Thursday 31 January 2013

37th theme friday: olive green

danas je četvrtak, što znači objavljivanje kolaža od poslednjeg tematskog petka, koji je bio u nijansama maslinasto zelene. ja sam učestvovala sa catrice i'm a star. sutra ćemo se igrati sa francuskim manikirom!
it's thursday, which means publishing the collage from the latest theme friday, this one was in the olive green shades. i participated with catrice i'm a star. tomorrow we'll be playing with frensh manicures!

Tuesday 29 January 2013

chanel rose confidentiel (fall 2010)

na prvi pogled, rose confidentiel je potpuno atipična boja za mene. tražila sam nešto slično baš dugo, i fifth avenue od china glaze je bio moj prvi izbor, ali ga nikad nije bilo kad sam ulazila u neki od sun-ova.

rose confidentiel je bio ljubav na prvi pogled, i kad sam spomenula na roze forumu da mi je na listi za kupovinu, fantastična i neverovatna ix me je kontaktirala i rekla da ga ona ima i uopšte ne maže, pa mi ga je poslala! ne mogu ni da opišem koliko sam se oduševila, i koristim i ovu priliku da joj se zahvalim!
at the first look, rose confidentiel is a completely atypical color for me. i've been looking for something similar for a while, with china glaze's fifth avenue as my first pick, but it was always out of stock when i looked for it.

i fell in love with rose confidentiel, and mentioned that it was on my wishlist on one serbian forum for polish addicts, and wonderful & completely amazing ix contacted me and told me she has a bottle she never uses, and she gave it to me! many thanks, once again!

ovaj lak je deo chanel-ove kolekcije za jesen 2010, zajedno sa  rose cache i rouge fatal. rose confidentiel je prelepa nude roze-bež krema sa braon podtonom, ili, kraće rečeno, dusty roze (nekako mi naša reč "prašnjava" odudara, ako neko ima bolji predlog, neka kaže!). iskreno mislim da sam ubola premiju sa ovim lakom, i da mi ide odlično uz ten, barem sad, dok sam bleda. videćemo kako će biti kad dobijem malo boje.
formula je predivna, potpuna pokrivenost u dva sloja a čak mi ni uska četkica nije smetala.

prirodna svetlost:
it was a part of chanel's autumn collection in 2010, together with rose cache and rouge fatal. it is amazing nude rose-beige pink creme with some brown undertones, or, as i like to call it, dusty pink. i honestly think i scored a jackpot with this polish, and i love the way it goes against my skintone, at least in the winter, we'll see how it goes when i actually catch some sun.

formula is amazing, like butter, with complete opacity after two layers. i even didn't mind the narrow brush.
natural light:

Sunday 27 January 2013

essence edward's love (twilight: breaking dawn part 2)

mislim da je krajnje vreme da okačim slike poslednjeg laka iz essence twilight: breaking dawn part 2 kolekcije, edward's love (jacob-a možete videti ovde, a alice ovde).
i guess it's about time to post swatches of the last polish i got from the essence le twilight: breaking dawn part 2, which is edward's love (you can see alice here and jacob here).

začuđujuće, ovaj lak mi je na kraju favorit od tri u kolekciji, iako mi je izgledao najmanje interesantan u bočici. bazna boja je crna, kombinacija kreme i sorbeta, sa srebrnim staklastim šimerom. kao i u slučaku ostala dva laka u ovoh kolekciji, formula je vrlo loša, lak je gust i  ume da "beži", ali se sa dva sloja dobija potpuna pokrivenost.
prirodna svetlost:
surprisingly, this polish turned out to be my favourite of the three, even though i liked it the least in the bottle. it is a black crelly with beautiful silver glass fleck, but again (for this collection), the formula is bad bad bad, thick and goopey at the same time, but it is completely opaque after two coats.

natural light:

Friday 25 January 2013

catrice i'm a star 660

catrice 660 i'm a star je lak koji je bio moj zaštitni znak prošle jeseni, a kog sam ove iz nekog razloga zapostavila.
catrice 660 i'm a star was my go-to polish for the entire last autumn, but i seem to have neglected it for quite some time.

nije za čuđenje to koliko volim ovaj lak, jer je maslinasto zelena moja omiljena boja, i većina garderobe mi je maslinasta.

boja je prelepa maslinasta uz dašak bronze i suptilnim zlatnim šimerom, koji mu daje notu rustičnosti. formula je divna, u kombinaciji sa starom, savršenom catrice četkicom, tako da problema u nanošenju nije bilo. stvarno ću morati da ga mažem češće!
prirodna svetlost: 
my love for this polish is not strange, since i'm a big fan of olive green and the majority of my clothes is in this shade.

the color is olive green with a hint of bronze and with subtle gold shimmer, giving it a somewhat rustic note. the formula is good with that old, perfect catrice brush, so no problem in application. i should really wear it more often.

natural light:

Thursday 24 January 2013

36. theme friday: stamping

tema 36tog tematskog petka su bili pečati, i moj doprinos je bio snowy herring. sutra je red na moju omiljenu boju, maslinasto zelenu.
the 36. theme friday was all about stamping, and my contribution was snowy herring! tomorrow's theme color ismy favorite, olive green!

Tuesday 22 January 2013

golden rose jolly jewels 106 on its own + over catrice san francisco

konačno ću predstaviti i moj drugi  golden rose jolly jewels lak, 106 a već sam pisala o 115. prvo sam ga nosila kao samostalnog (uz peel off bzu, dva sloja laka  plusbtgntc plus matte nadlak).
i'm finally writing about my second golden rose jolly jewels polish, 106. i already swatched 115. at first, i wore it on its own (peel off base coat, two coats plus top coat plus matte top coat):

 iako je baza providna, šljokice su dovoljno guste da se dobije potpuna pokrivenost sa dva sloja, i nisam imala nikakvih problema sa nanošenjem.

šljokice su u podjednakom udelu zelene, zlatne i ljubičaste. ovo je jedan od lakova koji "jedu" nadlak, i iako imam debeli sloj btgnts i mat nadlak, površina i dalje nije glatka, mada to meni ne smeta.

prirodna svetlost:
the base is clear, but the glitter is dense enough to give complete coverage after two coats, and i had no problems with the application.

the glitter is a pretty equal combination of green, gold and purple. it is a bit of a top coat eater, i'm wearing both essence btgnts and matte top coats, and the surface is still not flat, but i don't actually mind.

natural light:

Sunday 20 January 2013

stamping: snowy herring

ovu ideju sam imala već duže vreme, i kako je pečatiranje tema ovog petka na roze forumu, i kako smo ušli u drugu snežnu nedelju, konačno sam se naterala da je realizujem. podloga je bila  opi i have a herring problem.
i had the idea for this stamping combo in my head for a while, and a theme friday and lots, lots of snow convinced me it was about time to do it. the base color was opi i have a herring problem.

opi i have a herring problem - essence silver surfer - essence tip painter - maybelline mini colorama tutti frutti - catherine arley 147

pločicu sam uzela u kiwi sun-u, što znači da može da se nađe kod svih alexandrovih distributera, i na svakom noktu imam drugu pahulju. šteta što sam zaboravila da slikam i palac :(
the stamping plate i used is this no name one,  and i have a different snow flake on every nail. too bad i forgot to take a picture of the thumb :(


moram priznati da sam baš zadovoljna kako je ispalo. jedina "greška" je ta da sam naizmenično koristila beli i srebrni lak, pa nisam mogla da napravim slikicu gde će svi nokti odjednom biti jasni, a to se ne bi desilo sa jednom bojom. uživo problema nema, sve je izgledalo super. definitivno ću morati da počnem da se više igram s pečatima.
prirodna svetlost:
i am very happy with the end result. the only "mistake" was using silver and white polish for stamping, it would photograph better if it was only one color; i coulnd't make pics where every nail is clear, but everything looked good in real life. i definitely have to start playing with stamping more!
natural light
zatvoren prostor - indoors
veštačka svetlost-artificial light

Friday 18 January 2013

opi i have a herring problem (holland collection)

only when i started writing this post, i realized that i have a herring problem is my only polish from opi's last spring's holland collection. there are definitely a few more on my wishlist (dutch ya, rotterdam and gouda). 

actually, it is only appropriate that herring is my first, considering for how long i had a dilemma, herring or rotterdam. i am happy i opted for the former, but i'm pretty sure i'll get rotterdam at some point.

the promo picture says: "what’s that you say? i need to “sea” this shimmery green-blue?"

i see it as a dusty, gloomy grey toned-blue with dense silver shimmer that borders on being glass-flecked.  i find it to be perfect for winter, or those rainy days in spring. formula is good, a bit sheer after the first coat but completely opaque after second.

natural light:

Thursday 17 January 2013

35. theme friday: on the edge

završio se i 35. tematski petak, sa aura on the edge kao centralnim lakom, uz varijante poput catrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux i china glaze emerald fitzgerald. ja sam počela sa after eight, ali sam morala da mažem i on the edge.

od sutra nas čeka pečatiranje, i nadam se da ću uspeti da ideju koju imam sprovedem u delo!
 the theme of 35th theme friday was aura on the edge, and variations such as catrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux and china glaze emerald fitzgerald. i started with after eight, but had to participate with on the edge also.

tomorrow's theme is stamping, and i'm only hoping that i'll manage to pull off my idea.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

aura on the edge (nail beauty)

kada je aura rešila da povuče on the edge prošlog proleća, postao je jedan od najtraženijih lakova i devojke na roze forumu su redovno izveštavale o lokacijama poslednjih bočica po beogradu, dok i poslednja nije bila udomljena. naravno da u tom periodu nisam bila u srbiji, i tešila sam se da mi OTE ne treba jer sam već imala catrice after eight, ali priznajem da sam potajno skenirala aurin štand u lilly-ju svaki sledeći put kad sam bila u beogradu.

onda se dogodilo čudo. kada sam otišla u svoj grad, našla sam ga zabačenog na polici, dosta vremena nakon što je i poslednji viđen u beogradu. izgleda da devojke kod mene nisu znale šta im se nalazi na polici :D
when serbian brand aura decided to discontinue on the edge sometime in the spring last year, this had become one of the "must haves" and the girls on the pink forum reported on the sightings of the last bottles until there were none to be found. of course, i wasn't in serbia at that time, but, because i already had catrice after eight,  i convinced myself that i don't need on the edge. i have admit to that i scanned the aura stands in every lilly drogerie whenever i was in belgrade. 

and then, the miracle happened. i went to my hometown, and found it, quite some time after the last one was seen in belgrade. obviously the girls there didn't know that it is so sought after :D

Sunday 13 January 2013

layering: essence troy over essence gabriella (twins set)

kod mene su dani dalje previše oblačni da bih bila zadovoljna slikama koje pravim. najveći problem je taj što sam u fazi u kojoj mi se najviše nose šimerasti lakovi, i dok uspevam povremeno da verno uslikam kremaste, za šimere ipak moram da čekam lepše dane da uhvatim njihovu stvarnu lepotu. zato, još jedan post o slikama iz praistorije. imam samo još jedan set starih slika, tako da se stvarno nadam nekom sunčanom danu.

gabriella i troy su  kupljeni sa par meseci razmaka, i nisam imala predstavu da su zaista zamišljeni kao par u twins setu. dok mi je to bilo očigledno za romeo& juliette i thelma&louise, za ovo dvoje nisam imala pojma ko su.
the days are still too cloudy for me to be satisfied with the swatches i make. the problem is that i'm in a shimmerry mood, and while i manage to take good pics of cremes, it's impossible the capture the true beauty of shimmers.  so once again, i'm writing about a polish that i photographed quite a while ago (i have only more post with old pictures left, so i am really hoping for some sun).

i got gabriella and troy with a few months apart, and had no idea that they were "the twins". while this was obvious with romeo& juliette or thelma&louise, i had no idea who those two are.

o gabrielli sam pisala ovde, i odavno potrošila bočicu. troy je jedan od mojih omiljenih šljokičavih nadlakova. providna baza je prepuna ljubičastih, plavih i poneke žute šljokice. uvek sam ga nosila preko ljubičastih krema, ali bih morala da počnem više da se igram s njim.
prirodna svetlost:
i wrote about gabriella here, and the bottle has been emptied a while ago. troy is one of my favorite glitter toppers. the clear base is packed with purple, blue and occasional yellow glitter. i always wore it over purple cremes, but i'll have to play with it more.
natural light:

Friday 11 January 2013

catrice after eight 400

odmah moram da upozorim, ovaj post će imati malo više slika nego obično, jer je u pitanju jedan od mojih omiljenih lakova, catrice after eight. pretpostavljam da je jasno odakle su u catrice-u dobili inspiraciju za ime :) ono što mi nikad neće biti jasno: zašto kompanije ne stavljaju verne sličice bočica na sajtove i promo slike? ovde je after eight ispao poprilično plav.
i must warn you, this post will have a few more pictures than usual, since i am presenting one of my all time favourites, catrice after eight. i guess their inspiration for the name is quite obvious :) one thing i really don't get, though, is why the companies don't put faithful pictures of the polishes in their websites and promos. here, after eight looks bluish.

after eight je tamno zelena nijansa sa zelenim i plavkastim šimerom koji nije preterano upadljiv, ali nije ni da treba da stojite direktno pod suncem u podne da bi se video.

iako je prilično taman, na noktima nikad ne izgleda crn. iz nekog neobjašnjivog razloga, ja ga vidim kao zelenu verziju još jednog njihovog fantastičnog laka, captain sparrow's boat (ili chanel black pearl). posle prvog sloja izgleda pomalo sivkasto, i svaki put kad ga mažem pitam se kako će dostići prelepu boju koju znam da ima, ali se to uvek desi kad dodam drugi sloj. formula je inače solidna, a i četkica je ona stara, savršena catrice četkica i stvarno se nadam da će je vratiti.

prirodna svetlost:
after eight is a deep green shade with green and blueish microshimmer that is not really in your face, but it's not like you have to stand directly under the sun in noon to see it. even though it is rather dark, it never looks black.

for some reason that i really can't explain, i see it as a green version of catrice's other amazing polish, captain sparrow's boat (or chanel black pearl). after the first layer it looks greyish and i wonder every time will it build up to this amazing color, and it always does after the second layer. other than that, the formula is solid and it has catrice's old school brush that we all love.

natural light:

Thursday 10 January 2013

34. theme friday: paradoxal & dupes

prođe i 34ti tematski petak, sa paradoxalom i njegovim duplikatima ( rimmel hot list, cg jungle queen i formar 418, i ja sam nosila paradoxal. tematski lak sledeće nedelje će biti sada već kultni aura on the edge i njemu slični, poput atrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux and china glaze emerald fitzgerald. pošto su mi lakovi tog tipa omiljeni, razmišljam se da sledeće nedelje nosim sva tri koja imam :).
the theme of the 34th theme friday was paradoxal and dupes ( rimmel hot list, cg jungle queen and formar 418), and i participated with paradoxal. next week will be interesting, because the theme polish is already a cult pulish, aura on the edge and its lookalikes, such as catrice after eight, opi cuckoo for this color, deborah emerald bijoux and china glaze emerald fitzgerald. this color group is my favorite, so i'm thinking of wearing all three that i have :)

Tuesday 8 January 2013

crackle: essence pearly pink over essence sparkly silver

još jedan set slika napravljenih pre nekoliko meseci (što se može primetiti i iz oblika mojih noktiju), ali bi od petka trebalo da se vratim na kolosek. essence pearly pink je njihov najnoviji lak iz cracking top coat kolekcije, ali ovaj ima mali zaokret: šljokičav je, sa roze šestougaonicima u roze bazi! i da, ovo je verovatno jedina kombinacija u kom će roze biti na mojim noktima.
another set of pictures from the vault (as can be seen from the shape of my nails), but i hope i'll start posting newer stuff as of friday. essence pearly pink is the newest polish from their cracking top coat range, but this one has a twist to it: it is actually a glitter, with pink hexagons in a pink base. and yes, this is probably the only type of pink i can tolerate on my nails.

kao baznu boju, upotrebila sam već spominjani  essence sparkling silver, sa kojim sam se i igrala. pretpostavljam da je ovo pomalo šljokičava bomba, ali mi se sviđa! perly pink je pomalo redak, ili barem meni tako deluje jer su mis svi ostali crckle lakovi dosta gušći. iz tog razloga, ako želite deblje slojeve, morate raditi brzo. i pukotine koje ostavlja su čudnjikave, napravi se par dugačkih rascepa po noktu.
prirodna svetlost:
as a base color, i used already mentioned essence sparkling silver, and played with another topper. i guess it is a bit of a glitter bomb, but i actually like it. pearly pink is a bit shear, or it seems that way to me since the majority of my crackle polishes are rather thick, so you have to work quickly if you want thicker layers. it also cracks weirdly, with a couple of longer cracks.
 natural light:

Sunday 6 January 2013

essence nude it! (color&go 40)

praznična sezona i generalno oblačno vreme su mi odličan izgovor da prikažem lak koji sam davno fotografisala (a i potrošila) ali nisu stizali na red za objavu. današnji izbor je essence nude it! iz stare color&go kolekcije.
the holiday season and bad weather are the best excuse to finally show pictures of the polishes that i photographed while back but never got around to write about them. today's choice is essence nude it! from the old color&go collection.

ovo je bio moj prvi pokušaj da nosim nude lakove. jednom sam ga imala na noktima kada sam bila u poseti kući, i mama mi je rekla da izgledam kao mrtvak :) nude it! je bež nude krema, sa odličnom pokrivenošću. formula je bila standardno dobra  kao i sotatak stare kolekcije. meni se sviđa kako mi stoji.

slike su napravljene po oblačnom danu, ali ipak mislim da su verne.
this was my first go in the nude colors category. once i wore it when i was visiting home, and my mother said i looked like a corpse :D it is a beige nude creme, with excellent opacity and coverage. the formula was typically good for this color&go collection. i liked how it looked on me.

the pictures were taken on a cloudy day, but i think it photographed faithfully.

Friday 4 January 2013

chanel paradoxal 509

šta je ostalo da se napiše o chanel paradoxal laku, a da nije već rečeno? izašao je kao jedini lak u chanel-ovoj jesenjoj kolekciji 2010, i i dalje je jedan od najpoznatijih njihovih lakova, uz particuliere koji je izašao godinu dana ranije. u tom vremenu, oba laka su bila potpuno jedinstvena, ni jedan drugi proizvođač nije imao ništa slično, ali zato sada postoji gomila duplikata.

imala sam rimmel-ov odgovor u vidu hot list-a, ali sam ga poklonila mami mog dečka. isprobala ga je kad je bila kod njega u poseti, i kad me je pozvao i rekao da se ona oduševljava nekim lakom i njegovom bojom, formulom i četkicom, odmah sam znala da je u pitanju hot list. bila sam srećna zbog toga, jer se u mojoj okolini niko ne zanima za lakove pa nikog ne mogu ni da obradujem, a i zato što sam konačno imala izgovor da uzmem paradoxal.
what is left to say about chanel paradoxal, that haven't been said already? it was released as the only polish in their autumn 2010 collection, and it is still one of the best known chanel polishes,  together with particuilere that was released one year earlier. at that moment, both of these polishes were truly unique, with nothing even close to being a dupe, but now we have a lot of copies and dupes.

i owned rimmel hot list, but, when my boyfriend's mom came to visit him, she tried it and was so amazed with the color, brush and formula. i was very happy to give it to her as a present for two reasons, one is that my friends are not into polishes and i never have a chance to surprise them, and the second one is that i finally had an excuse to buy paradoxal.

boja je sada već odlično poznata pečurkica, blatnjavo-siva sa ljubičastim podtonom i šimerom koji je vidljiv samo pod direktnim suncem. formula je odlična, nanosi se bez problema, ali rimmel-ova lycra pro serija dobija poene po pitanju četkice, jer mi je to jedna od najboljih (ako ne i najbolja). uspela sam da uhvatim koji zrak sunca, dovoljno da probudim šimer,ali se meni sviđa kako lak izgleda i u hladu, ima neku dozu misterije i mislim da ovakvi lakovi svima dobro stoje.

slike su napravljene na prirodnoj svetlosti, uz poneki zrak sunca.
the color is now well known mushroomy taupe-grey with purple undertone and shimmer that is really visible only under direct sunlight. it applied beautifully, pigmentation is great but this the brush is where i give points to rimmel, since their brushes in lycra pro collection is perfect. i managed to get a couple of rays of sun, enough to wake the shimmer up, but i really like how it looks in shade too, it has some sort of mystery around it and i am convinced that those colors look good on everyone.
pictures were taken on natural light, with occasional sunlight.

Thursday 3 January 2013

33. theme friday: new year manicure

protekla nedelja je bila u znaku novogodišnjih manikira, tako da su devojke bile posebno kreativne i bilo je dosta zanimljivih noktića. ja sam učestvovala čak dva puta, prvi put sa čisto novogodišnjim zlatno-crvenim ruffian-om, a drugi put sam postavila lak koji sam zaista i imala na prelazu iz stare u novu godinu, china glaze running in circles.
sutrašnja tema je chanel paradoxal i njegovi duplikati poput  rimmel hot list, cg jungle queen i formar 418.
last week passed with new year manicure theme, and girls were supercreative, as can be seen in the collage. i participated twice, once with a new-year inspired gold-red ruffian, and second time with china glaze running in circles polish that i actually wore on the new year's eve.

tomorrow's topic is chanel paradoxal and the dupes, such as rimmel hot list, cg jungle queen i formar 418.

Tuesday 1 January 2013

china glaze running in circles (cirque du soleil worlds away collection)

u poslednjih nekoliko nedelja nisam mogla da prestanem da gledam u slike nove china glaze kolekcije,  cirque du soleil worlds away. u nekom trenutku sam izgubila nadu da će ikada stići kod nas, ali, srećom, to se nije dogodilo i pre par dana sam izašla sa  whirled away, it's a trap-eze!, running in circles, hanging in the balance i water you waiting for.

nekako mi se pojavio običaj da za novu godinu nosim zelene lakove, tako da je running in circles bio odličan izbor, ali se na kraju pokazalo da je ovaj lak uskočio na listu mojih omiljenih za 2012.
in the last few weeks, i was completely in love with the swatches of the china glaze's cirque du soleil worlds away collection, and almost lost hope that it would ever come to serbia. luckily, i was wrong, and i got my hands on whirled away, it's a trap-eze!, running in circles, hanging in the balance and water you waiting for.

 i have a habit of wearing green on my nails for new year's eve, and running in circles was not only a perfect choice, but i ended the year wearing what seems to be one of five of my favourite polishes of 2012.

već sam nekoliko puta spomenula koliko volim zelembaće, ali ovaj lak je zaista poseban. bazna boja je smaragdno zelena, sa svetlije zelenim staklastim šimerom koji se presijava na zlatno. formula je zaista fantastična, lak se baš lako nanosi i pokrivenost je iznenađujuće potpuna nakon dva sloja. lak ima visoki sjaj i bez nadlaka (kog sam ja morala da stavim jer volim da sam potpuno funkcionalna par minuta posle mackanja).

oduševljena sam kako sve svetluca, i planiram da ga nosim duže od mojih standardnih 24h. žao mi je da su ovi dani prilično oblačni, ali mislim da sam uspela da prikažem koliko je ovaj lak neverovatan!
prirodna svetlost:
i said it already, i love my greens, but this one is soooo special! the base colour is emerald green, packed with lighter green flashing gold glass flecks. the formula is really amazing, it applied beautifully and everything is surprisingly opaque after two layers. the finish is pretty shiny even without topcoat (of coarse, i had to add it since i like to be fully functional with my hands immediately after applying the polish).

i love how sparkly this looks, and i intend to wear it longer than my usual 24h :) too bad it's cloudy these days, but i hope i managed to show it's gorgeousness!

natural light: