Sunday 3 February 2013

new in & old out december 2012 and january 2013

odmah moram da kažem da je ovo poslednji put da kačim novitete na dvomesečnom nivou jer izgleda zastrašujuće. da, bilo je tu blog rasprodaja i poklona, ali, opet je strašno. od sad ću praviti ovakve postove na mesečnom nivou, da olakšam savest!
i have to say, this will be the last time i do a post about bimonthly buys because it looks scary. yes, there were blog sales and gifts, but scary nonetheless. so, from now on, i will do monthly posts to ease my conscience!
a england: perceval, dorian grey, tess d'urbervillse, saint george, tristam, jane eyre

illamasqua kink, taint; cirque french roast

coco blue, blue rebel, malice, gris montaigne, paradoxal, rose confidentiel, attraction

rose confidentiel was a gift from the amazing ix! thanks!

china glaze: passion of the pacific,  turned up turquoise,  frostbite, let's groove, bff

china glaze: whirled away, it's a trap-eze!, jamaican out,  water you waiting for, hanging in the balance,  running in circles

golden rose jolly jewels: 115 & 106

nfu oh aqua base, catrice on the bright side of life, essence life is a freeride, copper'ize me!

opi  nicki minaj mini: fly,  did it on 'em,  pink friday,  save me
nicki minaj minis were gift from wonderful z.!
opi: designer... de better,  ds diamond, i have a herring probem, on her majesty's secret  service, suzi loves cowboys, ds fantasy, cuckoo for this color

essence alice had a vision again
essence one kiwi  a day
ibd meteorite
depend crackle 5026

pošto sam prva dva laka prosledila, mislila sam da će biti dosadno da okačim sliku dve prazne flašice. zato moram da vam pokažem šta se dogodilo mom depend crackle laku koji mi je stacioniran kod dečka. kad sam htela da ga mažem, otkrila sam da se potpuno sasušio:
since the first two polishes i gave away, i thought it would be boring to photograph only 2 empty bottles. but, i have to show what happened to my depend crackle polish. i kept it at my bf's, and when i wanted to use it, this is what i saw, weird, right? :


  1. Fantasticni noviteti! Jedva cekam da vidim Chanel Malice! :)

  2. Kakve divote!!!! Ljubomorna sam zbog A England i DS Fantasy.

  3. O bog, kako ti zavidam, sami krasni laki. <3

  4. Posle gomile A England nisam mogla da se usredsredim na druge novitete :D
    Razumem i podržavm odluku da ovo radiš jednom mesečno.

  5. wooooow! ovo izgleda... fenomenalno :) divni noviteti :)

  6. Love it! Great blog, so I'm a new follower =)

  7. Lepo si se ponovila ;) Jedva cekam da vidim malice. I jel moguce da je tek sad lets groove dosao na red :P

    1. tek sam ga u toj turi našla, uvek je bio rasprodan u ultra sun-u.

  8. Jao kako su lepi, svi zajedno, jaooooo :)

  9. Zavidim ti na A England, prelepi su su! Ne znam sta je nfu oh aqua base?

    1. to je baza za holo lakove, preko njih se lakše mažu i efekat je izraženiji!

  10. Au, bas si se lepo nakupovala ali stvarno su svi odreda mnogo dobri, pogotovo Chanelcici i A england.

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