove lakove kupujem samo kad samu sebe ubedim da sam ih zaslužila. nemam pojma odakle potiče ovaj psihološki momenat, ali mi se nekako zabio u glavu tako da imam popriličnu listu želja, koja stoji netaknuta već neko vreme :D
zoya polishes (15 ml) are probably my favorite brand. they are pretty much "everything free", including animal cruelty. they have a variety of colors and finishes, and it seems pretty weird, since i love them so much, that i have only a few of them. the thing is, i kind of buy them when i feel i really deserve them. i have no idea where this psychological mess comes from, but it's stuck somehow.
1 rina
2 holly
3 tosca
4 trixie

essence 46 wake up!

u prethodnom postu sam pisala o sličnosti essence wake up! sa opijevim good man-darin...a sada ću se koncentrisati samo na wu!
nažalost, moj planirani boravak kući je trajao 5 umesto dva dana (nažalost zbog razgloga zbog kog sam morala da ostanem) a sa sobom sam imala samo ovaj lak. flašica je već bila skoro prazna, i kad sam ga prvi put mazala, lak se već bio zgusnuo dovoljno da se teško mazao, a ni ja nisam bila dovoljno strpljiva i sve se završilo sa gomilom mehurića. drugi put sam se više koncentrisala, ali, pošto nisam imala nikakav razređivač, sve je bilo prilično mučno ali ipak bolje nego prvi put. nisam zadovoljna slikama, ali sam rešila da ih ipak okačim jer sam konačno ugledala dno neke bočice i ovaj lak više neću moći da mažem.
prirodna svetlost:
i wrote about similarity of essence wake up with opi's good man-darin, and here i present the swatch of wu!

unfortunately, my visit home lasted 5 days instead of 2 (unfortunately because of the reason i had to prolong my stay), and i had only this polish with me, and the bottle was almost empty. it was already too thick to handle it properly, so the first time i applied it, i wasn't patient enough and it was too hot at my place, so i had a lot of bubbles. the second time, i was more careful, but the polish was even thicker and i had no thinner so it applied horribly, but i have to publish the pictures, because i finally saw the bottom of the bottle and it was my last chance to take pictures.

natural light: