Sunday 28 October 2012

miss sporty 346 china glaze

na redu je još jedan oproštajni post, ovaj put je to miss sporty 346 china glaze iz clubbing colors kolekcije.
once again, i'm writing a goodbye post, and this time it's for miss sporty 346 china glaze polish from clubbing color collection.

boju je gotovo nemoguće uhvatiti. na prirodnoj svetlosti ispada plavičast, a boja je u stvari više tirkizna, ili, kako ja volim da je zovem, morska zelena. iznenađujuće, boja je prilično verna na promo slikama. volim miss sporty četkice, dovoljno su široke za moj ukus i lak se lako nanosi. potpuna pokrivenost se dobija sa dva sloja.

slike pod veštačkim svetlom su bliže realnosti, takoda će ovaj put njih biti više.
the color is almost impossible to photograph. it turns out bluish in natural light, although in real life the color is closer to turquoise or, as i like to call it, sea green. the promo picture is accurate, wierdly enough. i love miss sporty brush, it is wide and the polish applies nicely, with the full opacity after two layers.

the artificial light photos are closer to the reality, so i'm showing more of those.

Friday 26 October 2012

essence hypnotic poison (colour&go 31)

boja za današnji tematski petak je bordo, pa sam izabrala essence 31 hypnotic poison.
the color for the current theme friday is burgundy, so i'm participating with essence 31 hypnotic poison.

boja je prelepa bordo\tamno crvena. šimer je zlatni i rozikasti, ali nije previše upadljiv, ima ga tek toliko da boji da dubinu. formula je prilično dobra, kao i kod većine lakova iz stare color&go kolekcije.

uvek imam problem da slikam lakove sa ovako visokim sjajem. čak sam pokušala i da napravim slike bez nadlaka, ali nije preterano pomoglo. na kraju sam nekako izabrala par koje nisu izgledale loše. ako imate bilo kakav savet za ubuduće, slobodno napišite!

prirodna svetlost:
the color is beautiful, rich dark red going on burgundy. the shimmer in it is gold and pinkish, but it isn't too distracting, it just adds a bit of depth to it. formula is pretty consistent, as in the most of the polishes from the old color&go collection.

i always have a problem photographing polishes that are so glossy. i tried to make pictures even without top coat, but it wasn't helpful. eventually, i managed to get a couple that looked ok-ish. if you have any advice or easier way, feel free to comment!

natural light:

Thursday 25 October 2012

23. theme friday: silver

gotov je i 23ći tematski petak: srebrno. učestvovala sam sa essence sparkling silver. od sutra počinje bordo nedelja!
the color of the 23rd theme friday was silver. i participated with essence sparkling silver. from tomorrow until next thursday, the color is burgundy!

Sunday 21 October 2012

essence princess prunella (colour&go 73)

malo sam u zaostatku sa objavljivanjem slika lakova koje se prikazala u ovom postu sa praznim flašicama, pa ću da nastavim sa essence 73 princess prunella, koji je jedan od varijacija na chanel paradoxal.
i'm really behind on posting swatches of polishes that are pictured in this post as empty bottles, so, i'm going to continue with essence 73 princess prunella (one of the chanel paradoxal lookalikes.)

boja je braonkasto ljubičasta, sa sitnim ljubičastim šimerom koji je jedva vidljiv na noktima. posle prvog sloja, tragovi četkice su bili prilično vidljivi ali je drugi sve sredio. sve u svemu, ovo nije jedan od mojih omiljenijih lakova, tako da mi nije bilo preterano žao kada sam ga poslednji put namazala.

prirodna svetlost:
the color is brownish purple with lilac microshimmer that is barely visible on the nails. it is a bit brush stroke-y after the first layer, but the second one almost completely evens it out. overall, this isn't one of my favorite shades so i wasn't particularly sad when i wore it for the last time.

natural light:

ibd meteorite

ovaj prelepi ibd lak meteorite sam dobila od divne s. jer ju se podsetio na mene :D o ovom brendu nema puno informacija, sem da generalno imaju asortiman za gelirane nokte, ali se provukla i ova kolekcija lakova za prirodne nokte.
i got this beautiful ibd polish called meteorite from wonderful s. because it reminded her of me :D there are almost no information about this brand, other than they have polishes and other stuff for gel nails, but they also have this regular polish collection.

boja je moj tip namno plave sa šimerom. formula je zaista odlična, lak je skoro jednoslojac i da mi na ponekom noktu nije ostalo ćelavo mesto, ne bih mazala drugi. četkica mi je jeduna slaba tačka, jer je previške uska za moj ukus, uža čak i od china glaze.

prirodna svetlost:
the color is my type of beautiful darker blue with shimmer, with amazing formula. it is almost one-coater, the first one only left a couple of bold spots. the brush isn't one of my favorites, it is even narrower than the china glaze's.

natural light:

Friday 19 October 2012

essence sparkling silver (cracking base)

pošto je današnja boja za tematski petak srebrna, rešila sam da pokažem jedan od najstarijih lakova u mojoj kolekciji, essence-ov sparkling silver koji je bio deo cracking kolekcije kao bazni lak.
since today's color for the theme friday is silver, i decided to wear one of my oldest polishes in the collection, essence's sparkling silver that was released as a cracking base color.

često ovaj lak zovem mojom bling bling bojom :D sastavljen je od gustog mikro glitera u providnoj bazi, tako da mu trebaju dva deblja ili tri tanja sloja za potpunu prekrivenost. pošto je gliter baš sitan, nije toliko grub pod prstom, ali se i to rešava nadlakom. takođe, zbog toga nisu potrebne nikakve specijalne tehnike za njegovo skidanje.

moram da priznam da je ovaj lak dospeo na moju listu od "tri laka za odstrel" koje koristim u krugu naizmenično posle drugih lakova. razlog za to nije taj što ne volim ovaj lak, nego što mi se nakupilo nekoliko srebrnkastih nijansi, a pošto ovo nije boja koju nosim toliko često, nije mi porebno gomilanje. tako da, očekujte da vidite razne kombinacije sa toperima!

prirodna svetlost:
i often call this polish my bling bling color :) it is consisted of dense micro glitter in a clear base, so it needs two thicker or three thinner layers for full coverage. because the glitter is so small, it is not too gritty, but top coat evens out everything, and you also don't need any special techniques to remove it.

i have to confess that this polish is now on my "three polishes to use up" roster, since now i have a couple more of the silvery type polishes, and i definitely don't need that many since this is not a color that i use that often. because it is on the roster now, expect to see some layering combos with it in the future!

natural light:

Thursday 18 October 2012

22. theme friday: navy blue

prođe i 22gi tematski petak, koji je kao temu imao teget boju. učestvovala sam sa dior tuxedo. od sutra pa do sledećeg četvrtka je tema srebrno!
the 22nd theme friday, with navy blue as the theme, hass passed. i participated with dior tuxedo. the next theme is silver!

Tuesday 16 October 2012

dior nirvana (rock your nails)

back in the days, when i didn't plan to buy high end polishes, i knew that dior nirvana is the one i would've bought if i did. and this dior collection, rock your nails from spring 2011, is so amazing, just look at the picture below! too bad they are hard to find nowadays. the polishes in the second pictures are blue label - nirvana - perfecto - purple mix - undeground.

the color is a gorgeous, gorgeous teal (for some reason, dior calles it "deep turquoise") and i am simply in love with it! the formula is dreamy, this is one of the rare situations i have only one coat of polish. i was on my way to apply the second one, took a look at my nails and realized i don't actually need it.

natural light

Sunday 14 October 2012

essence gabriella (nail art twins)

gabriella je, zajedno sa nadlakom troy, deo essence nail art twins kolekcije (poslednji lak u gornjem redu). nažalost, kada sam konačno shvatila koliko su odlični lakovi iz ove kolekcije, već su bili povučeni.
gabriella is paired with troy as a part of essence nail art twins collection (the last one in the top row). i realized how great polishes form this collection are when it was already too late, and they were discontinued.

boja je verovatno najlepša ljubičasta koju posedujem. čak su ga i ljudi, koji obično ne primećuju moje nokte, pozitivno komentarisali. iako obično volim tamnije ljubičaste, ovaj ima crveni podton sa diskretnim, ali vidljivim šimerom. nadam se da sam uspela da ga uhvatim na slikama. formula je i dalje odlična, što je začuđujuće jer je lak došao u poslednju trećinu bočice.

prirodna svetlost
the color itself is the most beautiful purple i ever wore, and even people that never notice my nail polish complimented it. although i usually like darker shades of purple, this one is red-toned with discrete but visible blue shimmer, that i hope i managed to bring out in the pictures. the formula is still surprisingly good, even though the amount of the polish in the bottle is approaching the bottom.

natural light

Friday 12 October 2012

dior 908 tuxedo

tuxedo was a part of dior's blue tie collection for autumn 2011, so it is now a bit of a problem, although not impossible, to find it. the other two polishes are safari beige and blue denim.

the color is maybe not the most unique one in the nail polish world, but nevertheless, it is stunning. it is a deep navy blue with lighter blue shimmer, and on the egdes and under artificial lighting, it even gets a hint of a deep violet. whatever the light is, it never looks black.

when i was considering whether to get this polish, i read that there were complaints about the formula being too thick. i didn't have those problems, it is thick, but easy to work with, without streaks and completely opaque after one coat. i did the second one this time, as a force of habit and for the pictures, but i will definitely go with one coat in the future.

Thursday 11 October 2012

21. theme friday: galaxy nails

ne znam šta vi mislite, ali meni je ovaj 21. tematski petak najlepši do sad. toliko divnih noktića! moj pokušaj je izgledao ovako.

od sutra pa do sledećeg četvrtka, tematska boja je teget!
i don't know about you, but for me, the last theme friday, galaxy nails, is the most successful one. so many beautiful manicures in one place, it's insane! you can see my attempt here.

from tomorrow until next thursday, the theme color is navy blue!

Tuesday 9 October 2012

miss sporty 70 and 27

ovo je još jedan oproštajni post, i ovaj put je red došao na moja dva najstarija laka.

već sam jednom napisala da ovi prastari miss sporty lakovi nemaju imena ni brojeve. doduše, postoji broj urezan na dno bočice, ali se razlikuje za isti lak tako da nije pouzdan.

kada sam prestala da nosim samo crne lakove (što mi je bila faza kroz celo studiranje), nisam previše razmišljala kada sam počela da nosim "boje", pa sam uzela ova dva, jedan sivi essence i neku electric blue coloramu, i mislila sam da sam time pokrila sve :D

prvi na redu je ovaj biserno beli lak koji mi sada deluje čudno na mojim noktima. posle toliko vremena, nema previše smisla da govorim o formuli, ali su potezi četkicom uvek bili vidljivi, dajući mu nekakav frosty ili chrome finiš.
this is another good bye post, and this time for two of my oldest polishes.

i already mentioned that for these polishes the codes and names don't exist. there is a number engraved on the bottle of the polish, but it varied for the same shades.

when i stopped wearing only black polishes (which i did during the college), i didn't think much when i started buying "colors", and i got these two, a grey essence and some kind of electric blue colorama, and thought i got it all covered. silly me :D

this one is a pearly white polish that looks strange on me now. there is no sense to write about the formula, since it is ancient, but the brush strokes were always visible, giving it a frosty, chrome-like finish.

drugi je rozikasto nude lak. još uvek mi je nekako drag, pošto mislim da ide dobro uz moj ten.
this one is a pinkish nude polish. i still have a soft spot in my heart for it, because i think it really looked good on me.

uvek imam neki čudan osećaj kada je vreme da neki lak ide u kantu. i tužna sam, ali i srećna jer se otvara prostor za nove!

koristila sam bazu (opi start to finish) + dva sloja + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).
i alwas have this bittersweet feeling when it's the time to throw a polish in the trash, but the good thing is - it gives you space to buy a new one!

i used base (opi start to finish) + two layers of polish + top coat (essence better than gel nails top sealer BTGNTS).

Sunday 7 October 2012

deborah milano 66 purplish

deborah pret-a-porter lakovi su mi se uvek sviđali iz daljine, ali me nekako nisu oduševili (naravno, sa izuzetkom predivnog knock out violet), tako da vrlo često ni ne bacim oko na njihov štand. ali, otprilike pre mesec dana,  ugledalan sam purplish čim sam zakoračila u parfimeriju, i odmah zaboravila na sva moja pravila o proveri na internetu i potrage za swatch-evima, već sam ga odmah strpala u korpu. na sreću, nije me razočarao.
i always found deborah pret-a-porter polishes to be cute from afar, but they never wowed me (with the notable exception of knock out violet), so i don't even check out their stands. but, about a month ago, i spotted purplish from a mile away! it looked so yummy in the bottle, i forgot everything about doing my research and looking for swatches online, i just grabbed it. and it didn't disappoint me.

bazna boja je tamno ljubičasta, sa puno raznobojnih mikro šljokica različitih boja (neke su i holo) i čak i oblika. formula je u redu, potpuna pokrivenost se dobija sa dva sloja. moram reći i da me je četkica prijatno iznenadila.

već sam ga nosila tri puta, ali mi nije nešto išlo sa fotografisanjem. ili je bilo previše oblačno da bi se istakle holo čestice, ili je bazna boja ispadala nekako plavlja, ovaj put mislim da sam je prilično verno uhvatila!
it is a dark purple shade, filled with glitter of all sorts of colors and shapes. some of the glitter particles are holo. the application was decent, the polish has good coverage and it is fully opaque with two layers, and the brush was suprisingly good.

i wore three times, and for the first two, i had some difficulties with capturing the color and the effects faithfully. either it was too cloudy to bring out the holo part, or the base color turned out too blurply. now, i think i finally got it!
prirodna svetlost/natural light

Friday 5 October 2012

20. theme friday: duochrome

ovaj kolaž je trebalo da napravim i okačim juče, ali sam nekako zaboravila. tako da, evo meni danas dva posta! 20ti temtaski duohrom petak je bio uspešan (učestvovala sam sa china glaze unpredictable), ali ja ne mogu da dočekam da sklopim kolaž za trenutni, 21vi tematski petak: galaxy nails!
i was supposed to make and post the collage yesterday, but i somehow forgot! so, here we are, 20th theme friday (duochrome) was a success (i participated with china glaze unpredictable), but i am really looking forward for making the collage for the current, 21st theme friday, galaxy nails!

galaxy nails

verovatno sam ovo već spominjala, ali nisam baš neka obožavateljka nail arta. jedan od razloga je sigurno i taj da nemam ni mrvu talenta, ali i to da u poslednje vreme jedva izdržavam da imam isti lak dva dana na noktima (a vrlo često menjam odmah sutradan), tako da mi se baš ne isplati da trošim vreme na šaranje kad ću već da ga skinem tako brzo. to me, naravno, ne sprečava da se divim drugim blogerkama, a ideje od nekih su me dosta puta ostavile u oduševljenju njihovim talentom i strpljenjem.

ali, galaxy mi se svideo od prvog puta kad sam ga ugledala na slikama. sva sreća da se nekako dokopao liste za tematski petak, pa sam rešila da ga konačno isprobam i ja, umesto da balavim nad tuđim slikama. na kraju se ispostavilo da procedura uopšte nije komplikovana, sve je bilo gotovo u 10ak minuta, pa kad je meni uspelo, nema razloga da iko ne uspe!
postoji dosta i boljih i opširnijih tutorijala na netu, pa ću spomenuti samo ključne delove!

isekla sam par dugačkih kvadara iz sunđera za šminku. tačnu svrhu mu ne znam, kupila sam ga kad sam rešila da prvi put (potpuno neslavno) probam gradijent. na većini mesta sam čitala da devojke pokupe sunđer pincetom pa namackaju u lak pa na nokat, ali meni je bilo lakše da to radim rukom.
i probably mentioned this before, but i am not a big fan of nail art. one of the reasons is that i have no talent :D but even if i did, i must admit that i have the urge to change my nail polish after a day or two, and it would be a waste of time to spend hours perfecting my manicure, only to remove it the next day. of course, i enjoy looking at other bloggers' nail art photos, and i look them with admiration and sometimes i am really stunned at the amount of imagination and patience that these girl have.

but, i was amazed with the galaxy nails manicure. i didn't find one photo of it that i didn't like. luckily, it got on our friday nail challenge day, so i decided that it is a perfect time for me to actually try it, instead of drooling over other people's pics :D and it turned out to be super simple, i was done in maybe ten minutes, so, if i can do it, everyone else can!
there are many tutorials out there, but i will mention just the most important steps!

i cut a few strips of a make up sponge (since i am complete idiot concerning make up, i have no idea what was it's initial use, i bought it strictly for gradients and stuff). girls usually write that they used tweezers for picking up the sponge and dabbing it onto the nail, but i found it easier to use my fingers.

namazala sam jedan sloj essence peel off base, pa dva sloja deborah shine tech 18. stavila sam kap-dve maybelline french whitena novine, utapkala sunđer u to pa natapkala dijagonalno na nokat.

ovo su lakovi koje sam koristila:

deborah shine tech 18 - maybelline french white - essence trust in fashion - essence grumpy - catrice birdy reloaded - china glaze stella - maybelline tutti frutti
i applied one coat of essence peel off base, followed with two coats of deborah shine tech 18, then i put a drop or two of maybelline french white on newspaper, dabbed the sponge in it and then dabbed it on the nail diagonally.

i applied the polishes in this order with the sponging technique:

deborah shine tech 18 - maybelline french white - essence trust in fashion - essence grumpy - catrice birdy reloaded - china glaze stella - maybelline tutti frutti

da bih dobila zvezdani izgled, premazala sam sve sa maybelline tutti frutti i na kraju sa BTGNTS.

zadovoljna sam kako mi je ispalo, ali već imam ideje kako da ga popravim za sledeći put! da, verovali ili ne, planiram da ovo ponovim. takođe, jedva čekam da krenu da naviru slike sa tematskog petka, jer verujem da će mi devojke dati još inspiracije za sledeći pokušaj!
for the sparkly look, after it dried a bit, i applied one coat of maybelline tutti frutti, followed by BTGNTS.

i am quite happy with the way this manicure looks, and i already have some ideas for improving it the next time. yes, you read correctly, i do plan to do it again. also, i'm pretty sure that the girls will give me inspiration when i take a look at other manicures for this week's challenge.

prirodna svetlost/natural light